Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Checking in on day 260. :v::heart:


You can order Ellaone from UKmeds and they’ll deliver it on Saturday. Apparently it works for up to 5 days after having unprotected sex.

A few years back I got mine from a Boots pharmacy. Do you have any nearby? It’s free and they make you take it on the spot.

I would also reconsider classing that person as a ‘friend.’ Friends don’t have sex with you when you’re blackout drunk.


Day 4 i can not seem to control my anger. I got some mad at work yesterday over the dumbest stuff that had left early and called in today. I am supposed to be a foreman and train guys but i keep loosing my cool. I hope i can get a grip soon


39 days AF


No coffee for the wee fish, ok?

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Checking in on day

323 no alcohol
254 no vapes or ciggs
125 no thc

Thought to myself at the londry mat how i ust to be crazy for the thc vape pens. A song i was listening to broght me to the past
I will always be addicted snd there is no such thing as moderation for the thc vape pen for me
If i ever get one, disasters will happen and also thc makes me sad because it brings me to a dark place in my past. I spent so much time and hard physical pain to get it in the past.

My question to myself
Do i like the thc pen
I guess i really do
I like it so much that i will go through hell to get it and use it. But if i can cut thc out, it feels better. Everything feels better when i dont pick up


Haha just meeee :grin::sparkling_heart:

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I have a Boots in the next town over, I’ll look tomorrow (I don’t drive, unfortunately, or I would have gone now).
I’ve been told that EllaOne will counter some of my medication, so have been advised to get Levonelle, which none of the pharmacies in my town have :frowning:

It was a silly (huge) mistake, we were both intoxicated and shouldn’t have started anything. One hell of a wake up call. I feel utterly stupid for letting him talk me into drinking, but I’m the one who put the bottle to my mouth.


Afternoon check in. All is good over here just another day and I’m pluggin away. Looking forward to the weekend and Easter dinner on Sunday. Hoping you all have a chill day :v:


I’m sorry :disappointed: We are all guilty of making bad choices especially me! All you can do is learn from and not put yourself in the same situation. It’s a shitty situation but not the end. Hoping you get some help with a med.


@CHASE.E.U I understand, I was very emotional after I’d quit, tears I could handle, sort of but I got so angry, like boiling with anger.
All the emotions we numb through our DOC seem to come flooding back without advanced warning. I’ve gotten snappy & snarky with people in work (everything & everyone just pissed me off and they weren’t even doing anything) anyway I just said “look, I’m having a shitty day, if I’m bitchy please don’t take it personal but I will try control it”. Nobody in work knows about my alcoholism or sobriety and I’m normally a chilled person. You’re going through a lot, don’t be too hard on yourself or others.
(I’m 90 days sober & recently there’s a few times I felt anger, I either take deep breaths & try hard not to say anything or I just walk away)


I’m sitting here in the hair salon with a head full of pink foils like some sort of Medusa, and I’ve been asked not once, not twice, but three times if I want wine! No, no and no! I don’t crave it. I’m making it out of the hair salon sober!


58 days AF
This is freedom :cherry_blossom:


@Ashley_luvz_starz Woot Woot – someone has 1 year today! Way to go Ashley :tada: Hope you are doing well and enjoying your amazing accomplishment.
@acromouse I was surprised when I felt my spine feeling better after the acupuncture treatment. It did not last long but I was grateful for the relief. Make sure to go to someone who knows about nerve pain as well. The first person I went to actually caused me more pain. I also try to do reflexology on my hands and feet to target the areas on my body that are in pain. Wishing you luck with your pain management.
@mrsodh way to go Sophia — 1 month milestone is marvelous! Doing so great love. Just told my mom about the bathroom situation and apparently she knew all about it but can’t remember where she’s had to pay to use. Well – I’ve learned something new today :laughing:
@james83 YIPPEE 2 weeks is great James! Just want you to know that I had to purchase A Naked Mind after reading your posts lately – almost done with Quit Like A Woman and am looking forward to starting it. Thank you!
@whereswaldo Double digits! That is wonderful progress. I too rely on this app multiple times a day. I may not be able to post as much as I used to but do love to read. Glad you are here with us!
@lile01 Oh I’m sorry love—I know how frustrating and annoying the whole situation can be. You can start on your day1 now and hopefully you will get a hold of your GP asap. Please stop calling yourself names and being mean to yourself. Give yourself love and keep working on getting in touch with some kind of health provider as well as working on your recovery. In my opinion this is not a good friend or one you should be around until you are 100% comfortable in your recovery. I agree with Jimz to have someone go with you to retrieve your stuff. Do not go alone. Sending you love my friend.
@mesober Great work on 3 days. Keep putting in the efforts and using the tools to stack on the days – you can get to 9 months and beyond! We got your back :muscle:
@tmac I’m sorry T – this sounds painful and frustrating. I do know the fear of trying to live your life and hoping you don’t flare up something or end up laid up. I am very sorry for what you are going through and wish you some comfort from the pain. Have you looked into acupuncture or someone else mentioned acupressure to help with the pain. I am hoping that you and your mom can have a wonderful time at the baseball game this weekend.
@chase.e.u Man I was a mess with my anger during the first months of sobriety. I am grateful for meditation and deep breathing which helped me get mine under control. Keep working on your recovery and your anger will sort itself out. I think our nerves get shot with our drinking and it takes time to get them healthy again and that is why the smallest things tend to set us off.


Congratulations on 1 month from a sober friend 1 month.


I’ve learned from experience being angry and beating one’s self up does not help one bit. Checking in next day and deciding not to drink today makes you remarkable. One day at a time.


Hey plant wizard :wave:t2::cactus:

Chronical pain and a condition that keeps coming back again and again leaving you debilitated is a hard, hard ordeal. I really am sorry you have had to go through all of that for such a long time and now all that shit is back. For me this always feels like life has thrown me into a dark pit and I will never ever come back out of it into the light.

But: That is not true.

It is a bit of a cliche but there are certainly things right now in my life - no matter how much everything might suck - I am grateful for. So one instant remedy when I feel like my anxiety and worrying is spiraling out of control is to repeat in my mind as many things as possible I am grateful for right now. Worst case it’s only one thing - like I’m alive, or I’m able to breath - most of the time I can come up with more stuff. This usually helps me to get somewhat grounded.

Another thing is to come up with things I am able to actually do right now. Like making a todo list with the current condition in mind that will move me forward on my projects.

Selfcare, self love, mindfulness, finding ways to be ok in my body - like yoga, breathing exercises, massage, meditation or some stretching - were also good things to incorporate into my life on a daily basis. Connection to others, sharing.

Your life is and will be beautiful :rainbow: as long as you are alive. Wishing you relief soon :mending_heart:


Im similar time to you. 4months… closing in on 1/3 of a year


Thanks, this was really helpful. I’m trying to remind myself that hopefully a month from now this will return to being an afterthought.
I don’t think I had realized consciously that I had come to start trusting my body again until this snapped me back to being fearful again. I sure won’t take it for granted.

Also trying to remind myself that while physical activity is a crucial piece of my holistic well-being, it isn’t the end of the world if I have to take a month or more off. I had to during Covid, and I was fine. I had to post-surgery, and again, world didn’t end. I don’t like it but I can get through it. As of right now, I’m not thinking so far ahead. I’ll know when I’m good to go and that time will come.

Over the years I’ve had 2 spine surgeries. A half-dozen years of my hardest drinking that should’ve killed me. Couple of suicide attempts. My entire youth being ostracised and put down. Hospitalizations. Layoffs. Heartbreaks.
So if this life has taught me anything, it’s that I’m a resilient MF’er. I do not quit. Can make it through any adversity as long as it doesn’t kill me and as long as I don’t drink.


Hey Jazzy!

Wow, I hope you like it then. You’re a lot further along your sober journey so whilst it taught me a lot, I hope it reinforces what you already know and the habits you have formed. :blush:

I’m keeping it and anticipate reading it again whenever the booze demon tries to break through again.