Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in day 146 AF :blush:


Checking in almost 2 yrs 1 mo. Idk day ct. Just got back from a dual recovery meeting for people with mental health diagnosis and addiction. It was a good meeting, glad we had some stragglers to add to the party. Sittin on my ragged deck in a high waisted bikini. Im a badass soberina whos worked on her fitness. 1st bikini season im looking forward to in 15 years


Decent day. Staying lightly busy helps! I do have a lot to process still, itā€™s ok and Iā€™m safe today. I will have those nightmares sometimes . But theyā€™re pretty rare.

Started thinking about my road trip next weekend. Iā€™m going at a super slow pace and meandering to my destination. For once! I was never a sightseer, always tried to get wherever as fast as I could. Ready to try a mellow trip. Iā€™ll be heading up to the Ozark mountains, eventually. Moving at the speed of the covered wagonsā€¦haha- a bit faster!

Road trip is another sobriety challenge. I havenā€™t felt like I can handle it until now. But I will have my phone and at least cell coverage I hope. Iā€™m spending the first night in a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Will have fun with it and take you with me! I used to drink a lot staying in hotels but Iā€™ve also done it sober many times. Once I remember those times, Iā€™m good.

Have a good night and thanks for understanding the nightmare stuff.


A bit late, I totally missed it.
Late Happy Birthday from Sweden :balloon::bouquet:


Day 1 , Starting again ā€¦



Do not feel alone. We are here for your sobriety today.


Day 5

Hello everyone. Ive had a really terrible 24 hrs. Ive had no sleep due to abdominal pain. Its starting to ease a little now so im hoping i can catch up on my sleep tonight.
On the plus side ā€¦ Im still alcohol free which is another winning day.
Tomorrow my plan is to get out and walk with the dog as its a bank holiday and im not working. The weather is still cold and wet here but i cant do a thing about that apart from dress accordingly.
Hope you have all had a good day.


Maybe. Iā€™m still torn. Using this site as my sounding boardā€¦ but even when i definitively decide ā€œNOā€, I waffle.

Half the issue is I have the damn certified cheque in hand for it so have already taken money from my account. I mean I can put it back, but Iā€™m still not certain.

Probably the most back and fourth Iā€™ve ever done on a decision, lol.

That ride through Montana sounds like heaven manā€¦glad to see you postingā€¦


Today I feel super super tired


Today was a crazy busy day. I had the day off work to go to this event with my son and hubsand. It was an outdoor muscle car event and it was super fun. Rainy tho which made things cold but we still enjoyed the event. My son got tons of goodies, including this Monopoly Knock Out game (hes obsessed with Monopoly lol).
Came home to rest a bit and warm up. Then off to the grocery store for food. Put everything away once i got in, had supper, gave my son a bath and then had to play Monoply before bed. Was really a family fun kind of day. I teally enjoyed it.

I got myself some protein powder today also. Hoping to really get my protein up with the help of this. Ive been doing well with my eating but protein is lacking. Spent some time planning my meals for this week also so i can stay on track. Cant wait to exercise tmrw too.

Not much else to mention. Im tired and need a nice shower to relax. Will do that shortly. Hope everyones sunday was a good one! :butterfly:


Happy birthday Luna!!! Looking adorable as usual!!


Checking in at the end of day 15. Super tired but today was a relaxing Sunday.

Have a good evening everyone.


Swept and hosed down the front patio and got rid of some bits of hose and a bucket thatā€™s been sitting out there forever, so itā€™s looking better. Still a ways to go. I may need to get a few pots and some plants. Maybe tomorrow I can go to a nursery. I also did cat chores and 4 hours of consulting. Got some good take out food for the twins and me for dinner. Hope everyone has a good evening!


Day 595

Working my ass off. 50hours a week, no breaksā€¦
But 2 weeks from now Iā€™ll be going on vacation. I just hope it all goes well.



I just decided to get out of my little rut. Because nobodyā€™s helped with me staying in it. Especially not me. The last few weeks Iā€™ve been feeling like old times a bit. Felt some of the good old anxiety. Been hiding at home.

Experience work day. Iā€™m going to make something of it. Outside of work I want to read more. Write more. Live more mindful again. If I donā€™t like my job enough I can get another one. Will think about it if thatā€™s what I really want. And make more work of it. Nothing will change if I change nothing.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from my friendā€™s garden. Who still canā€™t stop smoking hash after 40+ years btw, but thatā€™s her choice. Weā€™re friends and it doesnā€™t trigger me. X

@Scorpn Itā€™s good to see you friend. Counting down to your holidays :people_hugging:



My coworker brought in her wireless charger and my phone connected immediately. 2 hours later it was looking pretty grim as it hadnā€™t gone up a single percentageā€¦until I noticed the :droplet: symbol was gone! All better :hugs:

For as gorgeous of a day it was, the golf course wasnā€™t that busy. At 2:30 we were counting down the minutes til close (3pm Sundays), but of course, just like last week, groups started asking if the kitchen was still open. I ended up getting 5 orders before close and was stuck there til 4:30. Ah well. Not for nothing.

When I was giving my schedule to my mom, she noticed I was working this coming Thursday, which is my daughters chorus concert (glad she did bc I wasnā€™t paying attention :grimacing:). When I asked about getting that night off, a month ago, she said itā€™d be fine, but I needed to fill out a request off form bc ā€œthe GM wants everything documented from now onā€. No tf he doesnā€™t! She does this a lot. Heā€™s the only power higher than her, so when she wants something changed she puts the words in his mouth. Anyway. Why have me fill out something youā€™re obviously going to ignore? Pointless waste of paper :roll_eyes:

Glad to be off tomorrow. Memorial Day! The foretaste of summer. A day of pools opening, cookouts, and fun in the sun! Except, at midnight, itā€™s going to start raining and itā€™s not gonna stop until the sun goes down tomorrow :joy: I can already hear the thunder. Fine with me :relieved: Be safe everyone :pray: If somethingā€™s telling you to skip the party, LISTEN :no_entry_sign: Donā€™t risk it!


Good morning everyone. Happy birthday for yesterday luna sorry i didnt get around to it yesterday but i had a bad one @Mno what a beautiful photo :+1:
@Butterflymoonwoman Im pleased you enjoyed your day yesterday, ive been thinking about how great it would be to attend an event like that.
I managed to get a few hours sleep which was very much needed. The pain is easing and im feeling more positive today.
Going to have another hour then get down to the beach and hopefully see some sunshine and maybe a paddle in the sea then catch up on some gardening while its dry.
I do hope you all have a good day today.


Day 6

I live today, Iā€™m sober, Hangover free monday , having Green tea at office.


*Day 2077 :walking_woman:
My body is screaming :rofl:
In a good way, because itā€™s in pain because of the crossfit session yesterday.
It was fun @JazzyS , but also uncomfortable.
People I do not know and being in a strange environment and doing all that new exercizes.
Didnā€™t knew that in crossfit they use gymnastic rings and push of bars (really high above grounds). Now I know :hugs:
But happy and proud I went besides the nervous feeling. New thing are always a bit awkward to begin with.

This is the roof of the palace of Guell wich Iā€™ve visited last week. Tomorrow my holiday ends and I have to go to work again.
So today itā€™s chilltime :confetti_ball:
Have a good day ore night all.

And remember: life begins at the end of your comfortzone!! (That is deffinitely a reminder for myself! :blush:)


@sarath_unrelax Hangover free Monday sounds really good :+1:
@Leveller Wishing you a pain free or at least pain reduced day :blush: I hope whatever it is, will pass soon.
@Just_Laura Enjoy your day off.
@Mno Yeah to living more :blush:
@SoberWalker Glad to hear youā€˜re enjoying your pain :rofl:
@Scorpn Wow, thatā€˜s some workload youā€˜ve got there. Hang on, vacation is coming.
@Butterflymoonwoman Had to look up what a muscle car is. The fun of a global community. Good to hear you had such a nice day.
@Bomdhil I spent most of yesterday on the balcony doing mostly nothing. Some days are like that.
@Soberbilly You are tackling some serious stuff there my friend. Just being able to stay with my judgemental mind and not to spiral into endless judgements about myself is hard enough. Impressive challenge. How did you come up with it?
@Sunny11 Welcome back. Nice take off :muscle:

187 sugar
51 UPF
58 gluten
37 dairy
1 overeating/binge

Yesterday was much easier hormone wise and easier to register hunger and satiety signals under potential cravings.

My daughter is finally off to school. Itā€™s going to be a short school week, Thursday is a public holiday and Friday a school holiday too. But Iā€™m grateful for every day I get to work at home by myself. Today Iā€˜m planning on making the first prototypes for my game. Iā€˜m very excited about that. Iā€˜ve never gone through a formal prototyping process before.
I have a class about noon. Havenā€˜t seen the kids for a while due to illness and public holidays. Looking forward to that.
Yoga in the afternoon, and maybe a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening. Whatever comes Iā€˜ll treat it with mindfulness and kindness. One day at a time.

Wishing you wonderful people a day of peace, kindness and freedom today :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: