Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

As you should! Big win friend. Rome wasn’t build in a day. You made it through a tough day with lots of craves and triggers with your sobriety intact and lots of tools used.Every crave and trigger survived makes the next one just that tiny bit easier to get through. They all count and you had a lot of 'm today. Big day, big win. Excellent work.


Thanks for the encouragement! I am trying to intentionally celebrate these wins by doing a little special thing…tonight I’m drinking my favorite tea for a treat. I hope that over time it continues to get easier and that I will get better in thinking to use my new coping skills more quickly. For now having my signs taped around the house help when I don’t think of them first.


Congrats on getting through a tough day :facepunch: Good thing is the thoughts of drinking in the stressful times do fade over time and it’s gets easier to get through those times. It’s so exhausting just battling the thoughts of self medicating. Some days we thrive and some all we can do is survive but we continue on. Good job today :muscle:


2nd check in today.
6 days completed, Ive achieved what i planned to and more despite this crazy weather.
Alfie got his run on the beach and also a swim, i got a few jobs done in the garden then the weather was just ridiculous!
Id be working out in the sun then it would rain so id come in then out comes the sun so i go out then it would rain so id come in then out again and back in. In the end i just had to laugh and now that im in its beautiful out there again :smile:.
Im going to go read my book and get my gear ready for work again tomorrow.
Good night everyone.


Thank you laura. I really needed that bc yeah i almost started crying myself :sweat_smile: she went downstairs and said look grandma, i didnt think the tooth fairy came, but she just couldnt move daddies head and stuck the money in his pocket. My mom said well stick it under your pillow again and youll get extra good luck, and she did…so i made sure to grab it saturday night, she didnt check to see if it was gone sunday morning though lol. Ugh love my girls and miss them so much


177 days
Forgot to check in last night. First time since starting on here.
Have been reading and posting less on here recently. Not sure why. Is it complacency or that I don’t need to be on here as much as in the earlier days? Something to think about


Checking in day 147 AF :blush:


118 checking in
Trained tired. Lol.
Much love :heart:


Hello old beans, checking in on AF Day 57. Bank Holiday here, so naturally rained most of the day which scuppered the gardening I’d planned. Went for a boring swim at the boring pool, this evening is beautiful and sunny, naturally. Back to work tomorrow, yawn. That’s all folks. xx


My daughter’s at that age (10) where I can’t tell if she really still believes or is just going along with it. Last tooth she lost, she didn’t even check for the money at all. Like, days went by and even I forgot until making her bed over a week later :sweat_smile:

I’m sure they miss you too when they’re not there.


Checking in 90 days. A very big hurrays (for me)

Went out for breakfast and cafe only had 1 Waitress which was terrific as had a longer wait for food. We are always rushing through meals because work to be done. Today relaxed and pleasant conversation. Spouse has no idea how important these opportunities are.

Bbq later and bon fire tonight. Temperature 82 and perfect.

Happy Memorial Day to all.


I like this quote

When you learn to listen and not judge, you will see the beauty of the world. When you work through the program, you must learn tolerance. Learn to let go of things you cannot change, such as people. It is an ongoing process. The ‘love and tolerance’ code of AA comes from living life one day at a time, putting yourself at God’s disposal, and having the ability to do anything and anywhere to help another alcoholic. “Love and tolerance of others is our code.



@tailee17 thank you, I suppose I didn’t realise that it’s actually hard work trying to build a better life & yes it’s going to be so much bigger & better than drinking alone, I just didn’t think it would be this much effort.
@DanaM56 thank you, I feel blessed to have so much support here. I was like you: checked out & on autopilot. Reality & sobriety is so full on lol. Mostly in a good way.
@JazzyS thank you so much
@Cjp it’s so good to know I’m not alone, I crave company when I’m alone (I live by myself) but the outside is too peopley at times.
@acromouse I heard that phrase before & it’s so true. I found life so hard before I started drinking & I’d forgotten how hard. I’m older, not necessary wiser but more willing to invest time into me & figure out some shit lol


Congratulations on 90 days :partying_face::raised_hands::muscle:


Checking in on day 150. I celebrated with a big bag of chocolate. That’s another addiction I need to get a grip on but hey I’m thinking I’d rather have a little bit of weight & a sugar spike then be black out drunk.
I work in a fast food restaurant and I have been put on the payment window of drive thru every day for the last 3 weeks. It is in a little room off by itself & this means I’m talking to strangers all day & not getting to interact with my colleagues/friends & have some fun, laughter & a bit of good natured teasing. One of my customers told me I seemed “too happy for that hour of the morning” I started at 8am and he didn’t want to change his order in case it ruined my happy buzz. Bless him :blush:
At my break time one of my work friends took over & he said he loves that work station as he’s left alone. Everyone is different but maybe I just need to change my mindset :thinking:
I hope all you lovely people are having a fanatic sober day 🩷


Congrats on 150 days


Thank you so much. I was sceptical that I’d get through the 1st week tbh :see_no_evil:


Today my clean time just really hit me. Everyday is another day clean and i dont really pay much attention to it (unless its a milestone). But for some reason, looking at my clean time, it truly BAFFLES me!! From a chronic relapser to this… truly didnt think it was possible.

I was quite busy today. Went for a bicep, back, and cardio workout. Then went to Bulk Barn for some ingredients and supplies for my sons bday cake. They didnt have alot of what i needed unfortunately but ill go somewhere else tmrw for the rest of it. Came home to do some cleaning and now waiting for my son to get home. Feeling very blessed today. Grateful for this community and grateful for my HP. Wow i still cant believe that its been over 2 years since i used or drank. Just really amazes me. :butterfly:


Checking in on day 34.

Really, really anxious today. I’m travelling to London and flying out to Greece by myself tomorrow and my stomach is doing backflips.
I know everything will be fine, but I’m such a nervous flyer! Prayers are really, really appreciated!


Beautifully put Dana, I am proud of you. truly amazing when we start our lives clean; time has a different, kinder rhythm. I feel it as well, although you are ahead of me there is a new comfort I feel as my connection with my spiritual life is growing :pray:t5: