Checking in daily to maintain focus #66


My coworker brought in her wireless charger and my phone connected immediately. 2 hours later it was looking pretty grim as it hadnā€™t gone up a single percentageā€¦until I noticed the :droplet: symbol was gone! All better :hugs:

For as gorgeous of a day it was, the golf course wasnā€™t that busy. At 2:30 we were counting down the minutes til close (3pm Sundays), but of course, just like last week, groups started asking if the kitchen was still open. I ended up getting 5 orders before close and was stuck there til 4:30. Ah well. Not for nothing.

When I was giving my schedule to my mom, she noticed I was working this coming Thursday, which is my daughters chorus concert (glad she did bc I wasnā€™t paying attention :grimacing:). When I asked about getting that night off, a month ago, she said itā€™d be fine, but I needed to fill out a request off form bc ā€œthe GM wants everything documented from now onā€. No tf he doesnā€™t! She does this a lot. Heā€™s the only power higher than her, so when she wants something changed she puts the words in his mouth. Anyway. Why have me fill out something youā€™re obviously going to ignore? Pointless waste of paper :roll_eyes:

Glad to be off tomorrow. Memorial Day! The foretaste of summer. A day of pools opening, cookouts, and fun in the sun! Except, at midnight, itā€™s going to start raining and itā€™s not gonna stop until the sun goes down tomorrow :joy: I can already hear the thunder. Fine with me :relieved: Be safe everyone :pray: If somethingā€™s telling you to skip the party, LISTEN :no_entry_sign: Donā€™t risk it!


Good morning everyone. Happy birthday for yesterday luna sorry i didnt get around to it yesterday but i had a bad one @Mno what a beautiful photo :+1:
@Butterflymoonwoman Im pleased you enjoyed your day yesterday, ive been thinking about how great it would be to attend an event like that.
I managed to get a few hours sleep which was very much needed. The pain is easing and im feeling more positive today.
Going to have another hour then get down to the beach and hopefully see some sunshine and maybe a paddle in the sea then catch up on some gardening while its dry.
I do hope you all have a good day today.


Day 6

I live today, Iā€™m sober, Hangover free monday , having Green tea at office.


*Day 2077 :walking_woman:
My body is screaming :rofl:
In a good way, because itā€™s in pain because of the crossfit session yesterday.
It was fun @JazzyS , but also uncomfortable.
People I do not know and being in a strange environment and doing all that new exercizes.
Didnā€™t knew that in crossfit they use gymnastic rings and push of bars (really high above grounds). Now I know :hugs:
But happy and proud I went besides the nervous feeling. New thing are always a bit awkward to begin with.

This is the roof of the palace of Guell wich Iā€™ve visited last week. Tomorrow my holiday ends and I have to go to work again.
So today itā€™s chilltime :confetti_ball:
Have a good day ore night all.

And remember: life begins at the end of your comfortzone!! (That is deffinitely a reminder for myself! :blush:)


@sarath_unrelax Hangover free Monday sounds really good :+1:
@Leveller Wishing you a pain free or at least pain reduced day :blush: I hope whatever it is, will pass soon.
@Just_Laura Enjoy your day off.
@Mno Yeah to living more :blush:
@SoberWalker Glad to hear youā€˜re enjoying your pain :rofl:
@Scorpn Wow, thatā€˜s some workload youā€˜ve got there. Hang on, vacation is coming.
@Butterflymoonwoman Had to look up what a muscle car is. The fun of a global community. Good to hear you had such a nice day.
@Bomdhil I spent most of yesterday on the balcony doing mostly nothing. Some days are like that.
@Soberbilly You are tackling some serious stuff there my friend. Just being able to stay with my judgemental mind and not to spiral into endless judgements about myself is hard enough. Impressive challenge. How did you come up with it?
@Sunny11 Welcome back. Nice take off :muscle:

187 sugar
51 UPF
58 gluten
37 dairy
1 overeating/binge

Yesterday was much easier hormone wise and easier to register hunger and satiety signals under potential cravings.

My daughter is finally off to school. Itā€™s going to be a short school week, Thursday is a public holiday and Friday a school holiday too. But Iā€™m grateful for every day I get to work at home by myself. Today Iā€˜m planning on making the first prototypes for my game. Iā€˜m very excited about that. Iā€˜ve never gone through a formal prototyping process before.
I have a class about noon. Havenā€˜t seen the kids for a while due to illness and public holidays. Looking forward to that.
Yoga in the afternoon, and maybe a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening. Whatever comes Iā€˜ll treat it with mindfulness and kindness. One day at a time.

