Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Nice… well done on the 11. Great achievement.


Fab achievement!!


Hey all, checking in on day 1420. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Today is really difficult.
I have stopped myself twice in shops buying it today and it’s only 1:20pm.
I think it’s hormonal on top of intense want to drink.
I have to get through today.
I know this evening I will be glad if I get through it.
I want it to stop me caring about everything so much because caring all the time about everything is painful.


Day 64

I slept in late this morning! Love it.

Thank you @acromouse . Good idea. I have a strange relationship with work that needs to be re-done for sure! I’ll keep things achievable for the win :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unbelievable cloudy stretch here. Going to flip on my therapy light. Just one online appointment today, so I’ll spend some extra time reading, writing, etc. Feeling better about things. I’m taking some trips soon, so that extra time is needed. I’ve been in a cocoon for a while so returning to normal life needs some preparing for. Like a really strong foundation. I’m still learning how to live sober.

Breakfast :grinning:


Take it as no coincidence that i just got home lady. There’ll be NO drinking on my shift! You’re here. You’re sober. We’re going to get through this day. Sober. We’re in this together friend. Hang with us and in there XXX.


Stay with us Twizzlers. Just one day, one hour, we’ve got you! :heart:


There’s no “right way” Mischa, or if there is I haven’t found it.

I tell all new parents “if there was a time night way to raise a child then you’d get given a book by the midwife when you bring one into the world”. Instead there are 10,000 parenting books and I haven’t read any of them :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

One tip though… when it comes to choices I give me kids the choice between TWO things that I don’t mind making, rather than letting them ask for just anything (ok, at the weekend anything but not on a school morning). Maybe that makes it a little easier :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:people_hugging:Thank you

I think I should join an online AA meeting right now.
And then maybe some meditation to bring my mind back to reality.
One hour at a time, il be fine by 4-5pm I always reflect at that time how glad I am that I’m sober and I see how I wasn’t thinking straight.


Ok that’s enough going out to the shops today for you young lady! Maybe get back in your pjamas so you can’t go out again. :man_shrugging:t2:


@Twizzlers You’ve got this- A meeting, hanging with us and a few more hours, all will be well.

@james83 The pajama trick really works. Signal that your day has ended, and there will be no more messing around shopping and shit! :wink: Helped me out more than once!


@james83 @Lighter

Yes I have put a documentary on and am in bed with a cat snuggled on me so I defo can’t move :sweat_smile:

Today is a good day, I’m not going to allow my brain to trick me otherwise.
A lazy day is ok :slightly_smiling_face:.

Next week there is supposed to be nicer weather and I will be at the catio like a job. Try get it finished.
Today the sun was out and I felt I had to get out there and do some but I just don’t have the energy. so it started with that.
Feeling overwhelmed that I should be doing more.
Next week is good with the upcoming weather. Then fays like today when the sun is out, me and the pets can actually relax out there.
I know summer is going to be hard so always plane to have the garden nice and like a sanctuary.
Too many triggers for my mental health and addictions during summer so I know I have to make a safe space for me to have. And as it’s not ready I feel pressured.

I will not drink today, I have all of you standing with me sober, I’m always on @Mno watch so there will be no giving into addiction for me. :people_hugging::sparkles:


Congrats @Deelzebub on 11 months. Keep growing my friend


@Deelzebub congratulations on your 11 months :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler: this is so lovely to see :sparkles::star::sparkles:


30 days sober! I’m still not sleeping the best because of bad dreams which makes my energy level low. But I’m doing well despite that. I’ve been trying to do some meditation when waking up in the night but it’s still been difficult for me to get back to sleep which is frustrating. After nights like that it gets me into bad memories and I just get to feeling bad and down. I have to work hard those mornings to get myself going. Usually as long as I take my morning hike I’m alright. That nearly always helps bring my anxiety down…anyways today my friend joined me and we had a long hike then spent time outside relaxing while we waited for a man who came to bring the snow leopard to the wild life refuge. That went well! We had a nice time together am really glad she could spend the day with me. Am hoping to sleep better tonight.


Can you hit a meeting? Get out of yourself and find community?

Im sorry your addiction and that incessant pull is haunting you. Hold on @Twizzlers the only way is through


30 days is brilliant congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks:

Nature is always something that I find very healing.
Hope the sleep sorts itself out :people_hugging:


Big congrats on 30 days sober. Thats a major milestone @Laner stick with us my friend


I have joined recovery dharma, it is really nice to be apart of that.
But I do think I need to be coming at this from all different angles and try out everything. Anything is better than drinking.
I will join some online marathon meetings through the rest of the day. There is a face to face AA meeting tomorrow morning, it’s very early so I will see about getting to that.
I do feel alot better just being here with you all too.
It’s coming in waves and they are intense as my recent relapse just over a month ago, I believe reignited all those addiction pathways and they are just firing off.
I am looking at this as I’m strengthening my mind.
And I also mindful of the fact when the craving passes I feel releived I didn’t give into it.

Thank you :people_hugging:


@Twizzlers @Cjp thank you! This group has been really helpful and encouraging for me.