Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Ah the eclipse. Where are you based, if you don’t mind my nosiness :full_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face:


Day 291. I took a few days off of work to relax. I drove to the beach. I’m going to stay here for a bit. Good day to be lazy and watch the waves.


A dear good friend of mine once said that if I spend time worrying about what others have as opposed to focusing on what I need, then I’ll never be happy.
Things come and go for everyone, and while I’d never wish anyone ill will, all I really concern myself with in this life is me and mine and how to make things better for us.

Make yourself happy sir, and put focus on you and your wellbeing. It’s what matters most.


Hey Eric, stay in your lane and keep the road clear of debris. Happiness is perception. Culture your own inner happiness my friend. Everything will be ok as long as you keep looking forward. :heart:


Congratulations on 90 days! Keep on keeping on :muscle:


Good morning friends, day 25! Last full day of vacation here at the beach house. We’ll drive back home tomorrow.
Slept well. Woke to lots of screaming and laughing as David and Jackie chased each other around upstairs from us. I have to remember to appreciate these times and opportunities to have them close by.

Have an awesome day!


Hey, congrats on day 10. My drug of choice is alcohol. I know it’s very different from yours but I’m assuming the struggles with resisting & cravings are somewhat similar. Just hang on in there. You can do it.

As for your ex, you said it yourself.

People show us who they are with their actions, not their words. You deserve better than being used or lied to. Ignore what he’s doing in his lane, keep to your own lane, work on your sobriety, work on filling your life with happy, exciting things & eventually you won’t even notice what he’s up to 🩷


98 days. Happy 24 all.


Thanks yall I appreciate it a lot for real, your responses are helping me work through this :smiley:

Yeah that’s true thanks yall, I need to focus on myself. Good things come and go for everyone at different times :slight_smile: I’m grateful that my life is no longer on pause now that I’m no longer using cocaine to numb my feelings :slight_smile: I guess that’s a good thing I have going for me right now.

I hope yall are having a good day, and if you’re not having a good day, your good days will come just keep on keeping on :smile_cat:


Im going to echo what everyone else says; keep your side of the street free and clear of debris and nevermind what he’s doing on his side :slight_smile:

But… because we are just suffering from being human, people who use people are not happy people and even when they’re gone and they’re sleeping with other people and immediately forging new relationships, they are still not happy people. The work you’re doing to overcome your cocaine addiction is more meaningful than any of that. I’ve had 3 women use me for something; one was just a total player, one just wanted a visa and one just wanted money. The player is still somewhere in London playing the game - the one with the visa is 15 years into a 4 year degree waiting tables at the same Irish bar in Prague (nothing wrong with the job but I’m alluding to the lack of growth) and the one that wanted money is… well she’s broke. All 3 of them are probably with other people, probably were at the time and that’s fine. They are all back at the same stage I found them. Because siphoning as a solution for anything, money, sex, visas whatever … is not a viable solution - It’s easy to rely on other people but it’s better to put the hard work in and grow in yourself. Nothing changes if you don’t change yourself and you are making waves at doing that.

So as far as the ex goes - forget it. I guarantee once he sees growth, your turn to say “No thankyou” will comes.


Love the picture. I want to be that calm and content like your couch potato. . Early recovery seems to be a lot of ups and downs. 37 days for me. First month dove in to AA and exercising at the gym. So busy it seems others in household felt home life being neglected. Maybe it was but felt a sense of happiness and good intentions. I guess one needs to find a balance. I really feel balance will come but the extra work on sobriety at this time is time well spent and a necessity.


Thanks homie I really appreciate that and your detailed response :slight_smile:

You’re right, I’m gonna focus on myself and my own happiness, not worth getting back with him. It’s tough, but I’m putting in that work yessir :saluting_face: :smiley:

Thanks for helping me stay on track with my own progress towards happiness homie, I appreciate it :slight_smile:


Hey guys!!! Checking in, it’s been awhile. Still sober :muscle: 1 year and two months now!!! Hope everyone is doing well today and on their journey.
Life’s been a little challenging lately, I will say that. I think that’s par for most of the world right now. There’s just so much going on. Here’s to another day down, you got this!!! Peace … love… and happiness folks !!!


Made it through the workday :hot_face: I can manage the anxiety when I know it is that, but when I start getting physical scary symptomes I get scared and never think its anxiety.


Day 901 AF
Day 23 caffeine free

Good morning, fam.

I forgot to check in last night for my 900 days. I ended up passing out. Only 100 days till 1k. LFG! :muscle:

I got my annual eye exam yesterday morning. I was supposed to see a doctor for my ear pain, but the nurse messed up. The appointment wasn’t till next Tuesday. I drove in for nothing. It’s all good, tho. People make mistakes.

Anyway, I took my son to the park in the afternoon and just chilled at home. I felt exhausted.

Have a great day y’all. ODAAT.


Hoping everything goes as smoothly as it possibly can. Moving is so much fun :laughing:





Hey don’t you blow smoke up my ass. :rofl: This is a fuckin nightmare :rofl:


:joy::rofl: It really is!


I know what you mean. The physical symptoms are very scary but I’ve learned it’s anxiety related for me and if I use my coping skills I can manage them. I think shortness of breath and chest pains were my scariest sensations.