Wishing you wonderful people a day of peace, kindness and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Ha ha, me too! Second day is the worst most of the time :face_with_peeking_eye:


Day 338ā€¦
I was feeling really out of sorts the past few days but I think thatā€™s passed.

Off todayā€¦ Working Tues and Wednesday then off to Liverpool for a few daysā€¦ Booked a hotel etc so everything sorted.
I went for a ten mile bike ride first thing. Nice to cycle near the seaā€¦ My legs tho still feel empty going up hillā€¦
Tried an electric bike yesterday (one of those ones u connect to on your phone app and pay by the minute) and I think I may be a convert. The electric assist thing is remarkable.

May get my wife one for her birthday and Christmas present (as they arenā€™t cheap). She really enjoyed it. We were like two kids who had just taken the stabilisers off.


Thank you for the support and encouragement here. By the grace of God I made it through, and now enjoying family time here in SD. Godā€™s timing is perfect. Thanks again everyoneā€¦much appreciated :heart:


Day 143 AF,

Up at 4am, ready to kick this day into gear!!

Stay large TS folks


@acromouse it is so cool that you are creating a game!
Day 35 here.


Day 70.

I think Iā€™m ready for a holiday.


Day 194. Up and at work, girls had a great weekend they did well with there sale, they only stayed out for two hours and then were done lol. Saturday morning addie broke my heart, friday when we got home she lost her tooth and she of course put it under her pillow. Well i laid down with her and we fell asleep, i had the money in my pocket but never woke up, the next morning we woke up and i went to the bathroom quick and came back into the room and i heard her little sniffle and then a soft ā€œdadā€ the tooth fair didnt come get my tooth. I grabbed her so fast and tucked her in my arms and said yes she did babe i said daddys head was to heavy for her to move. But still it broke my heart. Then they went down for a bbq out back at a friends. I didnt want to go so they just went and played, i went down to get them around 730 and idk got chit chatting and we stayed till about 10, was proud of myself for that. And the next day my mom said she was proud. I joked around and said yeah i got pretty drunk lol. Ironic i fell asleep last night and had a relapse dream haha. But glad im sober and had a good weekend. Much love everyone


Day 14

Rain today and for the next 3 daysā€¦ Ugh. The power has gone out three times already and Iā€™ve only been awake 30 minutes.

Iā€™m keeping it calm and easy today. I need to pace myself today and for the rest of the week. My house responsibilities is a lot more this week with my wife working 12 hour days.

My wife has these weeks once a month so this is my first time doing it sober. I was a little stressed when I thought about but it went away with the thought ofā€¦ Things wonā€™t go 100% my way and thatā€™s Okay :+1:t5:

Time to enjoy my coffee and get to work. Enjoy the day everyone!


Day 59.

Feeling a lot of self reflection coming up today.
Iā€™m basically going through my personal relationships and how my irrational behaviour has impacted them.

There is a strange calm to it, I think.

I know that I canā€™t shift my personality in just a few days, hell even months or years, but I know that I donā€™t have to be stale anymore.

That somehow both fills me with hope and terrifies me beyond belief.

Like I said, itā€™s an odd sensation.

I hope you have good weather wherever you are and that your stress is managable, if not non-existant for the day.

Have a good one :slight_smile:


258 Drug Free
140 Alcohol Free
2 day nicotine free

Checking in. Doing ok, step work today! Have the day off from work. Looking forward to a nice workout, some organizing and mental/spiritual strengthening.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Peace and love.:purple_heart::pray:t4:


Good to see you checking in sober @Scorpn you guys deserve a vacation!


Hey all, checking in on day 1443. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 87

Yes it is!


Just checking in on day 320. Be well, everyone, sending lots of love :two_hearts:


Good morning all.
Rough sleep here, and my daughter got me up very early. Going to be a long day to get through.
Itā€™s these tired days where Iā€™m forced to battle my regrets about the past and anxiety about the future.
Just gotta focus on the positives and keep moving forward, doing what I can.
Have a good one. Thanks for being here.