Checking in daily to maintain focus #65

Congratulations on a well earned 100 days Jené

Super proud of your accomplishment.


Wasn’t it spectacular?!? So glad you got to see it!


So incredibly tragic. My condolences. Alcohol absolutely kills.


Nice work HS!! That’s like 4 complete bingo cards in the 100 day challenge. Yer busting it. Way to go.


Keep on keeping on Danny. That sleep will come.

Art eh? I was a pretty decent art student in my day. What a great pastime to have to distract and be absorbed. Hopefully we’ll get to see some of it down the road.


Well day 95 AF

Thank you @Steve92, @JazzyS, @K_S and others for your note on school mate. It’s shitty when you think the only way out is to do something so final. It leaves a large hole for the family and friends to figure out. Just sad really.

Otherwise, got my hour superset done yesterday that I failed on two days previously… just exhausted I think for the first attempt of that weight increase, but persevered. Got the bike ride in with wife for an hour. Met a new landscape client for summer that we will take on… have 2 more I need to meet this week sometime also.

My time lapse of eclipse didn’t take but we had front row seat over the water for a cloudless spectacular. It was pretty surreal. It grew so quiet for those moments when it was completely covered. Eery.

Today I am finally building the two walls in container storage so I can move all my landscaping tools and hang properly. Then the little shed that is used for them currently will be moved across my driveway (by stupid brute force and a couple logs) to its new resting area and I willl convert into a sort of greenhouse/garden shed for my wife. Needs new floor, new roof, polycarbonate panels on roof as well as a window and glass door to let in the light. I’ll surprise her with a little deck on the front where she can prop a chair and a little coffee table to sit and enjoy her gardens…. But shhhh, that will be a surprise. Weather is finally decent enough to stop hiding out inside…

Wow, this is a mouthful… haha
Anyway. Loving 95 days sober life, losing weight, getting fitter and being productive and proud… what a life this is!!



@Whereswaldo congrats on 3+ weeks :tada:
@Chevy55 condolences to your best friend and the deceased family :mending_heart:
@Lainenicole96 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 3 days :tada: sending strength 🩵
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I’m so sorry your surgeon appointment got rescheduled :weary: could your GP help with some pain relief options in the meantime? It’s not healthy to be in extreme pain for extended periods of time :people_hugging:🩵
@EarnIt a big day indeed! Congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@tailee17 congrats on 40 days :tada:
@acromouse thank you, I think it worked :grinning: I like to think of the abstaining dreams are a sign that recovery is reaching our subconscious :raised_hands:t2: I hope you enjoyed your first class :blush: I also hope your allergies and Asthma settle down asap, I suffer with both too :weary::people_hugging:🩵
@Leigh231 welcome :blush: congrats on day 3 :tada:
@Max199 congrats on your week :tada:
@MrsOdh that’s devastating :cry: condolences to the family and your village :people_hugging::mending_heart:


@sigurdurerik congrats on 700+ days :tada:
@john_connor1337 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@mamador good to read from you :blush: congrats on 2 years+ :tada::trophy::star2::star2:
@Sober26 welcome :blush: congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@JonasE congrats on double digits :tada:
@Sabrina80 congrats on all the 5s :tada:
@Lighter I’m so glad you got to see it :star_struck: thank you for describing it :blush:
@Kvee welcome :blush: congrats on 30 days :tada:
@zzz congrats on double digits :tada:
@nick_1985 congrats on your counters :tada: and on tackling another addiction :tada:


@Hayleylujah congrats on your one week milestones :tada::tada:
@TrustyBird sorry for your loss :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@CHASE.E.U a sober Harley crew, I love this for you! :grinning:
@Just_Laura I’m so glad the party went well :partying_face:
@SoberWalker that’s sad about your friend :people_hugging: I’m sure she will be grateful for the help and companionship 🩵
@Rob11 I hope it went well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@HolySquid congrats on 400 days :tada: I hope everything works out with your new position and that all these questions get answered :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: meanwhile, enjoy your shopping trip :blush:

1337 days no alcohol.
802 days no cocaine.
317 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

Thankfully my leg did settle overnight. :raised_hands:t2:

I managed to get the hoovering done before going to therapy, as I managed to make myself bath/shower early, and so I had 2hrs spare before I needed to leave. I finished the rest of the jobs I needed to do between 8 and 9am this morning, despite absolutely hating my alarms when they woke me up (I was awake until midnight, which is very late for me).

With the stuff that came up in therapy, and the anxiety over today’s tenancy inspection, I engaged in my coping behaviour of bingeing crisps while watching TV on my bed. I don’t even remember tasting them or what I watched. Just pure mindlessness and now shame. Next time, I will do some extra meditations instead, I know for sure now, that crisps (chips) no longer provide a solution.

Today is my tenancy inspection, so I anxiously waited for that, it makes me so anxious never getting any feedback, but nevermind.

I also have a screening phonecall with the ADHD clinic, so I’m hoping that I have signal when they call next, because they left a note on my account saying I didn’t answer their call this morning and that if I don’t answer this afternoon they will discharge me! (My phone didn’t even ring, so I only knew they’d tried when they added the note to my account).



Checking in on day 15 yessir!!! :saluting_face: :smiley:

I had to make my profile here kinda anonymous last night to protect myself from my workplace and future potential workplaces from finding out about my account here. In Big Tech, having an addiction even if you recovered from it, is a death sentence for your job in my opinion. The workplace in Big Tech is vicious when it comes to office politics; many people in Big Tech just don’t understand addiction. So I did what I had to do just for in case :smile_cat:


Good morning TS family. Checking in on day 272. :v::heart:


Day 57

Morning peeps! Rainy here in the South which is nice to help reduce the pollen. Guess I will workout and cook. Enchiladas anyone? Have a great day wherever you might be. :slight_smile:



335 no alcohol
266 no vapes or ciggs
3 no marijuana

Lets get ittt
Have a good day :slight_smile:


Checking in with 20 days sober. :cherry_blossom:


Day 103. Feeling ok, 6 hours sleep is working out as enough for me to feel rested for now… Strange that as I like more sleep than that… I’ve started Ginseng and Gingko and Guarana supplements lately so I’m wondering if that’s doing something?? I’m tired but not.

Managed my Tai chi + Pilates body balance class, then ran a 40 minute 5k straight up afterwards, and then a further 1.5k cool down. Getting there. I’ve deleted the C25K app as it somehow seems I didn’t need it :joy::joy:

I’m feeling fitter than in years; even the daily walking and running for a month (my back issues prevented my classes) seems to have contributed towards good strength. Still have a wee twinge in my ribs, but it’s really behaving apart from that. Makes such a world of difference for me…I often feel I’m like a gun dog that needs walking before I behave myself :joy::joy::joy:

Counselling starts Thursday :expressionless: curious about it… Will remain totally positive about engaging in it fully. :facepunch:t3:


Checking in day 100 :black_heart::black_heart:




7 days!!! I was on here a week ago upset because I drank. What a horrible feeling. You just start to feel better then decide to undo all of that in 1 selfish decision and then spend 2 days feeling like garbage only to make it to 7 days again. I know it’s One day at a time but I want it to be more then 7 days. I’m going to do this this time Fuck you alcohol. You have tricked me far too many times and I’m sick of it.


Huge congrats on reaching triple digits Tiffany! That’s a huge one! Yay you!!!


Congrats on 100. Wow you are a winner!