Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Checking in with 38 days.

Haven’t used this app for a long time since my relapse and hit a deep rock bottom.

I recently got out my second clinic and I’ve decided to live in a safehouse. This has been the best choice I could ever make. I now live with people that understand me and we attend AA, NA and CA meetings at least 5 days a week and I get alcohol and drug tested randomly every now and then by my personal coach. I love sober life. I’ve missed it so much but couldn’t quit on my own. Now I can appreciate the little things again! I’m so grateful I got this opportunity and so ready to grow as a person and finally achieve what I want to achieve.

It is great that I am now living in a home with other people that are fully focused on sobriety. I’m so grateful for them that they pull me with them to the meetings, my social anxiety always made me the weakest, now it is no longer an excuse. World here I come!

Happy 24 everyone :purple_heart:


My wit is returning
My creativity is back.
My memory is recovering.
My motivation and energy is growing.

Day 45 is looking good.


I am 4 months sober today :grin::tada: I’m so proud and so grateful for this forum and everyone’s support :heart:


Yes! Congratulations on ur 4 months ☆


So good to see you Leroy! Great work on your sobriety time :muscle:t4:
Lovely to read your check in and see that you are doing so well and so greatly supported. Hope to see you around :people_hugging:


4 months and counting :muscle:t4: keep up with the amazing work :tada::confetti_ball:


Thank you my friend!


Frustrated and checking out on Day 117 AF

Our online health appointments with a doc usually works well cause you can forget about clinics or getting a family doctor. Been on wait list for 2.5 years since we moved here.
2 appt yesterday that stay open for 3 hours each waiting for a doc to pick up your file. After 3 hours they cancel the appt and you have to fill out the form again. Did twice yesterday, 6 hours in total… nothing.
Did again today, twice, just to have both cancelled after 3 hours each… Two days and 12 hours waiting for a doc to grab my lab results so we can discuss… nadda. Have to do all over again tomorrow… argghhh

Well anyway enough about my problems, they are inconvenient but small in the overall scheme of things.
Gym is all set up, other than waiting on a couple large mirrors and some vinyl and framed artwork for walls. Bose wireless sound system is set up, fans, and it is looking large for next winter’s hardcore workouts. Just maintenance for summer while working. Hopefully 3 x 45 min sessions per week.

Anyway here is the final pics minus artwork. Hope you enjoy @acromouse

Hope you all had a decent day at minimum, amazing or better at best :pray::heart::peace_symbol:


Congrats Marie!!! :tada: super proud of you!


Legs 11 AF
Thanks everyone for your support.
I got the job on the spot, it’s in an immigration/remand centre in Adelaide Australia and sounds so good, but they want to pay my $15/hour less than the award so I will need to negotiate that. That’s a big rip off. But will
Get my foot in the door as a mental health care nurse.
Otherwise, still crazily tired, slept for 15 hours last night and woke up tired, feel like sleeping more. But it’s a beautiful day here and really should get up and go for a walk and do some house work.
I don’t think it’s normal to be so tired? I don’t know.
Anyway, have a great day team :heart::roller_skate:


I can understand your frustration. I’m not fond of are healthcare system in the states and have wasted so much time on the phone working out coverage for this or authorization for that and blah blah blah!!! Hope it all gets handled tomorrow. Shouldn’t have to be so difficult. Your gym is looking awesome man! :ok_hand: If you get tired of the landscaping gig you can start selling gym memberships. If you were a bit closer I’d sign up.


Haha, and have people sweat all over it… no way!

Yeah the system isn’t always a cluster like this, it usually works ok, I guess till it doesn’t. Like I said small potatoes. It’s free so it is what it is.

I may let you use, but not the general public… they’re too… publicy… haha, jk


Oh yeah I wasn’t thinking about all the nasty stuff. :joy:


Right?!? Jeez, I may as well go to a public gym myself.


Dear @JazzyS thank you for your ongoing positive words to each one of us. You are great :smiley:!


You’d have to build another gym for yourself. A gym away from the gym. :smile:


Yer starting to get me sir… haha


Had a great day; made me smile. :heart: A nasty storm is moving in so I’ll be back later. Have a great sober night


I actually feel a bit more myself tonight. The 4 hour nap i had earlier today gave me enough energy to get my cleaning done, play a couple board games with my son, cook supper, and now im relaxing with my son before he goes to bed. Then i will do some self care and relax with hubby before i get to sleep all night! Im sooo excited :smiley: lol i actually did have some thoughts of using today tho. Nothing major. Dealt with them as usual. Tmrw Im looking forward to going to the gym and running a couple errands. Not much else to report. We are expecting btwn 30-50cm of snow over the next few days and so gotta pull out the snow boots amd winter gear again. Yuck! Thought it was spring already. Anyway, have a great night!


Checking in day 80. Sleep well.