Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Congrats on 120 days!! @tifflynn07


Ah, man. Hope ur eyeball feels bettah.


Thanks friend :pray:
Hope youā€™ve enjoyed your day off :hugs:

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The job interview went well. First time I wasnā€™t totally stressed out before and during such an event. Even if I donā€™t get it itā€™s a good experience and gives me confidence. Today itā€™s my experience work day. Looking forward to that. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from Oosterpark.


Awesome Mno, interviews or anything similar freak me the fuck out, glad yours went well and even if you donā€™t get it which Iā€™m sure you will there are positives to be taken from the experience


Iā€™m off for a run / walk / coughing fit, these small amounts of daily exercise seems to be really helping my mental state and energy levels


Sorry youā€™re having rough days/nights. Hope it will all start straightening up for you. Glad youā€™re here and able to come post!
Big congrats on your days quit! Thatā€™s awesome. Things will start normalizing for you.


That is big news Laner, congratulations! :confetti_ball:
That must have been stressfull, 8 years of not knowing if you can stay at the end ore not.
I hope you will have a lovely party with your neighbours and friends to celebrate!


I keep my fingers crossed for the job Menno! :crossed_fingers:
Glad the conversation went well.


*Day 2050 :walking_woman:
2 weeks before holiday :confetti_ball:
A bit tired still and woke up early but decided to get out of bed (5:45). Work starts at 13.00 so no need to get up early, but it is what it is.

Met this little yellow friend yesterday during my walk. I like making pictures of the little creatures ore plants in nature. Always see something worth having a closer look.
Itā€™s always there if you are willing to see it :green_heart:
Have a good day all! :raising_hand_woman:


Thank you! Iā€™m so relieved to finally have it. Seems like it makes half my stress go away. :blush:


Day 5! Definitely feel Iā€™ve been over-eating a bit. Boredom? Filling a void? Either way, glad to be aware of it. Practicing mindfulness and being gentle with myself. Had tattoo therapy today, continuing work on my lower leg sleeve. It was upper shin and knee day. Do not recommend the knee. That was easily the most painful place Iā€™ve ever had work done on, and Iā€™m pretty heavily tattooed. Sending love to all :hugs:



The last 3 times I said I thought Iā€™d be getting a good nights sleep, I didnā€™t. At all. I think Iā€™ll stop saying that now. I havenā€™t slept that bad in a looong time! I got maybe 2 broken hours. Oddly enough, even being sore from yesterday, I had quite a bit of energy :face_with_monocle: I did end up napping for an hour, which definitely helped get me thru the rest of the day.

I think the lack of sleep super charged my ADD. I ended up cleaning, but it was more erratic than usual. I filled a bucket with oil soap to clean my daughters new desk, but then kept getting distracted by other, super random things to do. Idk why I always run circles around the one thing I planned to do :woman_shrugging: but at least I was cleaning something. Then it was 10pm and I had to rest, wondering why I hadnā€™t cleaned the desk. I forced myself to do half of it and finish tomorrow :pray: Anyways. Not gonna say where Iā€™m going bc I donā€™t want to jinx it :v::peace_symbol:


@Just_Laura Maybe an anti-jinx will help: Wishing you a dreadful night :wink:
@AbbyNormal Nice to see you stacking your days. Changed eating behaviours are totally normal in the beginning. Your body and mind need to adjust quite a bit now.
@SoberWalker Thanks for the nice picture :slightly_smiling_face:
@Shawn1991 Yay to exercise :+1:t2:
@Mno Whatā€™s your secret to keeping your cool during an interview?
@JazzyS Now I think you need to come clean and tell us what fight you have been in with that eye of yours :wink: Honestly I hope it gets better soon.
@GOKU2019 I often find it somewhat disturbing to watch childhood movies as an adult. The change in perspective is wild.
@Butterflymoonwoman As always: All the strength to you :people_hugging::battery:
@Chevy55 Sending you recovery vibes after your fights with nature :wink::adhesive_bandage:
@K_S Thanks for sharing your positive vibes with us :muscle:t2:

160 sugar
24 UPF
31 gluten
10 dairy
9 overeating/binge

Yesterday I finished my current gamedev practice project. Today Iā€™m not sure if I want to go on with another project or work some more on my game design studies. Weā€™ll see.
I have a class with the older kids later and need to do some groceries after that. Yoga as usual in the afternoon.
Iā€™m still feeling somewhat depressed. There is currently enough reasons for that. Iā€™ll see how this develops over time.

However the day goes I want to stay mindful and wonā€™t try to cope with anything through food. It would make everything just worse.

Letā€™s stay in peace today, in kindness, and in freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Day 311. Website good to go. Just need the gubbins in the background sorted. Which I donā€™t know how to. So itā€™s a case of waiting. I think itā€™s taken about 19 hours work over two days?

Iā€™m at work proper today. Which will be a nice feeling. The Web build was fun but I need to just focus on my job today

Weatherā€¦ Yesā€¦ Itā€™s rainingā€¦ Itā€™s the wettest year I can recall. Sadly tho itā€™s probably hitting shops here alot as who wants to wander around Cornwall shopping in the rain! Iā€™ve arranged a meal for when I have a year sobriety under my belt. I think i will do something on an annual basis. A bit like a new birthday!


Morning guysā€¦day 9. Have a great day :v:


Day 150
Good day at work. When we were doing what we do and having a laugh together it makes the day go quick.
Then we had a meeting as a crew with a bunch of the higher ups, was funny listening to them justifying their jobs and talking about what they do. So much ā€˜corporate management speakā€™ has found its way into our organisation.
But it also gave us something to laugh about after they left ( and a little bit while they were still there :joy::joy:)
Then home, quick dinner for the kids now just watching some DC cartoon with the kids.
Day off before nightshift tomorrow


Walpurgisnacht here today.

Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 62

Walpurgisnacht and midsummer is the holidays when most people get drunk in Sweden. Personally Iā€™ve never been bog on drinking on holidays anyway, so itā€™s not s problem. Itā€™s the everyday life that gets me every time.

Walpurgisnacht is usually celebrated by having bonfires and listening to a male choir that sings spring songs.

When I was a kid my grandfather was a conductor and lead the local choir. My Uncle was in front as a standard bearier when they marched through the village. And my father was one of the greatest bassingers they had.

Nowadays itā€™s only my uncle whoā€™s still alive and he stopped being a part of the choir years ago because of a foot injury.

Weā€™re still listening to the replays on youtube every year.

Current village doesnā€™t have a choir, but we have a wonderful bonfires, with the scouts canoeing on the river with torches, stops by the fire an lit it, and then the local Music band plays the traditional spring songs.

Iā€™ll show you guys a picture. It starts at 21.00. When itā€™s almost dark outside.

Happy Walpurgisnacht everyone.


Love it. My 12 y/o have a stuffed animal snail named Gary.
He had it since he was a baby, still brings it everywhere except for school.

Everything we see a snail we stop, so Gary can talk to his ā€œcousinsā€ if Gary isnā€™t with us we take a picture show him and tells him that his cousin said ā€œHiā€

We have a few snail decorations around the house too, as tributes to Gary. :smiling_face:

And if you ever seen Phineas and Ferb we says Gary the the way they Say Perry in that series :smiling_face:


1y 7m 11d AF
9 days Nic free

Whats up sober fam?

Long time no post. Its been a busy last couple of weeks with work and then i got the flu!

Lifes been a little hectic, but good because ive managed to finally kick the nicotine habit 9 days so far feeling good!!

First evening in the gym tonight too havent been in 2 weeks! So so good to be back!

Much love team