Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking on the evening of day
383 no alcohol
314 no vapes or ciggs (23 no loszenges or nic)
46 no form of marijuanna

Still stuck on about 2, one hour long, cravings a day for nicotine
Always happy when they pass though


Keep inspiring me, everyone. You’re better at this than I am.


End of Day 143 AF,

7am-3pm work shift. 3:30-6:30, three properties mowed. Eat by 7pm, shower in bed by 8:15pm

Tomorrow up 4am to start over again. Phew this mowing in evening gig just never takes any time off. Rinse, repeat.

Gnight sober fam!!


End of day 14

It was an exhausting day from start to finish. The overnight staff didn’t their job, I was mad from the start of my shift. I told the boss I’m not working openings anymore. She let me know the other opener quit and this is their last week. She begged me to help her out for the next couple weeks, I said no. I gave her until Wednesday next week and then I go back to 9-2 or 3 the following week.

For this same job there was a bunch of compliance courses I had to do on my own time, it took about an hour and a half. This pissed me off too but I decided not to cause a problem over it.

The rain let up for a little and I was able to BBQ the chicken for dinner. Lady Luck was on my side because it started down pouring a few minutes after I put the BBQ away.

I did my fatherly duties, and now in bed at 7:45. I’m letting my mind wind down with reflecting and logging. Enjoy the night everyone!

Ps. I’m excited for day 15 tomorrow!


Congratulations on double digits (soon to he day 15)!! Im sorry to hear about ur work emvironment. But way to go on setting some boundaries!


I too believed this to my core. Thank God I was wrong.
Im proud of you also Billy :slight_smile: Youve been a HUGE part of my recovery. Youre insightfulness and wisdom is something i admire. Your posts are always sooo helpful to me and really make me think.


Hello beautiful people,
Just checking in before bed. Another good day, and feeling so incredibly grateful for being sober. So so so grateful. If you are in the beginning, know that it can feel impossible at times but its possible. One little step at a time.

Two of our good friends are struggling quite seriously with addiction right now, and it pains my heart. Addiction is a deeply distressing beast for all those involved, and I can only share what i have done to get me as far as I have come with others. We just get one shot at this life, and we dpnt have to do it perfectly and Lord knows there are ups and downs but togethrr I feel so much stronger eith you all in my pocket. Thank you all for being here, I need you guys and appreciate that youre all here xo.


Checking in at the end of day16.

Feeling good! Cravings are getting less, still really tired, but feeling good. However, I don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch so I am vigilant with my routine.

Not much to report here, did some much needed shopping. I live in a small town, so I have to travel to a bigger city to shop for decent clothes and shoes. The drive was nice and the shopping was good.

Everyone have a good night.

“Negative behavior is the result of negative thoughts which corresponds to a negative belief which then drives us to do something negative”.


Hell yeah you are! So happy to see your fitness hard work paying off
@sunny11 Welcome back friend – great to see you here with us! Day 1 and going strong :muscle:
@leveller great work on day 6 – glad to hear that your pain is easing. Hopefully you will be able to get more sleep. Sounds like a lovely day planned! LOL the weather sounds like it was having mood swings – glad you made it work for you.
@Bomdhil Sorry that you are feeling so tired – are you allowing yourself to rest? I know the detoxing can take a lot out of us and our bodies / minds need the extra time to rest and recharge. 36 days is awesome Thomas – hope you are able to recharge your energy and keep stacking up the days! :muscle:
@scorpn See you creeping on 600 days friend – way to go. So lovely to see you checking in. Man those work hours suck! Grateful you and the kids will be off on a vacations soon… so well deserved and needed. :hugs: :heart:
@soberwalker Love that quote “life begins at the end of your comfortzone!” thanks for this and I’m gonna work on trying things outside of mine too. I’ve never tried crossfit – sounds intense and interesting. Glad you pushed yourself and will be trying this out. Glad to read that you are happy and proud! As you should be :hugs: WOW – what a beautiful artistic roof! :heart:
@chosen2001 Great to see you thriving and pushing forward Chris! :pray: :hugs:
@whereswaldo 70 days is awesome work – keep it going. Hope the holiday comes soon too :tada:
@tifflynn07 Great to see you checking in friend – 148 days and going strong :muscle:
@laner I’m sorry to hear about your rough patch – want to say congrats on utilizing the coping list. Shouldn’t be so hard on yourself for the delayed reaction as you are just starting out on this recovery and these new habits have not yet formed. You at least did not go backwards and drink to get over the rough patch and that is a huge step forward. Some days just getting through the rough patches is all the work you need to do. Sending you love and compassion friend :people_hugging: :heart:


@siand so grateful that you accepted help from friends today and were not alone. Selling the house and all the prep that goes with that is not easy. Glad you were able to have a good cry and let it out – we are here for you too. Big hugs friend :people_hugging:
@mrfantastik Great to see you Marty – life can get busy and its harder to find time to check in. Great to take time and think about what is keeping you away – if it is complacency then it’s time to make time for check in’s as the darn addict brain lives off of complacency and false sense of security. 177 days and rocking this sobriety friend – keep it going strong :muscle:
@tailee17 90 days WOOT WOOT – nicely done Lam – love the relaxed chill vibe of the day – glad you were able to enjoy a lovely breakfast out :tada: :clap: :muscle:
@lile01 Safe travels my friend – I’m sure it will all go smoothly and you will have a wonderful time. Hope you get to thoroughly relax and enjoy – share some of those beautiful pictures with us when you get a chance :hugs:
@noshame damn those cravings – glad to see you pushing through friend! It does get easier and remember that you are so far now from the all day cravings. :muscle:
@vagabond You are here and doing great – give yourself the due credit friend. We all make each other stronger

Checking in on Monday night
523 days free of alcohol and weed
938 days free of cigarettes
Didn’t do much at all today - got a good nap in which was great cause i didn’t get much sleep last night. Hoping for my energy zap to kick in tomorrow.
Gonna try and get my sleep routine started now – sweet dreams my sober friends :sleeping:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free evening / day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in 2y 11m 16d. Today was a rough day. They can’t all be rainbow and sunshine. Hope everyone is doing well. I should check in more. Much love :blue_heart:


2 years 2 months 25 days no self harm

everyday is miserable and nothing feels like it helps. it’s been like those for months and I feel like i’m running out of ways to get through the day.

birthday is coming up and i have nothing but free time right now. nothing feels fun or worth doing. i’m adjusting my psychiatrist meds with my psychiatrist but so far i’m not feeling better


nothing feels fun or worthwhile. I try to engage in my hobbies but I find myself bored after a few minutes



Super blah day. Cat woke me up too early. It was thunderstorming until about 4, but we didn’t have Memorial day plans anyway. We did some little crafts and drawing and had McDonald’s for dinner. I felt bad the weather was so crappy for me and my daughter’s day off together. It really sucked the energy out of me. Now I’m just stiff and achy from doing not much. I think I should stretch before bed. Another rainy day tomorrow, but the upside is it’s cooled down. Tomorrow’s another day :relieved:


I am sorry for you feeling bad. May you find some joy here and know we are here for you. Hope the meds change helps you get balanced.


Checking day 345 AF

The weekend started off nice. My BF came to visit. We drove to see my grandson play baseball. It was a beautiful day but he always seems to have a negative comment. My grandson is an extremely talented athlete perhaps a bit over confident but he’s a good team player. He was thrown out for trying to steal home plate and my BF said perhaps this will humble him. My baby is 11 years old. How can someone say such a thing about an 11 yr old?

This all coming from a man who supports his 36 yr daughter. We’ve dated for almost 8 months and I’m not sure this is really going anywhere. It’s exhausting thinking about it.


Hey Megan …so good to see you checking in love. I’m so sorry that you are feeling this way. Keep working on finding something to engage in. Sometimes we need different things to keep us interested. I do find myself switching back and forth to keep my mind from getting bored. This place also helps. Staying engaged here I don’t feel so alone
Here for you Megan… sending love. :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart: You are not alone


Congratulations on your 90 days Lam
I hope you enjoyed your BBQ and bonfire.


Meds take time to settle in, so I hope thats the case with you too. In the meanwile come here more, it helps to stay connected and it will distract you a bit. Sorry you feel so uncomfortable right now, but look at your numbers! You are doing great on that part :muscle:


Negativity is exhausting, and contagious. It consumed my last relationship. Ask yourself why you feel exhausted thinking about it. The thought of ending the relationship? Or continuing on with it?