Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 7

No Alcohol
No Tobacco.

I’m living today, I’m grateful for my happiness, Right now at office the day started without hangover, Sipping up Green tea from the office.
This is summer in the UAE, so weather is hot outside. God bless everyone :slight_smile:
One day at a time :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your 150 days sober and blackout free Lisa :pray:t2::heart:



*Day 2078 :walking_woman:
I 'm having a cold and so my left ear has stopped working. Nothing special, I have that often, but it sucks. The one that works is my “bad” ear. It has been operated ones and I do not hear well with it. So now I feal like an old deaf lady :sob:
And I have a very busy day ahead involved a lot of hearing and talking :face_with_peeking_eye:
Ok, but there are worse things in life.

Today? Crossfit training, work, volunteer meeting tonight.
Picture of the “Sint-jacobsvlinder” I almost stepped on during my walk yesterday.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Thank you. I had a wonderful day.



One day at a time my friends. Day one or day 10,000. It doesn’t matter, life has to be lived mindful, intentional, purposeful. I need to remind myself of that, especially in days that I don’t feel like it of course. Especially on days I want to curl up and hide. There will be good days and bad ones and all we can do is to keep going. You all remind me of that. Everybody here with their own struggles, victories, defeats. Forever in your debt. We’re in this together. And we’re not giving up. Much love to all.

@Lile01 Have a safe trip Indi. And enjoy!
@vagabond Nobody’s (doing) better than anybody else here. Our personal best is all we all (can) do. Hang in there and keep going.
@SadMemeQueen You’re here, you’re fighting. Hoping for some relief from your ails Megan :people_hugging:
@SoberWalker Beautiflu butterfly Claudia, sorry for your ear, thanks for your optimism :heart: I’m borrowing some. Have a good day.


@SoberWalker Eeeh, not being able to hear well sucks. I hope your good ear comes back soon. Enjoy your activities and keep us posted on crossfit :wink:
@sarath_unrelax Nice new picture :hugs: and congrats on one whole week clean from your addictions. Well done :clap::partying_face::+1: How hot does it get in the summer where you live?
@Just_Laura @DanaM56 Only after my ex moved out I realised how much his negativity has been affecting me and my well being. It has always been a difficult trait of his, and I was very unhappy with it getting increasingly worse in the last years, but I did not realise how bad it was. I‘m so glad I don‘t have this kind of energy around me every day anymore :roll_eyes:
@SadMemeQueen I am very sorry you are feeling like this. I get these miserable days due to hormonal changes and I know this is so fucking hard. Don‘t give up love. Try to connect as far as you can. I sometimes find buddhist based online recovery meetings helpful. Even if I just listen in. Whatever gets you through the day: a walk, tv, a book, a meditation, anything. Sending you love :mending_heart:
@icebear Hope you get to have a better day tomorrow :people_hugging:
@JazzyS Shoutout to naps. Love em. Take them where I can.
@Mira_D Good to have you here :hugs:
@Soberbilly This moment when I actually realise I am a messy human being and not somehow above all of it always hits me. In theory I know it, but somehow I trick myself over and over again into not believing it. Reality check for sure.
@SKhan 14 days! Two weeks! :clap::sunglasses::partying_face: Congrats on working through all of it like a pro.

188 sugar
52 UPF
59 gluten
38 dairy
0 overeating

Yesterday at lunch I found it difficult to separate hunger from cravings and was getting mixed signals. In the end I overate. I‘m still in training. There is neither guilt nor shame though. I know from experience now this is a skill to be honed.
Back to the training grounds for today.

Woke up with a bad headache, vertigo, nausea. Those hormonal changes are driving me nuts. Coffee is my only hope. Lot‘s of coffee. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My brain refused to work for the most part of yesterday and so I did not get to do any of my prototyping. I hope I get to some today. I have my other class today at about noon, then some groceries, and that is basically all for plans. Everything else depending on what will be doable. I have some nice anime, books and my sofa for backup.

Let’s stay in peace, kindness and freedom for today friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.

90 days.
Nothing to report.

That’s all Folks.
Wishing y’all a wonderful Day :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Checking in for Day 7. Not much to report.
Still tired and not sleeping well. Trying to keep myself busy during the day and head to bed early of a night when the kids go. The sugar cravings have hit hard, so have been eating a little more than I’d like to. One thing at a time though!
Hope you all have a great day/night :people_hugging:


@SadMemeQueen it’s so good to see you, and so good to see you with two years and your months and your days without any self harm despite all the less than ideal days that you have had . I’m super proud of you!
Come here on your birthday, we will have a party for you!

  1. Back to the office after the holiday weekend though as the kids are all still off school my commute is quiet this morning. Last night was tough as for some reason the cravings hit me. I tried to engage with the “why” but couldn’t figure it out really. Anyway, managed to busy myself doing something else and as always I was glad that I did when I woke up hangover free this morning :+1:. Wishing you all a wonderful sober Tuesday :sunny:

They call your city, ‘the city of roses’, right? …:grinning:. Oh, I think it’s tulips! Nonetheless, it’s a beautiful picture of a beautiful site. Please stop and smell some of them for me! Stop and smell the roses.
I hope you end up having a good day, thanks always for the inspiration to keep going … …. coming on up on your anniversary, too, @Mno


178 days
Up early, got the kids off to school then headed to the gym.
Got some nice feedback passed on to me from one of the coaches that a guy I sparred with the other said to her. I try to make sure Im a good training partner and this reinforced that I’m getting the balance right.
Chilled at home afterwards, made some pumpkin soup for dinner, then picked up the kids and headed back to the gym.
Now we’ve just finished dinner, and the kids are off to bed

  1. I am struggling with momentum and stop starting. I think finding a regime that’s kind to both me and useful will be key. Every time I get into a good routine, I seem to falter. Luckily being sober seems to just be ticking along well now. By almost five months it’s just the new normal. I did have some cravings this weekend as it felt like it would be nice to ‘relax’ with a glass of rosé with my salmon, or a cold beer after gardening. But we all know that’s not the truth, pepsi max did just fine.

I just feel like I need to step my focus up. I have ordered Atomic Habits and two other books with my birthday money to start my next chapter: discipline and gratitude.

Decided to cancel my therapy this week, there’s only two sessions left and I’m not sure my heart is getting much out of it. My brain can appreciate the sessions, but brief length, resolution and solution based therapy is not the answer for me. I’ll complete the therapy absolutely. But I need to again STEP UP AND FOCUS myself on the deeper stuff.

Happy 24. Prayers :pray:t2:


Day 2, I feel good.

I will proceed with the same methods as I did 1115 days before. :four_leaf_clover:

Have a great day everyone :pray:


Day 144 AF

Up way too early but ready to hit the ground running. Feel good and no mows tonight!!!

Gonna hit gym after work.

Enjoy your day folks.


Day 71 AF
Day 2 FFF (Fast Food Free)

Big day at work, usually I’ll stop at a McDonald’s or KFC on the way between jobs but I went home had food there.
Headed to gym before doing some groceries and picking up my little man from day care. Had a fun afternoon, made dinner and now settling in for the evening.


Nothing to report?
And what about those 3 months milestone? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Well done lady! :muscle:


Thank you.
With “nothing to report” I mean that there’s nothing dramatic happening for once.
No vacations or travels.
Just basic, nice calm and peaceful life.
Clean and sober as it should be. :blush:


Day 60.

Feeling okay so far. Could be better of course but I suppose that’s just life. :sweat_smile:

Trying to find my peace for today.

Mood swings seem to be the topic for today. Gonna have to control this.

Have a good one. :slight_smile:


65 days got some irritations in my safehouse living in a full house with 7 others right now but holding on strong and i’m not letting this frustration ruin my entire day so im heading off to the gym and im gonna enjoy my day. nice 24 everyone