Checking in daily to maintain focus #64

Thank you so much, I’m on the downward stretch I think now :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Checking in on day 4. :cherry_blossom:


Checking in on Day 23. I’ve done way too many chores for the early hour it is. Enjoying the spring cleaning a bit too much. I have unexpected energy, so I had to hurry before the fatigue comes back. So my day will end soon…haha. With clean bedding to lie on :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m happy to be feeling more human, even if my energy doesn’t last. It’s a dreary windy day . Might need to make soup.

Have a great sober day. Shout out to @Tragicfarinelli - hope your pain eases soon!


Thanks Marie :+1:t2:

Enjoy those fresh sheets, that’s bliss.


Congrats…. I love to hear about your transformations. I did triathlons in my younger days, such great accomplishments. I bike lots now and it seems easier on my body. Good luck with your goals and keep us updated.


Happy Sunday, everyone. Day 256 AF.:v:


Checking in from sleepy chilly Massachusetts on day

319 no alcohol
250 no vapes or ciggs
121 no thc

Did my morning chores lastnight so i could sleep in
I pretty much got up and ran to work

Not a bad start though. Just tired


Good morning friends, day 14. Slept nice and long. Doing a little work this morning and then relaxing.
Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Day 5 :heavy_check_mark:

Today I can feel the temptation, I just know drinking will not change anything about my day except make it a horrid one.
There’s no turning back now!
I feel so much more positive today. I can feel my self esteem blooming which I’m so pleased about as it took along time to get in sync with feeling self worth and how I can help my mental health and I honestly thought I’d ruined it all. So grateful and lucky.
Sleeping later and waking later but I’m going with the flow. Hopefully listening to my body will help.
I do need to start thinking about what I have to do differently this time on top of what worked.
I couldnt do this without all of you, breaking the cycle is hard.
I’m not trying to make out it’s easy coming back from this - I guess I am focusing on the positives around me and I know too well making myself feel bad will just keep there. I am fighting my way out of this. Just trying to do it while noticing the good and beneficial side of staying positive.
It’s such early days, I’m on ice still, I know that.
So I need to also remind myself that’s things can turn bad so quickly.
To end on a positive note, today I’m lazing around and letting my body rest while I watch movies.
Should be doing a few other things but if there going to make me feel pressured today, they can wait.
Have a good day everyone :sparkles:


Congratulations on your 2 years :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler:

I’m so happy to hear you sound happy and confident with your sports, and all your achievements. Go you !!

I can’t wait to get back swimming, or jogging. I have to have a bone tumour removed on my leg that’s grown into the muscles so I’m a bit scared to build any muscle at the moment. I could try losing some though :sweat_smile: will prob help.
So proud to see your 2 years :hugs::heart:


Today is day 795. It has been a good weekend so far, sober nights are so much better than the alternative of the past. Hope everyone is having a peaceful day.




Day 130. Hey sober fam, ubered to work again this morning. Having a good day, tomorrow off which will be nice. Eh not much to say much love


Checking in on day 87. About to make coffee and get ready for my SMART meeting. Hope a relaxing or exciting Sunday is in store for you, whichever you prefer today!! :wink:


Thanks, sure will x


Thanks so much. I hope your op goes well when it comes around :sparkling_heart:


Checking in Day 95! It’s been busy the last few days, from Annie musicals, AA meetings, election parties, try-outs, attending the murder trial of one of my friends mother, and just general home life. I’ve missed this app and you guys! I hope everyone has been doing well and staying focused. I highly doubt I go back and try to catch up lol it was over 300 post since I’ve been out.
But I have missed yall. :heart:

Easy does it!
#ODAAT :heart:


Struggling right now.
Going to do something to keep busy.


Hi @Twizzlers sorry to hear that. What usually shakes me back and helps me is when I think of my last drunk and all the bad that happened, and how bad it was, and when I’m in that situation I’m usually saying “man I would not be in trouble right now if I wouldn’t have picked up”. Don’t know your story or what you’ve been through but just trying help. Focus on only today or minute or hour. Can you not drink today?

#ODAAT :heart: