Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hi all, checking in on Day 11. Been napping today, don’t sleep at night at the moment but usually manage to catch some zeds in daytime. Had to stay in for delivery so missed out on swimming. Too much mooching around the house for sure. Anyway glad to be here and thanks to all you guys for being there.


Day has been pretty decent so far. Its only noon here but so far i mamaged to get some cleaning done and play a few rounds of my sons fav board game with him. Hes home today so I wasnt able to get my workout in but my eating has been good. He has an appt which Im feeling a bit anxious about. But im sure it will go well. My parents are taking a trip to come visit us. They left today and will visit us on Sunday for my husbands 50th birthday. Im super excited to see them!! Not much else to report right now. Just going to try and do some deep breathing and relax to help get rid of this anxiety. Have a great day everyone!


@whereswaldo Hope your ADHD assessment went well and the multivitamins / tablets help you. Great work on your 24 days friend! Glad your tests went well and you are getting the assistance / help you need. Yeah to sober living!
@goku2019 WOW – see you about to hit 30 days caffeine free – that’s impressive work – hope you are feeling better these days :hugs:
@bjonns Way to go with your 2 weeks – keep up the amazing work.
@leigh231 YES day 5! Great work on all of it friend. For me the sugar cravings did increase when I quit alcohol but dwindled down after 6 months and now I’ve been back on my no sugar diet. Keep working on your recovery friend – you are doing an amazing job! :muscle:
@k_s Oh man you got a lot of juggling going on. Don’t ever feel bad about not catching up here. We are just happy to see you posting and around Kenny. 7 puppies :astonished: so much adorableness at once :heart: Sounds like you are doing a great job holding down the fort while your wife is away. Hope you find time for yourself as well :hugs:

YES! :muscle: What a great feeling it must have been to lay a sober head on the pillow. Great strength Zoe. SO very happy for you.
@laner Way to go Elana! 1 week milestone is impressive work and I am grateful to see you have such lovely support around you in real life. Keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@chevy55 OOH a tendon / muscle pain sounds rough to deal with. Hope it has gotten better. Yes please have it looked at if it does not get better. Wow those are both great 1st to have done without drinking or feeling urges. Should be proud of yourself.
@jonase Yeah day 13! Hoping all goes well with your moms surgery. It is a great feeling when we can be clear minded and available to help out our loved ones. Keep up the amazing work friend.


@Juli1 congrats on 72 days AF. Those flowers are so beautiful. Have a good day, Julia. Keep on keepin’ on! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Timetochange congrats on 292 days! Hopefully you’ll be able to get some good rest on your off days. It’s good to be able to look bad on the past and see the growth over the years. Motivation to keep striving. Keep on keepin’ on! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Whereswaldo so happy you’re “getting on top of life”. I understand exactly what you mean by looking for the next thing to work on. You know, you finally stop trying to run away from things and face them head on. I’m glad you’re feeling more confident without any mind altering substances, alcohol only did that for me a little while until I started doing dumb shit and messing up all my friendships and relationships. Congrats on 24 days, and yes it really does get better. Yeah, there are gonna be some crappy days, but a few crappy days compared to a lifetime of crappiness sounds a lot better to me! Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@BrOKenWolf congrats on 865 days, Richard! Thanks for sending the good vibes to us all! :heart::metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@Laner way to go on 1 full week sober!! It’s get better as you go on and make your sobriety you’re main priority. Without your sobriety being first, how can you be the best version of yourself for the people that love you?! Keep on keepin’ on!
I wish you the best on your sobriety journey. :dove::metal:t4::muscle:t4::heart:

@Nordique congrats on 1397 days, hope you have a good one too! Keep on keepin’ on! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:

@JonasE glad you’re checking in with everyone on day 13! Congrats! :muscle:t4:

@CleanHeart congrats on 47 days! :muscle:t4:

@Chevy55 congrats on 97 days, bro! No gym today? Nothing wrong with a break bro…hope today is a good one for you. :heart::muscle:t4:

