Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

@Just_Laura thank you for your thoughts. I need to think about it. It’s ironic too that negative people don’t see themselves as negative. The lack of self awareness sometimes is unreal.


@Tetrax congratulations on triple digits AND for ur 10lb weight loss :slight_smile:
@JonasE way to go on 60 days of freedom!!
@Tragicfarinelli i think ue doing amazinf friend :slight_smile: atomic habits is a great book. Its the only book ive ever finished lol hope u enjoy it too!
@BJonns congratulations on 1 week!!! Proud of u :slight_smile:
@MrsOdh way to sophia on 3 months! Great work!


Morning friends!!! Its going to be a beautiful day here in Alberta! Looking forward to some warmer weather :sunny:

I had such a good sleep last night. I finally got my sleeping meds refilled and so today i am feeling rested and ready to tackle the day. Just sitting here, enjoying the morning with my proffee (protein coffee).

Today consists of the gym and then off to the grocery store to pick up the remaining ingredients for my sons bday cake. Then have a mtg at 230pm that i have to attend. Would like to get some cleaning done also. Thats about it for the day.

Hope everyone enjoys their day addiction free!!


Checking in on day 576 alcohol free.
Hope you’re all having a great and sober Tuesday.

I’m sorry I’ve not been around much recently, life’s been getting in the way a lot more than usual. Anxiety through the roof again.

Will endeavour to check in each day and see how you’re all doing.


54 days
I wanted to talk to my friend today about some of my past. The other week I wrote some of it on here and that was my first time telling any of it. Today I wanted to tell someone I know and trust as a good friend. We talked while hiking and I felt good about it. Felt a bit more freedom saying some of these things outloud and talking some about it. It wasn’t easy but I didn’t go into flashbacks and my mood was okay after. Healing from these things are so hard and I know it happens overtime and isn’t an instant thing but I feel like I am making little steps and some progress. I’m trying and will keep working on myself.

We are staying the night in my yurt and am enjoying the fresh air and hiking.


@JazzyS I am trying to rest but I can’t too well. I have to loose weight. This will help the apnea to be mild .
Thank you dear friend you have beautiful numbers and a big big HEART



@Maestro congratulations!!! I hope you will manage the anxiety. She is a bitch


Thank you lovely! I’m really excited to read it. :heart:


Thanks Billy. Much love my friend :sparkling_heart:


Day 1256,

Back from voluntary work. One older guy with whom I had a connection said he was going away. I asked are you going to somewhere else, “no I go up there and he looked up”. I brought him his one glass of beer during diner the last half year and had little conversations. Gonna miss him. I learn a lot about life there and about humility, life is to short to waste it. It’s though from time to time, but no need to waste it on active addiction. That part is gone. ODAAT :pray::heart::pray:


Good afternoon everyone.
Day 7 (very soon)
@SoberWalker I hope you are feeling better soon. @Mno lovely photo again friend and with inspiring words also. @Laner sounds like you are lightening your load :clap: and doing it in a way thats beneficial to your mind body and spirit. @Butterflymoonwoman pleased someone is having better weather :sunglasses: pleased you slept well and you go ahead and smash that day :+1: @Tetrax congratulations on both numbers :clap: @MrsOdh :clap: well done on 90! 3 months brilliant!
My day started at 4am and it was beautiful blue skies and sunny, i opened my greenhouse up and went off to work.
Then…as per usual when i finished it started raining and so it continues.
I do have a 70th birthday party to attend on Thursday its in my best friends garden about 20 mins away. Now her dad and my wife were diagnosed with different types of cancer in March 23. He has successfully overcame his with treatment, my wifes has got as good as its going to get for now. We are positive and take each day as it comes. What i guess im saying is we have all had a tough year. So there are only our 2 families there and there will be alcohol there. I need a plan.
So far i was going to send my apologies and say im not well enough. Which would be 50%true but id ffeel terrible about it.
Hope it rains so much that they cancel.
Designated driver wont work as my wife will be driving.
Just tell them the truth that im not feeling great but will come through and i wont be drinking.
Actually after writing it down my decision is already made.
Another day, another winner !
Hope you all have positive days today.


Congratulations on 100 days and weight loss. You are ROCKIN IT!


Checking in… 51 days sober. Grateful my cravings have passed (for now).


Checking in day 91. AA MEETING this morning. 2 hour drive for post op appointment with surgeon today. Hoping get ok to get back in pool to exercise. Hoping all of you a happy sober day. I am calm.


Day 502. This is about my 4th time going back to this post and adjusting the number on the day to start a new post.:laughing: Life has been busy! I’ve been really active with the kids and have been prioritizing getting out for solo exercise, too (most days!). Where I’ve gone wrong on many occasions previously, is not prioritizing my holistic health and just focusing on the number itself. It is really not enough to just “not drink.”. Being successful in sobriety this time is truly a lifestyle.

It brings me to the “treat myself” “reward myself” era we live in. On previous occasions, I would reward sober milestones with usually a material thing I wanted or special (usually unhealthy) meal… that type of thinking definitely helped me along on my alcoholism journey. “Have a drink, you deserve/earned it.” I am making a whole-hearted effort to invest in my holistic health and that IS the reward. (Future self, please refer to post next time I want Big Mac :laughing:)

Hope everyone has a great day!


Many thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


And thank you! :slight_smile:


Checking in, hope everyone is having a great day! From thursday morning i will be going vape free also! :grin::grin:


119 days, still sober from alcohol

I won’t go to “that” pool tomorrow, it’s rainy and cold and I will joyn my regular indoor pool with 50 m lane in the city where I lived, instead. So I won’t be “in danger”. Yesterday evening I was in the one outdoor “out in nowhere” and it was quite nice, good set, someone with my pace aside and some socialization :sunglasses:
So long from the pool side lol.

Tonight I had my new yoga class and struggled so much with being bored. I noticed my thoughts. I felt displaced. Hm…
Which lesson is this?

Met niece today and she told me one hour about the problems with her friends from school and her feelings. I just love her so much.

Much love :heart::tulip: