Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Ha ha, me too! Second day is the worst most of the time :face_with_peeking_eye:


Day 338ā€¦
I was feeling really out of sorts the past few days but I think thatā€™s passed.

Off todayā€¦ Working Tues and Wednesday then off to Liverpool for a few daysā€¦ Booked a hotel etc so everything sorted.
I went for a ten mile bike ride first thing. Nice to cycle near the seaā€¦ My legs tho still feel empty going up hillā€¦
Tried an electric bike yesterday (one of those ones u connect to on your phone app and pay by the minute) and I think I may be a convert. The electric assist thing is remarkable.

May get my wife one for her birthday and Christmas present (as they arenā€™t cheap). She really enjoyed it. We were like two kids who had just taken the stabilisers off.


Thank you for the support and encouragement here. By the grace of God I made it through, and now enjoying family time here in SD. Godā€™s timing is perfect. Thanks again everyoneā€¦much appreciated :heart:


Day 143 AF,

Up at 4am, ready to kick this day into gear!!

Stay large TS folks


@acromouse it is so cool that you are creating a game!
Day 35 here.


Day 70.

I think Iā€™m ready for a holiday.


Day 194. Up and at work, girls had a great weekend they did well with there sale, they only stayed out for two hours and then were done lol. Saturday morning addie broke my heart, friday when we got home she lost her tooth and she of course put it under her pillow. Well i laid down with her and we fell asleep, i had the money in my pocket but never woke up, the next morning we woke up and i went to the bathroom quick and came back into the room and i heard her little sniffle and then a soft ā€œdadā€ the tooth fair didnt come get my tooth. I grabbed her so fast and tucked her in my arms and said yes she did babe i said daddys head was to heavy for her to move. But still it broke my heart. Then they went down for a bbq out back at a friends. I didnt want to go so they just went and played, i went down to get them around 730 and idk got chit chatting and we stayed till about 10, was proud of myself for that. And the next day my mom said she was proud. I joked around and said yeah i got pretty drunk lol. Ironic i fell asleep last night and had a relapse dream haha. But glad im sober and had a good weekend. Much love everyone


Day 14

Rain today and for the next 3 daysā€¦ Ugh. The power has gone out three times already and Iā€™ve only been awake 30 minutes.

Iā€™m keeping it calm and easy today. I need to pace myself today and for the rest of the week. My house responsibilities is a lot more this week with my wife working 12 hour days.

My wife has these weeks once a month so this is my first time doing it sober. I was a little stressed when I thought about but it went away with the thought ofā€¦ Things wonā€™t go 100% my way and thatā€™s Okay :+1:t5:

Time to enjoy my coffee and get to work. Enjoy the day everyone!


Day 59.

Feeling a lot of self reflection coming up today.
Iā€™m basically going through my personal relationships and how my irrational behaviour has impacted them.

There is a strange calm to it, I think.

I know that I canā€™t shift my personality in just a few days, hell even months or years, but I know that I donā€™t have to be stale anymore.

That somehow both fills me with hope and terrifies me beyond belief.

Like I said, itā€™s an odd sensation.

I hope you have good weather wherever you are and that your stress is managable, if not non-existant for the day.

Have a good one :slight_smile:


258 Drug Free
140 Alcohol Free
2 day nicotine free

Checking in. Doing ok, step work today! Have the day off from work. Looking forward to a nice workout, some organizing and mental/spiritual strengthening.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Peace and love.:purple_heart::pray:t4:


Good to see you checking in sober @Scorpn you guys deserve a vacation!


Hey all, checking in on day 1443. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 87

Yes it is!


Just checking in on day 320. Be well, everyone, sending lots of love :two_hearts:


Good morning all.
Rough sleep here, and my daughter got me up very early. Going to be a long day to get through.
Itā€™s these tired days where Iā€™m forced to battle my regrets about the past and anxiety about the future.
Just gotta focus on the positives and keep moving forward, doing what I can.
Have a good one. Thanks for being here.


Checking in, day 148. :black_heart:

Hope everyone has a beautiful sober day. Much love to all.


@acromouse congrats on 50+ days no UPFs :tada:
@Amy30 sorry about your pains :people_hugging: but yay for making it happen and becoming who you always wanted to be :raised_hands:t2::muscle:t2:šŸ©µ
@JazzyS thank you :crossed_fingers:t2::blush:šŸ©µ I hope that headache has left you alone :people_hugging:
@Sunny11 welcome back :people_hugging:
@Scorpn good to read from you :blush: 2 weeks! :partying_face:
@Whereswaldo congrats on 70 days :tada:

1385 days no alcohol.
850 days no cocaine.
365 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

I fell asleep at 6pm Saturday evening, then woke up at 11pm and couldnā€™t get back to sleep, so yesterday did draaaaag. I caught up here, read half a chapter of the book Iā€™m reading, watched an episode of TV in the lounge, and mostly stuck to my meal plan, apart from some toast at 8:30pm, which was not part of the plan so it made me feel guilty, but Iā€™m still adjusting and itā€™s still progress.

I slept fairly well last night, from around 9pm-2am. I did a lot of meditations yesterday because my MH was low, it is today too, even though the sun is shining, which usually helps.

After this Iā€™m going to finish the rest of the chapter I started yesterday, watch an episode of TV in the lounge, and take it from there.



Okay. That Tooth fairy move was brilliant on the spot :ok_hand: I know how hard it is to see the look of disappointment in your little girlā€™s eyes, but from where Iā€™m standing, youā€™re doing an amazing job. These little moments wonā€™t last forever and one day theyā€™ll realize everything youā€™ve done for them :100:


53 daysā€¦today was a rough one. I know Iā€™m gonna have good days and bad days and days inbetween. Iā€™m trying to take advantage and be grateful for my good days and trying to remind myself bad days will come and go but that I can get through them.
I donā€™t even know what set me off today. I slept well didnā€™t even dream. I got up and was okay and started in on my chores. I filled my buckets from the well and carried them home and remember thinking then ā€˜I feel goodā€™. Next thing I know Iā€™m milking the horses and I was back in my past reliving a memory I had to drag myself out of. It seemed to happen so quickly and out of the blue that I didnā€™t even think of the new coping skills Iā€™m learning I just paniced and froze up feeling helpless. I just continued my milking until I was finished and going through the motions not really fully present. When I came back in to start processing the milk I saw the list of coping skills I wrote out and taped to my wall. Then I started in on these. But I was disappointed in myself for not thinking to go to these for all that time. I know Iā€™m too hard on myself with that. I calmed down but still felt off all day. Jumpy and out of sorts. Like the smallest thing sent me fading back into my memories and Iā€™d have to drag myself back and start over again.
So all in all today wasnā€™t very productive. My concentration was shot. And I thought about drinking so many times. But I kept myself away and am being easy on myself. Took my hike, had an extra long hot spring soak, played erkin tinpin to get out some frustration and anger out, yelled in the mountains like a crazy person and sat with my dogs enjoying the weight of their cuddles. I struggle with feelings of shame and disappointment especially since I got absolutely no work done today but I didnā€™t drink, I took care of myself and I did what I felt was needed so Iā€™m calling it a win.



Having a weird time at the moment. Post-break up life not really getting started as so much to do to sell my house.

Itā€™s a holiday in the UK today and I was expecting a group of friends to come and help with some yard work. Of course itā€™s raining :sweat_smile: And then the messages started coming with people not being able to make it. I havenā€™t been very on top of organising as Iā€™m going through a rough time with medication withdrawal, so I was expecting this. But still felt very sad and rejected etc. One friend messaged separately to say her and her partner could still come. I said no to start with as I just wanted to curl up and cry. But changed my mind and asked them to come. Had a bit of a cry :see_no_evil: But then got some other house stuff sorted until they arrived. It was just what I needed! Got something done and most of all didnā€™t push someone away who wanted to offer some support :sparkling_heart: