Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Hey all, checking in on day 1414. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Just checking in on day 291. :wave:


Day 58

Starting my day over as I was too tired to get up for real. Loud storm/flooding this morning! Glad I got back to sleep. I tried a new trick again, the first time by accident. How to Get Back to Sleep at 3:

  1. Get up at 3:04am.
  2. Be mad
  3. Make a large coffee.
  4. Cry on TS
  5. Do some deep breathing
  6. Fall asleep and wake up sane :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::muscle:.

I think I was so tired anything would have knocked me out! Canā€™t wait for non-early sobriety

Congratulations @MrsOdh on your 2 months! :tada:


@butterflymoonwoman how are you doing Dana? Were you able to get any rest last night. Hoping your day goes smoothly my friend :people_hugging:
@Chuckie22 how are you doing Charlie? Thinking of you :hugs:
@MrsOdh woohoo 60 days is fantastic Sophia. Grateful to be here on this journey with you :pray:t4:
@SY1234 congratulations on your 1 week milestone :muscle:t4:. Keep stacking up the days and in time youā€™ll find new associations to events and tasks and alcohol will be less appealing. Sorry about the staffā€¦I totally agree that it seems the newer generation is more self entitled and looking for something without putting in the work. It is frustrating as hell as a business owner. I do hope you their bad attitude does not continue to affect you.
@acromouse great work on your timersā€¦ yeah 1 week milestone :muscle:t4: :tada:. I do hope you start feeling better and can enjoy the rest of your Sunday :people_hugging:
@Danwood85 woot woot 1 week down! Thatā€™s impressive work Danā€¦ keep up the great work :muscle:t4:
@MrFantastik hope your daughter feels better soon :pray:t4: glad your mood is improving :blush:
@wahtisnormal 2 weeks!!! You are crushing it Zoe ā€¦ great work friend :+1:t4: :muscle:t4:
@Bunto great to see you back and working hard to stay on track. A solid plan helpsā€¦are you able to find ways to keep yourself busy during the peak times the urges hit? Are you able to to meetings or log on here for support? Can you stay away from triggering places/ people? It just takes baby steps friendā€¦you are not aloneā€¦we are here to help youā€¦ stay strong :muscle:t4:


@CATMANCAM glad to see you checking in. Donā€™t let the shame keep you from your supportā€¦we see how hard you are working and we know this is not an easy road. You have been doing impressive work Cam. Sending you hugs and love my friend :people_hugging: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@cjp sorry to hear about your sleep. Impressive that you are being so productive with such little sleep. Hopefully you will wear yourself out and finally be able to get some zzzā€™s.
@Nordique loving that number :heart:ā€¦ keep up the amazing work :muscle:t4:
@Lighter lolā€¦ great work on figuring out a way to get more sleep. Hope you are now rested and enjoying your Sunday :people_hugging:

Good morning beautiful people. happy Sunday
Was a rough night with little sleep and got awakened with a damn text at 7 this morning. Got semi caught up here and am going to attempt to sleep some more.
Itā€™s a cooler rainy day here and I do love sleeping to the sound of rain.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


The rain helped me! Hope it helps you sleep, too, Jasmine. :heart:


Hey Jasmine! I was able to get a few hours sleep. Hubby and i split the shift which was helpful bcuz i needed the rest. I still feel out of sorts and pretty tired but im on my way work now. Hopefully it goes by quickly. Thank u for thinking of me :slight_smile:


Have a good day Dana!:sunflower::sunny::sunflower:


Good morning all! Today is 216 af.
Itā€™s a glorious morning here! The sun is bright, there is a nice breeze, and itā€™s warm! Excited to see what the day holds!
I have a hankering for grilled burgers tonight! :hamburger:
Hope you all have a great day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Checking in on day 187.Hope everyone has a good day :heart_hands:


Glad you got some sleep my friendā€¦ sending loads of energy for you todayā€¦hope the day flies by and you can get some rest before tonights overnight :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


Day 25 of being sober was a success! I woke up feeling so good today. Had a great morning out with my home group here and then have been relaxing. Itā€™s been raining all day and was way too muddy for a hike but I had fun taking one of the horses out for a bit. Got pretty wet and muddy but was a great time. Mud season is the only time I miss indoors plumbing :rofl: made tomato soup for dinner. Will go to bed soon and am hoping to sleep well again. Hope everyone else is also having a great day!


Todayā€™s a great day for a day one Bunto. Even though itā€™s not my first; Iā€™ll take a day one with you.

Have you seen this thread?

Thought Iā€™d share.


354 no alcohol
285 vapes or ciggs
16.69 no form of marijuana

I woke up exhausted and grumpy
Im getting it together though

Im at work just happy to have a job to be miserable at
Ironic but true

Take care


I agree with the advice, although when youā€™re with me Iā€™ll know where to go to have a good time without running the risk of ending up in a stampede. Amsterdam is more than the canals and the Jordaan.


Finally made it to day 50

Sober & smoke free

First time ive quit drinking :+1:


Thank you @JazzyS @Jasty2 ā€¦and for keeping me going this weekšŸ™ @Kvee 50 is an excellent numberā€¦ congratulations :+1:


Thanks for this Cjpā€¦ much appreciated :pray:


Big congrats Kvee!!! Just keep going. Excellent work!


@Danwood85 thanks mate :+1: and well done on 1 week under your belt :+1: :clap: excellent news