Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Sorry today has been so difficult. Thinking of you


Thank you :people_hugging: Iā€™m thinking of you too and hoping the sleep and memories smooth out. Itā€™s nice to read you had company and it was a nice day together.


Thanks for that. Sleep has been an issue for me for many years but it has intensified the past month. Iā€™m hoping it will smooth out after some time. Having a friend around helps. Iā€™m fortunate to have a lot of people around who support me. Hope that your day gets better


Opsie Daisy :joy:
Youā€™re welcome if you do come. We have a huge garden,a trampoline, birds nest swing,bikes, a creek on the backside and a lot of other thing to wear them out before bedtime :wink:

Iā€™d probably have more kids if my husband have wanted it. After your youngest one he said he was to old for another. And with his current health in mind he was absolutely right. (He is older than me and is currently in his 50s)

Iā€™ve always done the same with my kids. They got to choose. I want to give them the choice I never had.
But Iā€™ll give you a tip to make it a bit easier. Limit the choices and take the fight when there is no option.

For example non optional things that you donā€™t get to choose is brushing your teeth,shower och het dressed in clothes appropriate for the weather.

Situations where you could limit the choice (small children usually have some difficulties with to many options anyway)

Would be like the breakfast situation. Instead of going ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ And make three different ones you could go ā€œToday weā€™re serving sandwiches for breakfast,would you like cheese or Marmelade on yours?ā€

And next day the options might be cereals oat puffs or cornflakes. You get the point.
That way everyone still get to choose but it gets a little easier.


Congratulations on your 11 month milestone!!


30 days is awesome! Congratulations!


Thank you!


Checking in on 297 days of freedom. Have a peaceful day, everyone! :peace_symbol::heart: and you are welcome, @Laner . We are all in this togetherā€¦


Great post. Glad youā€™re settled in and found a meeting. Weā€™re with you too. :heart:

I feel you on projects! I set the bar too high sometimes. Work again becomes more important than recovery, at times. Thatā€™s when I want to pick up. It canā€™t be.

I have a summer ahead that is full of challenging situations, but a chance to really be solid in my recovery by the time I hit my 6 months in the fall. It could be like looking down the barrel of a gun, or once again enjoying all of life sober and free. I definitely want option 2. We can get through all of this sober. Together. And share pictures of our projects and trips. Hang in there friend, Lots of love and support :v:


Checking in,

734 days free from weed and alcohol
277 days free from nicotine

Ahhh im feeling lost without my saturday morning gym session. I got my right shoulderblade tattooed yesterday and they suggested i wait to exercise for the next week to limit stretching the tattoo while its healing.
Ill do some running later today and hopefully that gives me my fix


This sounds good :+1:

I did just order the clear wood protector for the catio furniture I have built. It will come tomorrow by 1pm.
So I can brush that on the wood and let it dry tomorrow.
A small goal :goal_net:
One I can accomplish and also helps me feel I am doing something towards the project.

This is what was pushing me to think I want a drink.
Feeling alot better now.
Thank you



Hey, checking in Day 13. Another busy day today clearing a garden with my friend. Hacking bushes and chopping treesā€¦ feeling a little drained and sad. I had 2 or 3 good days but feels like Iā€™m in another dark cloud today. I know it wonā€™t last. Itā€™s 3.30 and I have no idea what Iā€™m doing for the rest of today. I understand itā€™s probably going to be like this for a while but it sucks when it is.

Iā€™m going to try and motivate myself to go for a walk or sauna. Drinking is not an option.

Thanks @acromouse. Sorry your feeling a bit foggy today. Iā€™m glad you have a plan to sort it out.

Thanks @JazzyS glad you enjoyed your meal with your brother.

Tomorrow is another day for me, no work commitments. Iā€™m spending the day outdoors with my family and no hangover.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend allā™„ļø


You can do this Dan. Donā€™t let the devil get in your head. I believe in you :heart::blush:


Thanks Mekaā€‹:pray: itā€™s much appreciatedā€¦and yep Iā€™m not going to let it beat meā€¦ procrastination is killing me right now though :grimacing: 5 more minutes and Iā€™ll do something :joy:


I will keep you in my prayers and reach out anytime. I just celebrated 11 months. It does get easier. We can conquer anything together :muscle:t5: :raised_hands:t5:


@MrsOdh @james83 thanks guys, I appreciate it :green_heart:
Itā€™s 5pm here, today wasnā€™t as bad as yesterday, I survived :wink:


Thank you and congratulations on 11 months! Thatā€™s an incredible achievement!


Cheking in 2years4months4days sober! Still sick! I hope the medicin will help soon! The pills is to big for my anxiety to swallow, so they say I can cut it and pour the powder in water and mix. It taste totally hell!! Like omg, its so hard to get it down.


Today is day 222 af. Celebrating one of my grandsons birthday. We are all going bowling! Itā€™s Derby of course, so traffic is a bit of a bear!
Hope everyone has a great day!:sunny::heart::rainbow:


Morning TS! Last nights overnight shift was rough :frowning: my poor little guy kept getting up complaining of stomach pain. I held him and cuddled him until he managed to fall back asleep. But this mama didnt get much rest. But here i am, at workā€¦ a 1/4 of the way done. Its been a quiet day so far. Ive been sitting here planning my sons bday and getting cake/cupcake inspiration for my sons bday treats. Not much else going on right now. Just want to get thru work and get home to my family. Have a great saturday everyone!