@danny81 congrats on day 5, Danny! Hopefully you’ll continue working your way towards a better sleep each night. Sleep deprivation is a MF! Hope today is a good one for you! Keep on keepin’ on! :metal:t4::muscle:t4:


@sarath_unrelax Welcome to the community! Congrats on 4 days. Physical AA meetings are important, gives you that opportunity to really feel others and know that you’re not alone. Love the expression of gratitude. Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Lighter congrats on 41 days, Marie. Have a good day! :heart::muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Rookie congrats on 59 days, Kristen. I’ve finally got off my sweet tooth run. Yes, OTAAT! :heart::people_hugging::muscle:t4:

@Aviva Welcome to the community! #ODAAT congrats on starting your sobriety journey. I wish you the best. :people_hugging::muscle:t4:

@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 105 days. That first session can be very difficult. It gets easier and you begin to feel more and more relaxed as you go back to those times and relive those emotions but finally speaking out about it and actually being heard and getting it out. It helps me a lot. Hope you’re having a good day! Congrats, again. #ODAAT :heart::muscle:t4:

@Mindofsobermike congrats on Day 148, Michael. Hope your day keeps getting better and better. Congratulations on your service star. :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Pattycake congrats day 274, Patricia. Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4::metal:t4::heart:

@Kvee keep on keepin’ on! Congrats on day 33! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Rob11 congrats on 1209 days, have a good 24! :muscle:t4::metal:t4:

@Max199 congrats on 101 days! Keep on keepin’ on.

Checking in. Day 113…Not a whole lot going on today, everyone. I’m alive, I’m sober, and I’m thankful. There used to be days I didn’t know how i would face the day. I’m thankful I’m no longer restless irritable and discontent. I use to be a complete Jackass and a (D), if you came around me you would immediately feel the negativity coming from me. These days im vibration at high levels, and passing positivity to those around me…I find my self walking around happy and singing, more cheerful, smiling more.
When I was in treatment I was told the following and had to memorize:
Addiction is a progressive and fatal disease of personalities, attitudes, and a general negative outlook on life, rooted in fear, insecurities and low self esteem.

I’m thankful I’m no longer trapped in my addiction.

I’m thankful that I came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.

I’m thankful that I chose to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understand him.

Have a fantastic day everyone one! #ODAAT :peace_symbol::heart::people_hugging::dove:


This made me laugh Richard. Hope you have fun with the chaos – sometimes just gotta let loose :wink:
@aviva welcome to the community friend. Have you tried to listen to a nighttime meditation or soothing noise that would help you get to sleep? I did try nighttime hypnosis through a app that I found useful. Great work on day 1. Join us on the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) thread too – maybe reading through might help you with tips. Great to have you here with us :hugs:

Wow that’s a lot to process and verbalize (even without emotion attached I know deep down you are still dealing with the emotional impact of these moments. Grateful that you are taking it easy today and resting in a cozy environment. Hope the therapy sessions help you untangle and shed the thick layer of skin. Many hugs dear TF. :people_hugging:
@Mindofsobermike WOW that is a lovely card to receive Mike. Great work Mike – 148 days is mighty impressive. Grateful to see you shining in your recovery.
@Butterflymoonwoman So glad that your parents are coming to visit. 50th Birthday – wow that is an awesome celebration. Happy early birthday to your hubby! Glad you are enjoying your day with your son today Dana :hugs:

Checking in on Thursday afternoon
I can’t believe its already 2:30 here. I did manage to do some Tai Chi today (still can’t do a lot of moves but grateful for the ones i can). Have tried to start walking more in doors so that i can get better and be able to do more outdoor walking when we have nice days. Itsa cloudy rainy day today and i am loving it. Taking it easy yet trying to push myself if that makes sense. ODAAT!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hahaha, no, no urges. The thing pushing me to tipping lately is people and nonsensical babble. I’m not sure how I’d fare out in the real world right now.


no need to try and find out right away either. Just keep doing you and as you build up the days you will build up the tolerance as well :wink: I know the nonsensical babble can be overwhelming and take a lot our of our own energy levels – keep your energy in tact Nick! :hugs:


I love this mantra. There’s always a lot to be thankful for :blush:


Cheers, Kenny, my man 🫶🏼


Thanks Jazzy, I hope you are feeling better physically as well :facepunch:t2:


Thanks :+1: wise words spoken :dove:


Thanks friend. You take it easy on pushing too hard. Enjoy easing into your physical health. One step at a time :wink::heart:


The time difference always gets me :blush:
Current time here 20:40

Tai Chi is just as good as walking or anything else in my opinion. I do a small yoga session every evening. My 12 y/o have joined the past few days. Today he nearly climbed on the walls because everything was just “too slow” for him. :smile:

Hope you feel better soon and can start to get moving in the way you wish.


appreciate you @Tragicfarinelli i am working on getting myself back to a happy normal :wink:

LOL – yuppers – One step at a time. Thanks @Chevy55 i am grateful to be listening to my body and not doing more than i can as i am very scared of going backwards at this point.

LOL @MrsOdh climbing the walls cause its so slow – this was me - always wanted to try Tai Chi but thought it was so dang slow and now its working out well for me. Weird how things change over time. Thank you Sophia - each day is dedicated to healing and getting better.


Checking in day 101 AF :blush:


Body flexibility is the best thing you can ever gift yourself. It oxygenises the body and bones and will see you in good stead forever. I’m a convert……


Six weeks and I’m really happy but still raw. I’m a newbie until I get to a year sober. The memories of March 1st are starting to fade. I’m feeling so much better. But the real good stuff is ahead. The problem I have is with the forgetting. After months or years pass, I can’t seem to conjure up recollections of drinking episodes with any force or with enough disgust. I feel good and think it would makes things even better. But sobriety is responsible for all that good.

I have been sober six years, three years, a couple two year stints and many of the smaller change stretches. After all that I’m lucky to be here, to get yet another chance. I can feel like a failure, or I can draw on those times for help with living sober. I’ve done everything sober. I have a lot of financial security because of those sober times. There’s a disconnect, though, with the forgetting of all the pain. Forgetting why I am feeling better and having a good life. I feel like I need to be in a recovery group long-term, maybe always. And that’s not such a crap thing. There’s actually some super cool people in recovery. And smart, kind and funny—a lot more fun than the bar people.

Thanks for listening. I don’t know what set me off :grinning:



End of day 28. Busy day at work followed by drinks with colleagues.

I had lunch with a friend and being sober was easy. We both have jobs which mean that lunchtime drinking is ill advised anyway, but I didn’t want to drink whereas previously I would have wanted to.

Drinks after work was ok. The sun was out and everyone except me was drinking. It was my first sober “drinking event” - I.e. the point is to be drinking, it’s a bar after all of this sobriety stint. I enjoyed the conversation, jokes, laughs and all.

Weirdly the not drinking only hit me as I got to the station on the way home. There were two guys in their 20s, sitting outside in the sun drinking beer. I was suddenly jealous of them, and sad that I wasn’t doing the same. As I drove home I wondered why, was it the alcohol I was missing? I would have always in the past thought it was. But I realised that I was missing the time in my life when I was young, carefree, had no responsibilities and could hang out with my buddies all evening without a care in the world. THAT was what I was jealous of. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a lucky guy and have a great life (other than my addiction). Trauma in my past, sure, but most people do. BUT to be 25 again and not have a business to run, family to provide for, house to look after… to be able to sit in the sun and chat. I was jealous of that. The stresses of life - that was what I drank to get away from. I’ve got to find a way to relax from them. Maybe it’s time I gave yoga a go!


Good afternoon friends, day 32. About to sign off work and try to sneak in a nap.
Have a great evening!