Checking in daily to maintain focus #64


Much colder and rainy/sleety out so I stayed in all afternoon. Work was good. It was nice to be back on the floor. All early tables so we got out by 9:30 which was sweet. Now I’m just gonna finish a movie and get to bed bc we’re losing an hour of precious sleep :weary: Don’t forget to change your clocks! I already did so I’m less confused in the morning :smirk:


Good morning! checking for 551st day free of alcohol. Life is not perfect, but it is always better out of the bottle.

We can do this, one day at a time.

Let’s continue in the streets of sobriety. Kind regards.


Checking in day 4. Just off of work. Time to play some games and relax with a snack and a sparkling water


40 days AF

You can do this :muscle:t2::tulip::sunglasses:

Feeling quite good. Back at our house, had a solid 8 hours sleep, unbelievable… Relaxing, Healing. The sun will shine again today. Family visits us :revolving_hearts:

Now… Coffee and morning meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:

Take care and stay on the sober side :kissing_heart:


*Day 1999 :walking_woman:
Getting towards the 2000 days. Nice. It’s for the first time in my life that I reach this amound of days. I had 5 years and 3 months before and then relapsed so I do “better” then last time.

Today? To the zoo with my mother in law for a Christmas present. She is in a wheelchair so it’s also a work out :wink:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@SoberWalker Enjoy the trip to the zoo. Do you have a favourite one?
@Juli1 Congrats on 40 days :clap:t2::partying_face:. That’s huge :sunglasses:. A good night’s sleep is such a blessing.
@NewBeginning1 You’re doing great with 4 days in. May I ask what kind of games you enjoy/played? I’m a game designer and always interested in all kinds of games.
@EFountains You are so right. We always find something about life we need to improve or fix. But a DOC is always a lie and never an improvement.
@Just_Laura Why do you change clocks? Is this a north america thing?
@K_S I admire your commitment!
@Tomek Hope your mind can get off the rollercoaster soon.
@JazzyS Hoping you had a good night’s sleep :sleeping:.
@RosaCanDo A full night’s restful sleep rocks!
@MrsOdh A very Happy Birthday :partying_face:

109 sugar
2 overeating/binge

One week no ultra processed foods. I’m very happy about that. I don’t really like them. They don’t taste like food and I almost always eat them with the desire to binge/overeat. I don’t even consider them to be food but addictive edible products.

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindfulness practice while eating, practicing HALT through the day.

Finally a good night’s rest. Falling asleep took a while but other than that I slept like a baby. What a blessing.

Today it’s time for my weekly review, some time outside - a walk or maybe a bike ride. We might go and visit the in-laws. I need to see other people than my immediate family again. Maybe yoga.

I’m looking forward to taking everything ODAAT and wishing us all peace, kindness and freedom for this day :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:



Had a great :bike: ride yesterday, new roads and landscapes for me as I never was in that area before. Having the wind in my back for 116 km wasn’t bad either :wind_face: :sunglasses: Started my ride in Deventer, known over here as the Koekstad (the city of cake) as well as the Boekstad (city of books). Didn’t quite take the time to enjoy either but a pretty little town it is.

Now all this may have nothing to do with Recovery you might think but to me it sure does. For me it’s living my life healthy, looking for new places and vistas, it’s part of my journey. One day at a time. Have as good a Sunday as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love.


99 days
Kids swimming lessons got canceled today because of a ‘bio-hazard’. Instead we decided for a trip to the beach for a swim. Was a bit colder but not too bad.
Knees been feeling a bit rough last couple of days, bit of rest and ibuprofen is hopefully sorting it out.
Spent the afternoon/evening watching the ufc


I go to Blijdorp, it’s in Rotterdam. To be honest…I do not like zoo’s. I do not like to see animals in captivaty :sweat: But I love animals though.
In this particular zoo the most animals have a lot of space. And my grandmother loves to go so I for her.


Update day 4. Almost relapsed again. Got on the dating app and tracked my dealer down and got his number again and went to a location to meet him and everything. Last second I knew it was a bad idea and left and now i blocked him again. I feel really bad. Not as bad as if i were to actually pick up some and use though. Im grateful i had the strength to turn around and go home. My mother wondered where i went too. I said i went for a drive and to get some gas. Sooo glad i didnt pick up again… +25 dollars in my pocket. I need to stay away from those apps. The relapse always seems to happen when im feeling good mentally and I think i can handle partying one more time.


All kinds of games. I have a racing simulator with VR and a steering wheel so i do alot of racing on PC. Love games like DayZ, Escape From Tarkov, Arma. Love all kinds of games actually


Day 6 :four_leaf_clover:
Have a nice day everyone :heart:


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 11.

Once again a huge thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes yesterday. It made my soul happy. You guys are the best :heart:

Not much to report today.
My brother with family came over for a surprise visit yesterday. My husband and sister in law had planned all week. I had no idea that they would come.

Spent the day with my niece and nephew. They are cute, but I’m so but used to that toddler energy anymore. Neither is the rest of the family. We where just as happy when they left as we where when they arrived.

And all of us are tired today as well :laughing:

Promised my 12 y/o to teach him how to use his casting rod today. Unfortunately the weather won’t understand. It’s pretty cold and windy, so might skip my original idea about going to the lake, and just go the the creek behind our house instead. So he at least gets to try.

I’ve already started to dream about next year’s vacation destinations. I’m definitely not going to be at home next birthday.
Mentioned that to my uncle when he called yesterday, and he said “How nice l, that we’re all getting together at a tropical destination for next year, then me ans your mother will be retired”

I laughed it off,and plans to sneak away without them :laughing: I’ve got a whole year to plan that.

Wishing y’all a great Sunday. :heart:


A trigger that B%&$H to have power over

THE TOXIC EX TRIGGER :skull_and_crossbones::japanese_ogre::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:

Im fine now. Reset back to 0.

But thats ok . Because im still ok. Im alive. No damage was done physically. I lost sight of my priorities there for a bleep there. But it didn’t take long for me to snap out of it and see that it was ground hog day all over again.

All good.

What dosnt kill you makes you stronger, right? As the song goes lol :laughing:


Tadaaaahh! There it is! :confetti_ball::hugs:


That’s a crazy number!!! Awesome work. Huge congrats. Forever in your footsteps Lady. ODAAT and all that. :two_hearts: :birthday: :two_hearts:


Whoop! There it is!!! Congratulations @SoberWalker :tada::blue_heart:


2000! Congrats to SoberWalker :slightly_smiling_face:

Checking in super early on Day 9. Not sure why I’m wide awake. But no hangover. I need to let go of some worries.

Enjoy your day


Congratulations @SoberWalker! :tada: :partying_face:
Thank you for showing me the way.
I got my sights on 2000. A long way to go for me (260 more days) but I know it will be here in no time.


Woohoo, god job. Congratulations :tada:
That is an awesome number :blush: