Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

112 days
Rainy evening at work so far.
Last shift before days off, man this work week has flown by.
Had a chill day today. Got my times wrong for the gym so missed out. Oh well. Maybe best to rest before shift anyways


122 sugar
20 UPF
6 PF
6 overeating/binge

20 days no UltraProcessedFoods. In the end they are like sugar. I don’t even like them. They taste like crap but the addict part of me had no idea how to deal with them. Better without.

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindful eating, taking breaks to check in with me, learning to be in my body, surrendering to the present moment.

I want to make a short trip of a few days after Easter with my daughter and her friend to Arnhem. Today I want to plan and book everything: train tickets, hostel, zoo, etc. I’d like to take a walk later even in this weather, yin yoga in the afternoon. My plants need some love too.

Have a good day friends, one day at a time :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Welcome back.


Day 40 AF
Went for a 5km hike today and thoroughly enjoyed it


Good job with the processed and ultra processed food.

We recently got an airfryer, since then we’ve done even more food ourselves because it became a quick and easy task.

Homed made French Fries or potatoe wedges from real potatoes is such a game changer. And an easy example.
My kids especially the autistic 14 y/o usually never eat things he doesn’t recognize or have tried. But even he has discovered that flavors and health has changed.

I think we’re so used to the pre-made processed and ultra processed that we’ve partly forgot how good is supposed to taste. To make this things they need at add a lot of salt and sugar and that’s flavors you get used to quickly.


Checking in
Its 1am where i live. Im trying my best to get some rest but my son keeps needing me. Thats ok. I know the first couple nights in hospital are always rough bcuz hes so sick. Had myself a good cry when the nurses left the room. I didnt realize how much anger i had inside of me, with regards to my sons diagnosis. Just angry at how he has to go thru this, how he cant do certain things, the struggles he faces/will face. Im just soooo angry inside. Yet i do believe that God can turn hard situations into something good and with purpose. He can make something good out of something bad. I tell myself to not let myself go there (to worst case scenerio and to that place of anger) bcuz in all reality there are many things to be grateful for. I think I just needed to get my thoughts out tonight. Bcuz it really is helping me. I can say tho that i am BEYOND grateful for being clean and sober. That im able to be present for my son and juat completely focused on him. Thats such a blessing. Hope u all are having a decent day/night. Much love :heart:



Feeling a lot better this morning. I slept better. Talking and interacting with my therapist still is extremely helpful to me. I’m very lucky we met each other, 3.5 years ago. A good connection with your therapist is of the utmost importance.

Talked about my job mostly. Of which I’d like to talk about more here too but I have to be cautious, as I talk about Talking Sober there, and people, colleagues as well as (ex)patients, could be reading this. And of course there’s confidentiality to consider too.

Anyway. Weekend! I got my homework for my writing class to do. Today the weather looks decent (no spring though) so I’ll get my bike and some grocery shopping on the other side of town. Not totally sure about the rest. Just one more week of work and I’m off for three. No trips planned yet but I’m thinking about it. Have as good a weekend as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from Utrecht.


Today this is my 6th day of my sobriety.

When i walk up i m really happy because it was a light rainy day !
Today Saturday my office was off, i was taking PRP treatment for my hair loss it was 3 sessions total, i made appointment 6 months before and paid money. I not completed because of my bad habits of drinking.
Today im at the clinic to complete second session :slight_smile:

I’m grateful for my happiness getting

I’m grateful for my energy

I’m grateful for my responsibility.

I wish very happy Saturday to everyone:)

Never ever give up , there are lot of things to enjoy in life, that we realise when we are sober !!!


Day 9. Was out with friends last night and got back just before midnight but woke up at 7.30 anyway. Clear headed and looking forward to the day ahead. Sobriety rocks


53 days AF
Checking in

Got a fresh haircut.
I got rid of hair yesterday and a person!
Getting stronger.

“All beings are responsible for their own actions. The freedom or happiness of others is dependent on their actions not on my wishes for them.” (Refuge recovery)

Had 3 RR meetings last week. Heard this phrase so often and during meditation. Since yesterday it is like a bouquet of flowers.

Have a nice sober weekend
:cherry_blossom: :tulip: 🪻 :hibiscus: :rose: :bouquet:


Hey Dana :wave:,
you know what? You are right. It is unfair. Having to go through what you are going through is utterly unfair and total shit. I remember the few times my daughter has been in a hospital. These were probably the most nerve wrecking experiences in my life. So please do vent, cry, scream, yell, be angry, sad, furious. It is unfair to feel sooo much. It is unfair to be human, to be a parent, to go through this.
And you are also right about the blessings. We feel so much, sometimes too much. But we also feel the love and the gratitude. Being able to hold your child, to just be there. With love comes pain.
And you are also right about being sober. The horror scenario this would turn into if you were in active addiction.
I’m sending all the love. I can’t be there for you, but this is going from one mother to another ❤‍🔥


Sending healing vibes to your son, and peace and rest to you. :purple_heart:


There is a great thread where we talk about this

Women’s hormonal roller-coaster

For me, yes, my drinking, sh, disordered eating, all tended to appear around pms time. Even now, when my period actually starts it feels like the sun has come out from behind clouds, even with the period pain.


Thanks Jazzy!!!

I’m also checking in for today 1378. I hope everybody has a good one, as usual :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking day #111
Drinking now the holy coffee :coffee:
Yesterday it was a looong day :grinning: at the new job we had one huge meeting from 1 to 6 pm and before that from 8:30 am we were preparing the last things for it. The meeting went very well and after that we had a business dinner. Everyone was ordering alcohol with the meals but im happy and proud of myself that i was only drinking water. And when the boss asked me " Do you drink alcohol?" I answered with confidence " No , I don’t drink alcohol" and felt good. Really, i watched them ordering the white wine but i was thinking - ok they can drink it because they can stop anytime when they want. In the past when i was drinking till the end of the bottle.
Feel good when i came back sober last night and this morning to woke up sober without hangover :sunglasses:
I can share that WE only be happy and proud of ourselves to be sober :blush: Life is good :v:
Have a great weekend and enjoy your coffees :grinning::coffee:


Wrapping you and your son in comfort and hugs, prayers of healing and comfort, love, and hope that he will respond well to the treatment and you all will be back to your normal soon. Grateful that you are w him and that you are sober.


You are doing great with your sobriety! ODAAT. Your attitude is good! Proud of you.
I just read ( on internet since seeing your post) about using PRP for the scalp. Hope you will see succcess!
I had a PRP injection in my knee 5 years ago.


Good morning, day 78 AF

An hours drive to airport this morning to pick up wife from trip then hour drive home.
Then off to grab son for a 3.5hr trip for game 3 tonight in his best of 5 series. Rented a chalet on the ocean and if required game 4 tomorrow afternoon, then a 3.5hr journey home.

Getting my fitness in and healthy eating choices will be challenging this weekend but all worthwhile.

Enjoy your sober weekend TS folks :pray::heart::peace_symbol:


Good morning sober fam! Checking in on day 113. I hope everyone has the most amazing day!
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:

@Chevy55 have fun at the game! I hope your sons team racks up some more wins!!
@Butterflymoonwoman I am so sorry you and your son are going through, sending prayers and strength your way :people_hugging:


@Butterflymoonwoman So sorry to hear about your son being in hospital. I hope they work out what’s going on and he recovers soon.