Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Suggest you keep in mind how great you feel now with 7 days behind you.Just think how much more you can feel good after 7 more. Reach out here when you are feeling tempted. Everyone here is here to help.


Congratulations :100:


Day 290. Second check in.

Got 100 pounds left till pay day in two weeks. Bills and everything I am on top of but there never seems much slack.

But I am blessed to have a good job and I am sober. How the hell did I afford to spend 100 a week on alcohol?


Probably by not eating


Congrats on 290 days!!! :smile_cat:

Btw do you have a line of credit? It might be helpful to get one for when your money is tight, but make sure to pay it off as soon as you can to not rack up charges :slight_smile: Iā€™m not a financial advisor though, so take this advice with a grain of salt!





@chase.e.u Way to go with your 2 + weeks of sobriety. I am glad that you do have a recovery system that is working for you and helping you. I do understand how its difficult to check in everyday ā€“ we are here for you when you need and its always a pleasure to hear from you. Keep up the great work!
@mrsodh grateful that you and your community are all getting together to help out. Human kindness and compassion is beautiful when witnessed in real life. :heart: :people_hugging:
@forrestkump getting close tot hat 300 day mark friend- great sober time. Glad you were able to get to the beach. I do enjoy my alone vacations ā€“ especially on the beach. Gives me a chance to unwind with my own schedule. I am single at 46 and no kids. Still young and have plenty of life to live and connections to be made :wink:
@soberwalker big hugs to your friend. Sending her some healing vibes and loads of positive energy! I know how much mental health deteriorates when dealing with compounding health issues. Grateful you can be there for your friend during this time. :people_hugging:
@acromouse impressive timers friend ā€“ double digits is great work too. Glad to see you already back on your no dairy train after your mini get away. Sending you comfort as Iā€™m sure it will be a trying day today. Hope all goes well with the move today.
@holysquid YES 400 days is amazing work friend. :tada: :tada: Have a great day shopping with your daughter. It is nerve wrecking when you start a new position and all the doubts come rushing in. You will be great. No shame in asking when something is unfamiliar and thank goodness for Google. Deep breathes my friend ā€“ congrats on your new position.
@jonase great work on your 11 days friend. Keep working on your recovery friend. It took a while for my friends and family to come around and trust that I was making these life changes. Grateful that you still have the support in your life :hugs:
@catmancam Oh that is horrible of them to discharge you if they canā€™t get in touch with 2 phone calls. Crappy operation. I do hope that you are able to make contact with them or call them and tell them that you are waiting on their phone call so they have that in their system. Hope all well for your tenancy inspection.
@john_connor1337 I totally get it. Glad you are still with us and fighting the good fight :muscle: 15 days is impressive work. You keep working on your recovery and stacking up the days
@tifflynn07 There it is! Way to go with your triple digits girl :muscle:


23 days. Today is a big one, heading to the doctors for an extended appointment to talk about health. Having our large gums trees cut down out the front and doing a little pest job in the morning.

Itā€™s nice planning my life and being more in control than I was living a more day to day lifestyle before. Crazy how much change 23 days can make.

This naked mind is such a goo book, highly recommend.


Checking in day 99 AF :blush:


I mentioned I met a guy on a dating app whoā€™s completely sober and weā€™ve just been hitting it off more and more which makes me feel so much more confident in staying sober. :smiling_face_with_tear::raised_hands:t2: not only is he sober but he is Christian and is driving two hours to come see me this weekend to read the Bible together :sob: and continue to get to know each other. A sober Christian man is exactly what I need in my life after the chaotic toxic relationships Iā€™ve been in. Iā€™ve also been single for a majority of raising my 8 year old son alone so it would be amazing if he is my person. Iā€™ve also always loved tall men and heā€™s 6ā€™8ā€¦.:rofl::flushed: Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€¦only a 19 inch height difference no big deal :joy: not getting too ahead of myself but itā€™s nice to have some hope. Four days sober which Iā€™ve heard is the amount of days for your body to process alcohol out of your body, the guy who said that said something comforting, at that point youā€™re just as sober as anyone else. You canā€™t get more sober than sober :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really feel like this is my time to live a sober life. I even read some of my bible and wrote some scriptures and meanings down today. :two_hearts:


Checking in on day 103!! So happy to be on this path with you all. Happy Tuesday, sober warriors :people_hugging:


Thank you. My new inhaler is actually working much better and after tonightā€™s rain my symptoms lessened. Hope your symtoms arenā€™t too bad.


@Tragicfarinelli wow, congrats on your fitness :tada: Iā€™m glad your injury isnā€™t giving you as much trouble now :raised_hands:t2: I hope couselling goes well for you :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ
@tifflynn07 congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Konrad55 congrats on your week :tada: keep challenging the lies your addict voice tells :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
@Charlie_C congrats on 30 days :tada:
@AyBee well I wasnā€™t expecting that beast when I was scrolling today! :scream:
@JazzyS yes, I added a note to my portal, but thankfully I had signal when they called this afternoon :raised_hands:t2: so all is well now :blush:

1338 days no alcohol.
803 days no cocaine.
318 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Finished my cleaning jobs. Had my tenancy inspection. Caught-up here.

Then I gave in to a craving and had one of the nicest takeaways Iā€™ve ever had, including a dessert, and after that I went to buy sweets. So all of my ED related counters (crisps, takeaways, sugar, binge-eating) have been reset again, and now I need to be stronger and get back on track. I have to believe I can do this.

I left a note on my clinic account explaining about my unreliable signal, but miraculously, I had signal when they tried again, and we were able to complete the screening. I have now been progressed onto the waiting list for an ADHD assessment. She said it wouldnā€™t be fair to give me a timeframe, but that it is considerable. I know someone who recently had their assessment after waiting 7 months, so I anticipate it will be longer than that now. Then if a diagnosis is made, itā€™s the same wait again for the titration (medication) appointment.

Tomorrow I have my check-up with the dentist. Canā€™t say Iā€™m looking forward to that! :grimacing:



70 days AfmfA

Feeling quite good but very tired,
learning a lot right now. Uhf.

Itā€™s my birthday today :innocent::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Donā€™t have any cravingsā€¦
Got a few litte presents and heart warming messages and calls. Had a good morning routine, added walking in the wet cold grass at the end of my walks through the fields. Met a very special grey cat today, winding round my legs and rolling on the road. Good foodā€¦ zucchini soup for lunch and naked burger with mum for dinner.

The ā€œapartmentā€ topic is not finished yet. I learned that I donā€™t need to react on everything. Hard thing if you are triggered. Or your decency telling you, you canā€™t keep messages unanswered. You can. Definitely. Especially from people with bad communication skills. Sometimes answering doesnā€™t make things better.

Just relaxing now.

Hugs :heart:


Happy birthday Juli1! Hope youā€™re having a great one. ā€¦ Iā€™m checking in on Day 9, bit of a wobble this morning due to bad night, however buoyed up by test results from nurse at my GP, feeling optimistic. Love to you all and this is a great site. xx



Morning TS fam!
Beautiful weather here again today. Im really enjoying it. Had a reqlly heartfelt prayer this morning and then went to the gym after my son got on the bus to school and did a pretty intense workout. Hubby treated me to lunch so i ordered my favorite 6" sub from Subway - the chicken green goddess AND a high protien smoothie from Booster Juice. I was starrrrving. Now just doing some light cleaning at home. Its been a pretty decent day. No real thoughts of using either.
@HolySquid congratulations on 400 whole days of sobriety!! What an accomplishment!
@Juli1 Happy, happy birthday Julia :birthday: Hope u have an amazing day!!!
@Charlie_C congratulations on ur 1 month Charlie! Its always good to see u checking in!
@Konrad55 way to go on ur 1 week of freedom :slight_smile:
@tifflynn07 welcome to the triple digits friend! Awesome work!!


Thank you soo much :blush: I hope all the best to you


@Konrad55 Fuck you Alcohol is a great attitude and mantra. Congrats on your 1 week of sobriety. :muscle: Grate to see you stacking up the days!
@charlie_c Way to go with your 1 month milestone friend. Keep putting in the solid effort :muscle:
@whereswaldo best of luck with your appointment today!
@catmancam So grateful you were able to connect today. OOF ā€“ so much waiting. Glad you got the ball rolling ā€“ just frustrating for how long you have to wait. Sending you hugs. I do believe you can and will get back on track with your other counterā€”you were doing amazingly well and will get that back again :hugs:
@juli1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jules!!! :tada: :birthday: :cake: and congrats on your 70 days! Beautiful cat meeting you today as the universe wishes you a Happy Birthday :heart: Glad to hear that you are not letting the apartment BS ruin your energy field. Much love dear friend ā€“ keep having a wonderful day celebrating you!

Happy Tuesday my sober friends ā€“ a happy check in
I am feeling much happier mentally. I am not going to let my body and all the shit its going through bring me down. I am going to attempt a walk ā€“ will have my brother with me to lean on. Just going down the street and backā€¦ need to feel this beautiful sunshine. I did manage to get an appointment with an OB for next Friday so that is something. Had to really push for it as they were not giving me anything till end of next month.
Another day in the books. Grateful that i did not have any access to any DOCā€™s last night and that i was beyond tired. I must have passed out early. I had intense cravings and my mind was trying to tell me i couldnā€™t sleep without giving in - boy was it wrong cause i donā€™t remember falling a sleep and woke up late today.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: