Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 15

I am very happy to check in today! It’s been an interesting night.

I thought I was having a nightmare. In this dream I was feeling real emotions: fear, anxious, worried. As soon as I woke up, I smiled and laughed with god for playing a trick on me.

15 years ago I was faced with a very difficult decision. The dream was my life, if I had made the opposite decision. If visions are real… This was definitely one.

Needless to say, I woke up in an amazing mood! Now, my wife is in a good mood too :joy: I’m in my routine, enjoying my coffee with true happiness in my heart.

I wish everyone an amazing Tuesday!


Congratulations on 90 days, Sophia! Definitely something to report :dancer: :heart:. Enjoy your day


Day 88

Up way before decent folk. Up before cats. Kind of a bad sleep, but better bad :wink:

Turning the corner into a new phase of sobriety. Calmer of mind. It’s easier to exercise. I’m losing a little weight. All sharp edges are less so, now. I like it. I’m healing up. :heart:


Day 259 Drug free
Day 141 Alcohol free
Day 3 nicotine free

Checking in early morning. Been getting up early for my spiritual breakfast. Prayer, meditation, reading and yoga. Great way to set a positive intention for the day!

Blessings all​:yellow_heart::pray:t4:


@Laner that most definitely is a win :trophy: :tada:
@siand I’m sorry to hear about your break-up :people_hugging::mending_heart: but well done for accepting help 🩵
@tailee17 congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Lisa-B congrats on 150 days :tada:
@Lile01 safe travels :airplane: :flight_departure:
@vagabond welcome to the checking-in thread :blush:
@SKhan congrats on 2+ weeks :tada:
@icebear sorry for the rough day :people_hugging: good to read from you though :blush:
@SadMemeQueen I’m glad you are working with a psychiatrist, hoping together you’ll find what works for you, sending strength and hope :people_hugging:🩵
@sarath_unrelax congrats on your week :tada:


What time do the decent folk start waking up :thinking::joy:


@SoberWalker I hope you get your hearing back and are feeling better soon 🩵
@acromouse I hope the coffee helped :people_hugging:🩵
@MrsOdh congrats on 90 days :tada:
@BJonns congrats on your week :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli I can relate alot :people_hugging: solidarity 🩵
@JonasE congrats on 60 days :tada:

1386 days no alcohol.
851 days no cocaine.
366 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I didn’t end up doing what I said I was going to do (finish the chapter, watch TV in the lounge), but I did meditate alot, and I watched TV on my phone, BGT, which was a much needed 1.5hr distraction from obsessing about food.

I’ve decided to allow toast later in the evening, if I’m genuinely hungry, but I have to wait an hour after my evening snack, so that I know it’s genuine hunger, rather than eating just because I’m standing in the kitchen. It worked well last night, and now I don’t have the guilt.

I only slept from midnight til 2am, so my brain is lagging today. I am anxious as I’m anticipating a reply from the charity I’m currently having theray with, regarding CSA. I will find out if I can restart it once I’ve completed the therapy with the psychiatrist. I hope they will allow this, as I was so patient whilst I waited 4 years for it.

I have deliveries coming today so I’ll be waiting in for those (not like I ever go anywhere :sweat_smile:). I will finish the chapter after this, and then maybe watch the last 2 episodes of Sex Education on Netflix.



Oh, they usually wake up after 5:30. :grinning:


Damn I’m far from decent today :joy::joy:


Congratulations on 90 days!!! :partying_face:


Thank you :blush:


Day 339.just a quick check in

Working 7-4 today. Feeling OK. Weather is a bit rubbish still but I feel OK. Mood is calm
I am sober. Not drinking today and just keep moving forwards.


Day 65 and i just wanted to share a pic of what my recovery is looking like. I love my recovery family.


Hey all, checking in on day 1444. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


I haven’t been posting much but I’ve always been around… 100 days today and a 10lb weight loss confirmed today! :slight_smile:


Hey @CATMANCAM there’s nothing wrong with toast if you agree on a portion size and stick to it around good healthy meals. Maybe do something around the routine of the toast to make the experience feel comforting to your body? A really nice plate could be used, use plant sterols spread (great for cholesterol), and a wee smidge of marmite (vitamin b’s). That should turn the experience into something positive and know that you have loved and honoured your body in the process. Honestly, I’m very proud that you are trying this out and eating real food that your body needs and deserves. I’m hoping this curiosity will work out super well for you. :heart:


Day 2257. Got back from camping yesterday. Babysitting today. Just the normal stuff…the stuff being sober gave to me.


Well done! :clap:t2::pray:t2:


19 days sober

Had a quiet weekend on baby watch. Hoping baby comes soon, my daughter is ready. Hope everyone has a great day. ODAAT. :pray:t2:


Checking in today on Day
384 no alcohol
315 no vapes or ciggs (24 days 0 nic)
47 no form of marijuanna

Take care and stay strong :slight_smile: