Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Day 10 here.

Did some light housework today using a vacuum cleaner. Whoopdi fn Doo.

Talked to my boss today, which went suprisingly well. He told me to stay at home as long as I need to. And not to worry about the workload atm.

He’s a good guy. Never would’ve thought it considering how stressful our job can be.

Hope everybody else is doing ok. :slight_smile:


Checking in headed to my brother and sis-in-law’s house in Paducah, Kentucky where we are about to watch the eclipse smack dab in the zone of totality. We watched the one in 2017 together also and it’s a lovely experience to have together. I’ve had a great visit with them, my 4.5 year old niece and my parents, albeit short. My parents live a short 45 min drive away so it’s always convenient to see everyone. I am grateful for them in my life. We head back home tomorrow and back to routine. I’m grateful sobriety and recovery make these visits not only possible but beautiful. :heartpulse:


I’m glad your boss understands it. Congrats on day 10 btw :smiley:


I almost got it, almost :sweat_smile: Had to eat first, that was more important than making a screenshot :+1:


Thanks,Billy! So grateful for this community, and folks like you! :v::v::pray::pray::heart:


Day 3. Just trying to survive type vibes. I have a lot of chores to do but I’m giving myself grace to do them when I’m able to throughout the day. Thank God I have this week off from school. Experiencing all the food cravings that come in early sobriety lol which I’m not even mad at, I still feel wayyy less bloated and puffy from all the alcohol. Got an awesome workout thing called a row n ride that I recommend for at home because you can put it in front of your tv and it targets a lot of body parts and it’s compact you can fold it to put away. You just sit put your foot on the petals and hands on the bars in front of you and stand pulling the handles towards you and squat with weighted cords on the back to give resistance. I also got it in pink and white so it’s also cute :laughing: the brand is Sunny if you are interested. I know there’s another brand called merach I believe but they didn’t have the color I wanted lol. I’m not a fan of dating apps but I also met someone on there who has similar values and is completely sober which is super rare, he lives a few hours away but is willing to come see me, not sure it’ll go anywhere but it was nice to be reminded sober people are out there.


Hi friends, how are u all doing? Just checking in on this absolutely beautiful day! So thankful for the weather as it really lifts my spirits. My son is back to school and so this mama was finally able to get back to the gym today. I had SUCH an incredible workout! Did back and 50 min of cardio. Made a healthy lunch to fuel the body, showered, and now to do some tidying up in the apartment. I also made sure to pray first thing for guidance throughout my day. Im really trying to get back to the swing of things and already i feel like a new person. I have crazy energy from my workout and i feel so determined to get to where i want to be health wise. Wish i could maintain that sense of focus for the days when im not so motivated. I have a ton of catching up to do on this thread so will do that shortly. Hope everyone is enjoying their addiction free day!


I can see the eclipse :grinning:


@john_connor1337 congratulations on ur 2 weeks from ur DOC! Youve made great progress there!
@JonasE congratulations on entering the double digits! :slight_smile:
@sober26 welcome to the forum! Congratulations on ur 2 weeks!
@mamador Wow Marianna!! Im so happy to see this :smiley: Huge congratulations friend.
@Nordique Always love to see ur checkins and ur time increase! Hope u have a great day too
@Max199 congratulations on 1 week!!


It’s completely overcast here :frowning:


Girlll I am so relieved to have my son back in school after his spring break and get work outs in again too! I love the energy I get in sobriety. One thing I “loved” to do drunk was do my make up and say I’d make myself look/feel good and never actually would. Today I actually got ready and feel great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and look much better without all the bloat :rofl: plus my skin is just going to look better and better under my make up :raised_hands:t2:


Same here :tired_face:


Checking in day 98 AF :blush::grin:


Hi everybody, also checking in, Day 8 AF. Been hard going today, have to find more to occupy me.


Day 30 since i quit alcohol & smoking at same time

Feeling great today but still looking old in mirror :joy:


Checking in.

110 days. Finally got all of MIL’s belongings into her new apartment. I’m so happy that’s over with. Feeling really good today, #ODAAT :heart:

Have a good day, everyone.


Congratulations on ur 1 month! Impressive work quitting both at the same time!


Just hit 8 days one hour ago. Feeling so good I’m even starting the April workout program! Of course the thoughts are there but I keep myself busy.
Will attend a meeting this week just to push myself out of my comfort zone! Let’s gooooo


Good afternoon friends, day 29. Yesterday got away from me. Got busy and forgot to check in.
Have an awesome day.




Thank You all for being here,
It’s always good to have a place to be back
and to heal Together :blue_heart: