Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hey all just checking in! Been feeling super tired and sick, and on top of that disconnected a bit - which I tjink is just a normal part of feeling sick but I want to acknowledge that feeling too. Just feeling out of it, and the kids screamin and hollerin is hitting that nerve right now lol. Hoping it passes a bit when Im feeling better.

On feeling disconndcted, if I had to go into my brain a bit I thibk a part is how i have been dealing with smoker-me. Im SO hard on myself in that department, and I am having to take a step back with how Im focusing on this addiction. I was trying to dive at it like dribking, and while it is an addiction, I have come to see this one is a bit different and…how i went at my alcohol this round was also different. I have addressed it differently then i did in the past, with much more compassion and understanding and oh yhat has not been how i have been viewing smoking me. Smoking me is stupid, killing herself and just being plain old weak about it. I have felt so much in that addiction brain because Ive been looping it around wanting to quit smoking that Im obsessing in the most unhealthy of ways. The intention is great. I want to do this, I can, there are ways and others who have to show me the way. The way i have been going about it is insane. So maybe thats a bit of my disconnection.

Another thing is my nephew. Everything going on there is still a lot; and I want some hope, some magic for this child and I just cannot understand or seem to accept the laws where I live that would severe us having custody and make him a ward of CPS. At the same time, i lived for a year and half all in and was sacrificing myself, and my family (not entirely realizing it as I was wanting him to be part of our home, so an ends means scenario where i just thought if we could just break through that cieling we would plateau). It was an indescribably difficult time on all of us, doing everything we could for my nephew who DESERVES all this stuff be done for him and my sister; and yet, I know that i have to hold a balance here now. I have to dedicate time and energy to my family, to my job and find my life outside of that drive to give everything. I am not sure people ever fight CPS and win. I am not sure people ever fight the government and win. And i am admitting that i am afraid of what will happen if we do not.

There it is. Half of my heart is heavy as hell. Xo.


Congratulations on 801 days of kicking the demon in the ass! I am proud of you and happy for ya! Thanks for a great share.


Thanks! Lots of old feelings came up so I thought it would help to get them out. You keep kicking ass too my friend. :star_struck:🫶🏼


Love your way with words! Love the idea of young Frankenstein on a drizzly day too.


Thank you and thank you. Putting the DVD in now and might nap to it.
“Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys!”
I can’t watch this movie with other people around. :shushing_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Checking out on day 113

Tired and long ass day. Gym session, 4 new 125lb rubber mats put in gym for new equipment, gym redesigned for opening space for the 12’ long and 8’ bench outrigger. It’s gonna be big.

Got our lawn all mowed and limed, and tomorrow we head to our first job of season for client of what should be two solid days there for wife and I cleaning out all his garden beds, trimming the bushes, shrubs and trees then mow, edge trim, lime and fertilize. I’m tired already, lol.

He’s looking to hire my wife exclusively two days per week just to work on the gardens, which she is jacked about and she landed a server job at a great local restaurant with her first two shifts doubles on Thurs and Sat.

Seems we’re both going to be going hard this summer and retirement days are done till Oct.

Good night TS fam. Hope you all had a good sober day!


Work was hard :frowning: After doing the overnight shift last night and literally pushing myself to go to work, thinking id have care for my son tonight so i can sleep, things change… when it rains, it pours. Our nurse for tonight calls in sick. So again, i have to stay awake all night and then push myself to go to work tmrw. Im starting to burn out. Including tonight, thats 4 nights in a row that i have to do now. My thinking is slightly disoriented. Its like i cant get the words out that i want to say… all bcuz im sooo tired. My son has had overnight nurses for 5 years or so and I have NEVER had to experience this lack of nursing. Its unreal. I messaged the scheduler tonight explaining in a polite but semi-firm way that i absolutely need care by May 1st. I hope she takes me seriously. I got my son to bed. Now im going to try and do some self care and relax a bit. Literally i am taking it One day at a time. One night at a time. This too shall pass :heart:


Can your hubby take tonight?


Good suggestion :slight_smile: Im going to ask if maybe we can split the shift. He was awake all day watching our son and if he does the full awake overnight shift also and then have to stay awake all day tmrw, im worried he will accidentally fall asleep during the day. But im going to see if he can at least do a few hours overnight so that i can sleep a few hours :slight_smile:


Day 565
Monday I can call the doctors office and request an appointment :raised_hands:t4: it’s been almost 8 months since I had insurance. Hopefully they can help me feel better.


Checking in absolutely exhausted, but sober and happy. The drive home from the beach wasn’t too bad. Traffic was lighter than usual. Got everything unpacked and put away before going to bed. Got up early this morning and spent the day running our service organization’s game booth at a local festival. It rained a good part of the day and was so cold. There was still a decent crowd and we made some money. I left there and went to help out with the monthly fundraiser we do for a community member in need of financial help. Thankfully, a couple other members filled in and did the cooking, baking and prep work i usually do. I helped in the kitchen for a while, helped clean up, count money, etc. I just got home and I’m so tired, but also too wound up to sleep. I have one more day off before i have to go back to work. It’s supposed to get warmer here tomorrow, so im hoping to go for a motorcycle ride. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


@lighter I’m sorry that the insomnia is causing so much havoc. It is hard to operate daily with lack of sleep and I do know how distressing it can get. Especially when the insomnia is so erratic. I do hope you are able to get a good nights sleep tonight and get into a good rhythm. Sending you loads of calming vibes Marie :sleeping: :hugs:
@PositiveThoughts see you are hours away from triple digits my friend. That is very impressive work :muscle: Sending healing vibes – hope that the fever breaks soon. I know its hard to not get “me” or “down” time out of the house when you are working all week – hopefully you can find a good way to unwind at home and practice some self care as a reset for your body and mind :pray:

It is easy to get complacent in our recovery when the days start to feel normal but we still have to keep our guards up as the sneaky devil tends to know just when to strike. Great job in staying on track :muscle:
@tailee17 Hells Yeah!!! 2 months is fantastic work friend Lam :muscle: Keep going strong my friend.
@seizetheday WOW that’s fantastic. Glad you were able to enjoy a sober holiday. One more milestone to add to your accomplishments :muscle:
@john_connor1337 DO be gentle with yourself. It is good to have a routine and make sure you are busy so that you can’t focus on your DOC but also to not push yourself when your body needs rest as it is trying to detox and recover from all the damage done by the DOC. Do keep in touch here and with your meetings as support is key. Hold onto the shit feeling and remember it when your mind tries to say its ok to indulge. Sending love and strength :hugs: :muscle: Remember that if all you do in a day is stay sober then you have accomplished a LOT cause that in itself takes so much energy and effort.
@hillbillychris You do what feels right for you and your wife. I can’t even imagine the loss that you two have experienced but I can understand you not wanting to belabor the healing process by dragging it out. You need to work on healing and your own recovery. Sending you virtual hugs my friend. Hope you two are able to mend your broken hearts :people_hugging: :mending_heart:
@twizzlers Yikes that is a hell of a day. Glad you were able to get it all sorted out and hopefully you are recovering from the side effects now. :pray: YEAH Girl – waking up to 40 days :wink: :muscle:
@mindofsobermike Lovely to see you checking in Mike. Glad you are spending some quality time with the girls :heart:

I don’t know either if anyone wins in these fights but I do know that you wouldn’t be able to live with not having given it everything you got. I am so sorry that you are having to fight so hard in the first place. So sorry that they are making this such a ordeal and your nephew is hanging in the balance. I do hope that you are able to find a resolution to this soon. Sending you hugs and strength my friend. :people_hugging:


@butterflymoonwoman Oh man I’m so sorry to read this Dana. I do hope that hubby can give you a few hours of rest tonight as this is an insane task for anyone. The cycle is unsustainable. I am glad that you reached out to the company and I do hope that they take you seriously. Or hopefully you can report them or go above their heads or??? I don’t know but this is an inhumane way to treat a customer. Hopefully one of the nurses that they were training is up to par by now. Sending you massive virtual hugs my friend. I do hope you are able to get some rest tonight. Thinking of you :hugs:
@scorpn Grateful that you are able to finally schedule an appointment Renee. Hoping that they are able to get you an appointment quickly. I do hope you are able to get treatment and start feeling better soon :pray: :hugs:

Checking in late on a Saturday night
493 days free of alcohol and weed
908 days free of cigarettes
It was a good day overall. Did get some movement in which is always a plus and my symptoms / pain levels were all manageable. Spent today just working on me and trying PT type exercises myself as my appointment is not till end of June. I am not super tired so will maybe start a movie (that is a sure fire way to fall a sleep LOL).
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in sober on a Saturday night. :blue_heart:



While the rest of the country was partying, I did a full commute on my bike yesterday. Funny how you forget how long it is, but already on the way back it felt a bit shorter. Not going to repeat today though, my legs do feel it a bit.

Working Sunday coming up. That’s fine. Pays extra. Do have some stuff to do outside of work too, but that will have to wait. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from my commute.


Soccer squad? :woman_facepalming:t3:


Firstly, if I was really rich, I would definitely have a footie team: Ted Lasso style, and based in the Riviera.

Secondly, it’s football :soccer: even the emoji proves that…

Don’t encourage Joe, @Lighter … He’s got a fair bit of confusion in his life :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


I’m going to stop doing that. Football is the game played by 2 sides of 11 girls or boys who play a round ball with their feet (unless you are the goalkeeper) or occasionally with their heads and try to put said ball in the opponents’ goal. It’s going to be 15 C today, my commute is 35 km, I’ll drink about a liter of coffee, and consume at least 100 grams of cheese, probably more. Have a great day all, all around the world :people_hugging: :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia: :people_hugging:


So that’s where the decent weather is then, the Netherlands… It’s rained non stop here for at least 24 hours. :face_in_clouds:


Thank you Joe, that’s nice of you to say.
I will try to be here more, it’s important for my sober me too I guess :blush: