Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Craving doesn’t mean using. Cravings can be overcome. This one was written over a decade ago, by Bertram, gardener from Vancouver, especially for those quitting smoking as we were both on a quit smoking forum back then. IMO it’s brilliant advice to beat cravings for any substance, and non substance addictive behaviours too. @twizzlers but also for all here. Love.

Fighting craves can wear you out… next time perhaps give this a try… When a crave starts… find somewhere to relax ~ lay down or a find a comfortable chair, standing will work though. Close your eyes… relax your body… remain calm, allow your crave complete control… allow it to run it’s course ~ completely ~ start to finish… until it stops… allow it to enter your mind… The first time may be intense, sort of like a vibration running through your head… relax… remain calm, lower your shoulders often, allow the crave to run it’s course… until it stops, you will be okay… … Embrace your craves, experience them… learn from them…ride them out… every time… ride them out… you will be okay… Craves are proof nicotine levels are lowering… embrace them… learn from them… Practicing this method will allow the very essence of your addiction to manifest itself… your courage will grow… There will be anxiety/stress… walking bathing or light household activities will help… try to walk often… namaste.”


Day 931 AF

Good morning, everyone. I hope all is well.

I keep falling behind on these threads :disappointed:.

I got my MRI results. I injured my lower back years ago and been dealing with pain. I’ve been to physical therapy, but it didn’t help much. I learned to live with it. Didn’t stop me from exercising. It’s a bitch sitting down though. The doctor said the disc shows signs of early degeneration, it bulges slightly, and there is a small tear in the back aspect of the disc known as an annular tear. They want to try steroid injections, but idk about that. I don’t feel comfortable with the injections. Gonna see if I can talk to a chiropractor about it.

Anyway, I got the Saturday shift today. I don’t mind working Sats. It’s pretty dead. My mom is gonna take care of the kiddos tonight. Much needed break. Gonna chill with the wifey and watch a boxing match. It’s Cinco De Mayo or Cinco De Drinko weekend here. In the past, I’d get hammered. Not worried about it, though. Don’t have any plans of going out.

I had a vivid drinking dream last night. Felt very real. But whatever. Dreams are just dreams. Facts are facts. Still sober AF.

I’ll catch up you guys later. Keep pushing! ODAAT.

Take care. Have a great weekend.


Thank you :blush:


@mischa of course you are stressed and overwhelmed. Staying home with 3 toddler boys would drive anyone insane. Vacations can be hard cause you loose your “me” time (and yes 3 hours would be a good chunk of time for you – you could use more but hey it works for now). You are a rockstar and I know you love the boys. Kids in general are a handful and can act out. You are doing a great job with them and the fact you are doing it all by yourself is incredible. Sending you strength my friend – hope that you are able to find some peace and quiet for yourself soon. You most def are not pathetic my friend. These three are your life at the moment and they need you ALL the time. As they grow and you have more time for yourself you will find time for you and your needs. I am sorry that you don’t have more support now so that you can have some personal time as that is so very necessary.
@steve92 Missed your triple digits for being weed free – that is a great achievement. Keep stacking up all your sober days :muscle:
@mno so grateful you are working with a therapist and nurturing that 14 year old. It is going to seem scary but with the right guidance and healing, it will be easier to get out and find healthy relationships. Love your line that sober living for the rest of our lives is not a punishment – it indeed is a gift! :pray: Love the message about cravings - need to bookmark this - thank you!

You aren’t alone here friend – grateful that you have stacked on so many ODAAT’s and 11 months is absolutely amazing. Keep going strong my friend :muscle:
@twizzlers how are you doing friend? Are you able to stay home for the rest of the day – enjoy your home comforts and not be so tempted? I hope the meeting helped. We are here for you friend – keep checking in and stay connected friend – flex those sober muscles and tell that pesky voice to FUCK OFF. Love that you are snuggled with your cat. A lazy day is definitely ok!
@danwood85 sometimes just doing nothing at all and staying sober is doing way more productive. Coming up on 2 weeks Dan – I do hope that you can rest after all that hard work. A walk or a sauna sound absolutely fantastic – hope you enjoy the rest of your Saturday :hugs:
@doreen1 Way to go with your triple 2’s. Have a wonderful time celebrating your grandsons bday! :tada: :birthday:
@butterflymoonwoman So sorry that you had such a rough night Dana. I do hope your little guy is feeling better today. Sending you strength to get through today with ease. Grateful that you will be able to rest tonight. Thinking of you my friend :hugs:
@goku2019 Im so sorry to hear about your spine issues. I opted out of the injections but hear that they can be helpful for some. Hope you find some relief soon my friend – I do know how painful this can be. Great work on your 931 days!

Checking in on Saturday morning
Slept in till 10 :astonished: was a lovely sleep and i’m grateful for it. My brother made us walnut pancakes this morning which paired really well with my coffee. Have a bit of a headache that i am trying to shake. Hope it will get better as the day progresses. It’s been a relatively lazy start to the day and i am totally happy with that. The sun is shining and very inviting… thinking about doing a walk shortly but first gotta start the bread for tonight. Hoping to make olive bread with pesto pasta tonight.
today is my 500 days and it feels very surreal :blush:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am watching S.W.A.T on netflix. It’s keeping me out of my head :speaking_head:

I have stayed in for the rest of the day except I just walked Polly, it so nice out wanted her to have an hour or two out in the sun. We have the garden which is nice for her but she wouldn’t be happy if I missed one of her daily walks :smile:
Polly and me found a nice piece of wood that will be perfect as a cat shelf that was thrown out, we will make use of it.
Going to keep watching netflix and have leftovers cooked from yesterday which is tasty food so I’m going to have some soon. And yep :+1: today has actually been a good day when I look back and reflect. I don’t have much to complain about and I’m grateful for all the support from everyone here :people_hugging:
I wish I could give back a bit more here like I used to and also to reply to all the support but I am trying to fill my cup back up so I can :star: thank you all for helping me :star:


Congratulations to 500 days. :tada:
That’s amazing.

Walnut pancakes sounds delicious (I’m allergic to nuts but It still sounds delicious)

Hope you’re headache eases during the day.


Wow huge congratulations :clap:
:fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::sparkles::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks: 500 days is brilliant :sparkles::star::sparkles:


What kind of bush is that?! It’s very pretty, but…:rofl::rofl::rofl:


(Sorry :laughing:)


just being here is super helpful and supportive my friend - you are a light for us and we love seeing you here. glad to hear that your day turned out better than it started :heart:

Thank you so much for my congratulations. :hugs:


Thank you Sophia!
they were super fluffy and yummy - i am always so glad when he makes them :yum:


I have book marked this. Thank you :pray:
Your always so supportive and it doesn’t go unnoticed :people_hugging:

I read your check in earlier and catching up with how things are going for you. I’m super proud of you for working on your stuff with your therapist :pray:
I like this too what you said, made me look at things different I appreciate you very much :purple_heart:

It definitely isn’t a punishment. Learning to understand feel this is a huge step.



@JazzyS 500! That’s a hug milestone Jasmine. Huge congrats! Shoutout to you!


Awe thanks Mno :pray:t4:. I love my shout-out :hugs::heart:


95 days AF

Checking in.

Joyned an outdoor pool I had never been before today. It was quite nice… Due to the stainless steel pool installation it felt like flying through something like a spaceship first :rofl::flying_saucer:

The optician solved the thing…
They tested me with 2 persons and found out that I am reacting on 1 degree difference in the axis. Normally it is changed in steps of 5 or 10!
Lol… They said, they haven’t seen something like this before. Wow, unique me :exploding_head::rofl:

Will receive new lenses and glasses will be renewed in both normal and sunglasses.

Had good food and 1 hour deep nap in the afternoon. Calming down.

Much love to you guys :heart:


500 days!!! Great stuff Jazzy :clap: Very happy for you.


You’re an inspiration to me on the building and renovation front! It’s hard work and I’m not too healthy yet, so I’m doing a bit each day. Refinishing cabinets a couple days ago almost did me in! Shoulders are very sore. I can cut back to one a day or something. Gotta get back in shape. :grinning:

Yes we can get through the whole bloody summer unscathed! I’ll travel and make progress on reno work, and maybe find some work cat sitting :laughing: Early sobriety is like that…hahaha. Whatever it takes. I’m in!

Glad you’re feeling better- have a great evening


Yes love you are unique and special in the most wonderful way. Glad they figured out your prescription. Yeah to swimming outdoors again :tada:


@Steve14 thanks Steve…may I always be chasing you. Happy Saturday


Wow Jasmine! Seriously 500 days!!! Wow lady youre doing amazingly well! Im so proud of u. U are sooo dedicated to ur recovery and yet u always find time to help others in their recovery too. Grateful for u! And grateful that u have reached 500 whole days of freedom :star2:


You’re actually right next to me and I’m keeping an eye on ya :wink: Happy Saturday to you!!!