Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 41 no alcohol & smoking

The days are flying by so quick , its been a great day :grinning:

Longest ive not drank is 3 days if i can remember think i was ill :joy:but this is first time ive quit drinking

Ive smoked for 35 years gave up 5 years ago lasted 3 weeks failed, gave up again 21st December 2023 was going ok :+1:

Got drunk failed February 10th 2024


Checking in on day 537 alcohol free.

Been a poor week for me, unable to work out as I’ve been laid low with a case of the man-flu, which as you’ll all know is the absolute worst kind of flu :rofl:. I’ve only just made it into the office the last few days :wink:

I’m hoping it starts to lift over the weekend.

Hope you have all had a fantastic sober Friday and enjoy your weekend.


Day 52 . Hip surgery Monday. Fighting anxiety. Sponsor said if you act erratic, life will be erratic. So hard trying to stay calm and positive. God grant me peace calm and positive energy. Thank you to all my sober friends


Day 80
Just a short checkin.
Every day matters.
My mood is dark.

Peace :v:t2:


Cheking in 2y3m20days sober as f***!! The last few days have been good! Actually good, the anxiety, the pains. My days are still a struggle and shit is going on, that I have been dealing with long time now. But I feel good!! I wish it last for ever!


@laner for me I do deep breathing and my meditation is a combination of deep breathing and inhaling / exhaling the lords name (a combo of meditation and prayer). I do also play a meditative prayer in the background that I have on a constat loop (low volume). Let me find the link of something similar online and I will send to you in a PM. You may also look into some meditations on the Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!) thread that may help you. I am sorry that you are also dealing with sleep walking and the nightmares – the combination of the two can be scary. Hope that you are able to find something that helps.
@maestro Oh man the man-flu is a bear to deal with … sending you healing vibes friend – hope you recover soon :pray:
@tailee17 sending you peaceful vibes Lam… hoping you are able to find calmness and peace and not let yourself get anxious over Monday’s surgery. Hope all goes smoothly for you and you will be on your road to recovery very soon :hugs:
@juli1 HELL YEAH – 80 days is amazing Jules! Sorry that you are working through a dark mood – here for you if you need to talk. Drinking will not solve anything – you are showing some impressive strength in stacking up the days and working through life’s lifey moments.
@wakikki So good to see you checking in my friend. Amazing sober timers girl :muscle: Glad you are feeling good at the moment. I know we have to hold onto the good days and make the most of them when we get them. Hope you have a wonderful day :hugs:


Thank you for the help! I will try nearly anything to get through the nightmares and get a non scary/non-sleepwalking sleep. I get so freaked out with the sleepwalking that I end up barely sleeping. Then I’m tired all the time. And the dreams (mostly memories made more intense in my dreams) get me all out of wack during the day.


totally understandable and i’m sorry that your dreams / sleep walking are keeping you from getting rest. I do hope that this helps :pray:

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Checking in day 109 AF :blush:


Yes I will try it! Thank-you. I’ve tried a lot but am always looking for new things to try


Checking in another day sober and vape free. I think i have everything straightened out at work. I’ve been working on it all day and just did a final check in with my boss. Another hour and i will officially be on vacation. I have nothing packed and we are leaving first thing in the morning. I’m not feeling the usual stress to get everything done RIGHT NOW, which is good. Im looking forward to having a week off work and time at the beach, but other parts of the trip im not looking forward to. I have a plan to deal with all the drinking that will be going on around me and im not worried that I’ll drink. It just gets awkward at times. It’s definitely a reminder that i don’t want to go back.
Hope everyone is having a great sober Friday!


Checking in on day 178.Hope everyone is well!!Happy Friday!!


Day 33 check in. It’s Saturday morning 6:30am. Have a great weekend!


Idk what to do right now. Im feeling very overwhelmed. I just received a call from my sons overnight nurse scheduler and there is currently no coverage for Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri and Sun. Thats 5 overnight shifts im expected to stay awake for. Im overwhelmed and actually feel really nervous and scared about how my mental and physical health will become after not sleeping. Thankfully i dont feel like using drugs when being awake all night (like I used to) but i do tend to binge eat bcuz im tired and im trying to keep myself awake. This will certainly be a test for me if they cant find someone. They are reaching out to another organization to see if they have potential nurses that can train over the weekend and fill those shifts. Im praying that they can do their job well and that someone can cover. Its sooo last minute tho so idk. We shall see. I just needed a place to vent about this. Im tired of literally being tired. I need to really lean on my HP right now.


I am so sorry Dana - this is so very frustrating. I do hope that they are able to come up with some solution for at least some of the days.

I am surprised at how these folks operate. They know how essential it is to provide the service and they seem to leave you hanging quite often. Really burns me to see it. I am sorry that you have to deal with it first hand.

Grateful that you do not feel the urge to use after the all night shifts. They of course take a lot outta you. That is totally understandable. Sending you loads of energy and hoping that things work out in your favor. :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Day 1.5 free.
Tomorrow morning will be 2 days.
I looked at my history and my average is 100 days now between relapses. Recently it’s been more like 30 days but running past 5 relapses is about 100 days average.
For that I’m very grateful.


I’ve also decided that a weekly meeting is what I will do no matter what and keep at it.


Checking in on this Friday evening. Glad the week is over and tomorrow will be a short day at work. Just a few things to finish up that I didn’t get to today. Sleep has been bad this week and it’s hitting me today. Only got a couple hours last night. Hopefully tonight’s better and I’m able to sleep in a bit tomorrow. Not much else planned for the weekend as of yet so maybe just avlow key couple of days. Hoping everyone has a nice weekend.


.1662. Today, for the first time in 4 years, I wanted to get drunk. I don’t understand where this comes from. Drove these thoughts away from myself.


Glad you were able to shoo those thoughts away! 4+ years of sobriety is amazing work – great to see the tools are still helping you.

Beautiful view :heart: