Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Ha ha, funny! Sure I remember Phineas and Ferb, my kids used to watch it when they where young.
We had a lot of rain lately and I do not want to step on the snails on my path. It’s difficult :face_with_peeking_eye:
I like snails too, but prefere those with housing :blush:
Give Gary a big high five from me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good morning sober fam, woke up to this today:

Today 2/3 of my kids were sleeping till 9, which happened probably first time ever. They woke up cause serviceman came to check our heater at the attic and made a bit of noise. When he was coming down, Dennis saw him and said “such an old man working?!” :woman_facepalming:t3::sweat_smile: (he was sixty something I would say). Probably he didn’t hear it cause, you know, he was very old :wink: Stupid joke, sorry. Kids are having 2 weeks vacation, it’s just a beginning and my brain is already melted so please send thoughts and prayers :wink:


Checking in at 3,700,000 seconds. Seems like it should be longer than 43 days!


Huge congratulations on 10 months!!! :star2:


2092 days alcohol free 98 days weed free


Not sure. One thing is good preparation. More important probably is that I don’t really need to leave my current position ATM. Also there’s so much jobs available in my line of work there’s not too much pressure from that either. And finally I have grown professionally and personally. Through therapy. I know much better what I am capable of. Imposter syndrome has diminished a lot since I’m working my recovery.

I was surprised how easy it felt. The folks I talked to were chill too. All in all a nice experience.


Haha definitely sending thoughts and prayers you survive your brain melt down during these tumultuous times during kids holidays :sleeping: , but know you can do it pulling a HUGE 10 months out!

Very well done, CONGRATULATIONS! :tada: that is some solid work!!


10 months are f***ing great girl :+1: :partying_face:

Kids are a battlefield. Vacation is the worst unless you can unload them to a relative, a playdate or - my personal favourite - some kind of supervised vacation child care. My parents used to send me to those old communist vacation camps we had in Poland and we have been sending our daughter since she went to kindergarden. Either something locally for the day and since she grew older for one or two weeks away. Are there no such options where you live around?


Congrats on 10 months @Mischa84


Checking in on day 189.Hope everyone is well!!


Day 116 AF

Have an amazing day!


Checking in day 230 SAF and 216 no smokes.
I was talking to someone this morning about the mornings now. It wasn’t that long ago that I would dread that alarm at 4am and rush around like a lunatic, only to throw up before I got to the car and then most of the drive to work. This was every fucking morning. Never ever going back to that. Last night I had roughly six hours sleep and probably could’ve jogged to work if I felt like. Enjoy your hangover free days guys.
Love ya’s :v::green_heart:


Checking in day 604! Missed checking in for day 600 which felt like a huge milestone for me. At milestones I always reflect- I remember when 300 days, 100 days, 3 months, 1 month, 1 week, 1 day felt impossible- now, as cliche as it is, anything feels possible. I had a few weeks there where depression and anxiety were high, and still a drink didn’t cross my mind. Feel myself pulling out of it now with the help of using all my little systems I have set up for support, and warm weather helps. I have a big 10 day trip coming in 3 weeks and I’m so looking forward to it.

Wishing everyone a terrific sober Tuesday :sparkles:


A huge congratulations on your belated 600 days!! Nicely done!!


I know that you Aussies live in the future but wow, you are 10 months ahead of me :wink:
Thank you Sebastian!

Thanks Aga! There are some options here but in situation when only one parent is working they are very expensive. Luckily the weather is great now and we are only coming home to eat something and go back to playground. My mood is so good today I even enjoy small talks with some neighbours (which I’m not a big fan usually (small talks, not neighbours :wink:)


Day 60

Looking like a decent day. It appears that my extreme deep-cleaning session yesterday knocked me out for sleep. I slept ok. Until 530! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Got up a few times but could eventually drift off again. I’ll take it. 5-6 hours is so much better!

Today’s agenda features shopping! :shopping: I’m trying to plan first so I don’t just go shopping… haha, y’all know. If you cut me loose in a store without a plan. :laughing:. Nah, I’ll be a good sober lady. Right. It is both my 2 month and my birthday tomorrow so I am going.

My life hinges on whether I sleep. I can burn myself out, but why is meditation so difficult? It’s very hard for me to not be goal-oriented. After I exercise this afternoon I want to try the suggestions again. Are there ADD meditations? Or maybe I’ll start with a minute at a time.

We had sun yesterday! Was delightful. It’s gone now for the next week or two. Come July, I’ll be crying for this so I’ll embrace the gloom and brighten up the house with some flowers.

I’m so glad it’s not Day 1! 2 Months. I don’t know if I’ve come a long way or not, but I do feel like the worst is over and everything is about to turn. :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1416. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 10

Just checking in.


Congratulations on 2 months sober Marie. And an early Happy birthday to you.:tada:
Yes you’ve come a long way. Shit even 24 hours when we first started seemed like a long time.
I have trouble with meditation too, because the channels in my head never stop changing. I’m still trying and practicing it, but the only way that works for me is the guided ones on insight timer. I have to be able to concentrate on someone else’s voice, instead of the ones in my head. :rofl:


Congratulations on two months :peace_symbol: