Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in day 148 AF :blush:. Today would always be a huge excuse to get blackout drunk as its 6 years since my dad passed away.
Today i have had a lovely meal instead and thought about all the memories i have and that he’d be so proud of my sobriety as he struggled and fought so hard to beat this terrible addiction.
I’m not only doing this for me but all the people that lost there battle to this terrible disease. :broken_heart: xxx


Thanks to you too! Yes it’s been a great double win of nice numbers lining up today. And it’s good to read so many people are keeping well here :slight_smile:


Thank you Bill I appreciate your insight.


Checking out day 144 AF

6:30pm, rainy day on road crew so no work done really.
No mows tonight, but am I ever exhausted.

Headed to bed here before I fall asleep in chair. So tired!! :yawning_face:

Good night TS folks


Checking in. Post op appointment. Dr found a break and more tests and repair I have to look forward to. I am breathing meditating and praying. I am going to stay calm. It is what it is.


Sending healing hugs and love your way :purple_heart:


Thank you.


Today was a good day but i think i overdid it. I went to the gym and struggled thru it. I just didnt seem to have enough energy to really have a good workout. Then went to pick up the remaining ingredients for my sons cake. Came home to clean and then had my mtg. I increased my food intake today bcuz i was feeling moody and fatigued. Even a little light headed. Not what i like to feel.

I got a cupcake order today also for end of June. 2 different themes of fondant cupcake toppers. So that will be fun! Lots of baking going on next month. Now just looking forward to a nice shower and a good sleep. Have a great night everyone! :butterfly:


Day 45

Past couple days have been interesting. Was my passed fiances birthday so that was sad, but went to my first music festival sober (just for a few hours) and even though the person I was most excited to see canceled their set, still had a good time overall. Dont think i even had an urge to drink while I was there, tbh. At least not any noticeable urges.
Worked today. Just been feeling kind of bleh lately. But thats better than full-on depressed I guess :skull:

Have fallen off track with my eating and exercise. Need to get back on that. Might try to do that tonight. I just wish there were more hours in the day, man. There’s never enough time for everything.

Just had an urge to drink but i think its already gone after typing all of this. I also want to try to make some art tonight if theres time.

Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Checking in, 5 months today!! So glad I found this place. You all have helped me so. ODAAT :people_hugging:


Checking in 93 days behind me. Feeling good and have gotten into running again. Just ran my longest run ever by more than double last week so I am super proud of that. Had some hiccups with my wife but we have been talking through things and sobriety has remained so I am very happy with that. There is some shame that I feel tempting me but trying to see it all as a learning experience. Hope everyone is well!


Checking in on day 35 at London Luton Airport!

I’ve also stopped drinking caffeine so I am so, so tired :sleeping:
My flight departs in 4 hours; I can’t believe how quickly it’s come around!

See you all on the sober flip side in sunny Greece :beach_umbrella:


Have the most fun ever!!! Sounds divine :heartbeat:


Oh this is wonderful to hear about your reprieve from the sharp edges of life. Congrats on 88 days , all of em earned @Lighter



5 months is super.


Checking in at the end of day 17.

@MrsOdh congrats on 90 days! :cowboy_hat_face:

Not much going on. Hope all are doing well.
Have a good night.


My check in #s for today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
2y 2m clean & sober
2m tobacco free



Checking 346 days AF

Nothing too stressful today. Returned to work but I’m only working three days. Headed to the river to hang out with a friend. Much needed girl time is coming.

Stay safe and sleep well everyone


Hope you will have a wonderfull sober holiday Indi! Where in Greece are you staying? One of the islands?


Day 8

No Alcohol
No Tobacco

Im living today, Im grateful, Waiting for my cab to go office, Had a banana smoothie and My mental clarity and appetite is improving.
Sleep is lot better than worse days… I cannot imagine those past days when im dependent to alcohol.
I living one day at a time.

Good day