Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Thanks Twizzlers! Much appreciated :heart:


Thank you! :heart:


Glad to hear you can workout at least a bit again.

@wahtisnormal Huge Congrats on two weeks! You are building a really nice streak here :partying_face:


Well done on your two weeks and getting your sleep in!:ok_hand:


Long bike ride done, not easy for a heavy smoker but had an awesome time, have a great day everyone


Day 1 started, resetting counter every single day right in the morning for almost 15 days already. It’s so f… hard! I had sober cycles, always learned something new about me and addiction after each relapse. I try to fool myself I live a very healthy life and eat smart but I know that with alcohol during nights it’s just a wasted effort. And I stopped doing sports after last relapse so that I don’t hurt my heart so much. Anyways, stopped excuses, have been working quite hard to get to this stage and I won’t f… it up this time. Please send me some supportive energy and share some nice words, thank you and wishing you all the best in your journeys.


Congrats on a hangover free sunday and a week down!!


Congrats on 2 weeks sober!! @wahtisnormal


@zzz congrats on 30+ days :tada:
@Juli1 congrats on the distinction :star2: I’m glad the keys got handed over without issue, and I hope you enjoyed your Thai lunch with your mom :plate_with_cutlery: :yum:
@MrsOdh oh wow, that is scary! I’m so sorry to hear about the young boy :mending_heart: I’m glad the social services are only taking tweenie for the funeral, I hope she’ll be okay, it’s so sad. Congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Laner woah that is awful, how is that even legal for teachers to be drinking whilst in the school, and hitting and shaming the poor children! :broken_heart::pleading_face:I’m so glad you protected your sobriety. :people_hugging:
@CleanHeart congrats on 60+ days :tada:
@Chuckie22 :people_hugging:🩵
@AbbyNormal welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada: sounds like a good routine you’ve got going :clap:t2:
@Whereswaldo congrats on 40+ days :tada:
@SoberWalker good to read from you :blush: I’m glad the volunteer work is going well. It’s cold and wet where I am too, enjoy Spain :es: :sun_with_face: :parasol_on_ground:
@james83 I’m so glad your wife is supportive, hopefully it will become something she also doesn’t think of or miss :crossed_fingers:t2:


@acromouse congrats again on 3 weeks no UPFs :tada: and 1 week no dairy :tada:
@Chevy55 wishing you luck and energy for your busy summer season :battery: :seedling:
@tailee17 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Seizetheday congrats on your first sober holiday :tada:
@john_connor1337 welcome back :people_hugging:
@Twizzlers glad you’re okay 🩵
@TrustyBird congrats on 800+ days :tada:
@SY1234 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on your week :tada:
@Danwood85 congrats on your week :tada:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 2 weeks :tada:

1356 days no alcohol.
821 days no cocaine.
336 days no vape.
1 days no binge-eating.

I felt too ashamed to check-in with a 0 on my counter on Friday evening, so I’m checking-in now with yesterday’s numbers…

I did make it through most of Friday, but when the ice cream van came round at 5pm, I couldn’t stop myself, then before I knew it I’d been to the shop and was bingeing my way through copious amounts of sugary foods, 3 big bags of crisps, and 2 bottles of coca-cola with sugar in. :man_facepalming:t2:

No more ice creams. No more local shops. No more takeaways. No more binge-eating.

Having all that sugar in my system has triggered a flare up of pain and fatigue, so I’m just managing that as best I can.

My dad cleared out his garage recently and I now have 3 big boxes full of photos from before my mum passed away. I haven’t been able to bring myself to look through them yet. I guess I’m scared of the feelings that may come up.

I’ve been reading a lot. I’ve managed to watch some TV in the lounge. I’ve been catching-up on meditations, and now I’ve caught-up here, which always feels good.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@Bunto welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on day 1 :tada:sending strength 🩵


I live in a country that is very corrupt. It doesn’t matter what is legal or illegal when all you need to do to get out of trouble is pay a bribe. I hate seeing anyone mistreated especially kids but unfortunately I see it every day and in a way have become desensitized to it. I’ll never be used to it but it no longer shockes me when I see it happening. It definitely makes me angry and upset to see. Unfortunately the behavior I mentioned which I know isn’t right is considered culturally normal and is widely accepted as okay. :disappointed:


Hey Bunto, great work being here! Very brave making that first step. Maintain accountability by posting on here daily. When those cravings are hitting in the afternoon, get on here. Get through that first day with us and focus on the next with us!


Checking in sober. Man i havent been able to sleep the past couple of days. Just getting 5hrs of sleep. Hopefully i’ll get better sleep tonight. But ive been productive so far: reasearch for work, updated 2 months of my budget, cleaning my email boxes, caught up here, contemplated my 2yr sober share for my ladies meeting, and its only 630am. Today is going to be a good day


@CATMANCAM thank you :blush:
@Whereswaldo thank you, good thought appreciate it


@Twizzlers Wow, that sounds rough! Hope you feel better soon.

@MrsOdh Congratulations :clap::tada: :clap:

@Butterflymoonwoman I’m not surprised, I would be completely unable to do anything on that much sleep. I really hope you can catch a break soon.


Day 1356

Weekend of nice weather, so we had a BBQ today. My daughter’s friend joined, and it was simple but yummy, and enough leftovers that I only needed to make some instant ramen at night. My husband had a couple of beers, glad I am in a place where I don’t feel any fomo at all. Had some nice grape juice with the kids, and ice cream after and that was more than enough.


Cheers @CATMANCAM sugar is tough…I’ve been eating loads of shit recently. Watching a documentary on Netflix called hack your health. All about the gut biome. Making me think about dietary choices…have a great Sunday :+1:


@MrsOdh Congrats on getting back to 2 months sober, Sophia. :100::fire::fire:
@Danwood85 Congrats on a full week sober.:fire:
@wahtisnormal Congratulations on 2 weeks sober Zoe :muscle:
@CATMANCAM Sorry about the binge Cam, but don’t ever be embarrassed to come on here, some things take longer than others, and your crushing your other addictions. I know you’ll get this one too.
You think the fact that you’re having trouble with the feelings that might come up from the pictures is weighing on you subconsciously a little more than you realize, and causing the relapse? I don’t know, maybe once you’re able to process that, it might be easier to tackle that particular addiction. :person_shrugging::v::green_heart:


@CATMANCAM , you’ll get this Cam, you’ve got some great control over the other vices, sometimes it’ll just take some more time. Glad you shared though and are still going to keep working. As for pics and associated feels, take your time, you’ll know when you’re ready.

@Cjp , sorry to hear of the crappy sleep situation but nice to see you taking advantage of and getting after it. Productivity rocks and makes us feel so good on the accomplishments! It also may just tire ya out for that sleep!!:sleeping: haha.

Day 114 AF

Slept decently and laid in bed a bit longer than usual. Felt good, trying to psyche myself out for my tasks ahead.
But I’m feeling great and strong, so we’ll just have to tackle it ODAAT… that motto works in so many levels. I love it.

Get out and after it if ya can TS peeps, if not, don’t beat yourself up. Staying sober and clean is tough in of itself. Whatever way you live your day, be proud of the hard work that you all are putting in!!
