Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

I would say it sounds a little worse than “a handful” and more like an escalation of the stakes on his part. You made it clear that you do not want to be romantically involved and now this is his latest tactic to try and force some kind of emotional involvement. It is dangerously manipulative. Take care.

At least these things are easier to handle sober, right?


Day 2258. Cannot sleep, so I have been up working on my hobby. So much on my mind. First day back to work after vacation. I think part of my sleep issue…I napped way to much on vacation! This is the first job I dont dread going back to work after vacation.


Fisrt time posting on here and not really to sure how it all works but 22 almost 23 days without a beer and starting to feel and see the benefits :+1:


179 days
Had to drop the car off at the mechanics so decided to walk home. Got home just before a fairly decent storm hit. Its been getting worse all day. High winds and lightning.
:Edit : and now hail
Took my daughter out of school early for an appointment, was nice to get some one on one time. Then back home and got the eldest so we could head to the gym. She has a competition coming up (her 1st) and Im impressed by how seriously she is taking it and how hard she is working.
While she was training I got some sparring in and the youngest just cruised around chatting and generally entertaining the coaches and other gym goers


@Greg27 Welcome! Posting on this thread is a good start! Really savor those benefits and let it feed your motivation.

@SussexGuy So long as they stay af versions there is no problem, but I wonder if eventually you will get tired of the “empty” version. What is it you want? Something cold? Or fizzy? Or something that feels like a treat? There are plenty of fancy sparkling juices that would fulfill those requirements, and would not be so closely linked in your mind with beer.


It is easier to handle sober indeed.
He is not a person that freightens me in any way. And I know that he can’t back this claim up with anything so it doesn’t worry me at all.
Not yet at least.

Take care :blush:


Day 89

I am speechless. :sun_with_face:


Day 107
Short & sharp
Feeling bloody awesome.


Day 4.Relapsed, quit doing the simple things,Trying to keep my head up, feel very ashamed


Welcome and well done on your sober days, if you think it’s good now imagine the possibilities :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


So you know where you went wrong :+1:problem solved.


Day 143 Alcohol free
Day 260 drug free
Day 4 nicotine free

Good day all. Checking in. Hope everyone has a wonderful day :pray:t5::two_hearts:


Congrats on your sobriety and 2 fricken months tobacco free! @Ashley_luvz_starz


Amazing work!


Day 72. Managed to have a small work day today and shifted some work scheduled for tomorrow to next week. I’m not eating that frog this week, it can be next week me’s work.

We are growing our family business (father in law’s business), and I have so many of my own ideas for a business, two of which would actually make an impact if I could get them off the ground. I’m lacking direction on how to take them from being ideas to real businesses. I often register a business name, get the website and then fail to move forward due to real costs like insurances, business licensed etc. I wish I could just pick something and go hard to make it successful. I don’t know what is really stopping me. Myself I guess.

Anywhooo… Have a great week everyone.


Hey all, checking in on day 1445. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


I would worry about falling into old habits even if its NA because thats one step closer to saying f* it one drink wont matter


Best wishes for your new Business :slight_smile:

The most important thing is stay sober and remaining will come true gradually. Work hard and focus on your dream :slight_smile:

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Thank you!
I’m staying in Athens! I love it here. It’s the 3rd time I’ve been back in 3 years, but this will be my first year completely sober.

(Lil aeroplane pic as I’ve been travelling for almost 24 hours straight and am too tired to go outside, aha)

Bit of a pain in the arse that the people I’m sharing a maisonette with have left beer in the fridge :roll_eyes: I know they mean to be welcoming (and don’t know about my sobriety) but I hate that alcohol is so socially acceptable.


Just checking in on day 321. :peace_symbol::pray: