Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in day 93. I do have a fracture surgery planned for tomorrow. Ug but I can do this


53 days sober. I’ll make it through today too. Staying hydrated is key for me, and keeping my mind occupied. Hope everybody has a good day. Thanks for being there. :smiley:


Today is day 248. Hanging at the house today, doing laundry. Tonight another ball game for one of my grandsons.
Hope everyone has a good day!:sunny:


Oh no, I’m so glad you told us. It all seemed to happen so quickly. Please lean on us for support :heart:


Good luck tomorrow :heart:


Hey all, checking in day 39.

It’s 17.50 in Scotland and a beautiful evening…I could do with a nap but don’t want to waste a nice night, they’re few and far between at this side of the world. Might go for a walk in the woods.

My we pup is going through her first season and has been very sooky. Cuddling in to me every time I sit, making it along with tiredness and procrastination a very difficult task standing up!..I’m going for it though…see you on the other side.

Hope you’re all well :v:


Checking in, i decided to start my vaping journey on monday instead, also i have a huge test at the end of june, its my mums wedding and EVERYONE will be drinking, but im very confident i can do it! :blush:


That seems like a solid plan Laner. But it’s a tough choice. It’s a bit of a gamble of course. If you’re able to make money in other ways that might be the safer option. I guess you have to follow what your heart says but when you’re as badly traumatized as you have been it’s very hard to know what you’re heart is actually saying right? My personal trauma is in no way comparable to yours but I know that all I could feel for years was dread and anxiety. Until I went into therapy and it took some years of that to make it better. So worth it though! Whatever you do know that you have my and everybody’s support here. You’re not alone. :people_hugging:


Thanks for your reply. I have been really torn over what to do. I already traded some sheep to pay for food and some bills but know I can’t do that for much longer because I also need the income I gain from them and I keep putting off this work trip. I think I won’t know until I try how I’ll react. I could go and all is okay or I could panic and make a fool of myself. I have put a lot of thought into what to do to make the trip easier for me…planning it spread out among different countries instead of going it all in one go, taking a supportive friend with me and making the trip planned so I can have some breaks when needed. But I’m so afraid to make a fool of myself by getting into a panic attack or going and punching an innocent person out of panic and fear. I think I want to try this first leg and see how it goes. If it goes badly I can still get paid for at least the Uzbek translation…and say sorry I can’t do the Turkmen and Tajik translations. Or see if I could delay and take on another job. I worry that saying no will stop me from getting more jobs in the future (which is maybe a bit silly of me since there’s very few translators)…I guess in the end I don’t know until I try. And I know that when I do go I’ll go with plans to keep myself safe and with things set in place give myself some space.


Glad to read you have a plan. You’re brave and strong. It will work out. Hugs.


Checking in day 150 AF :blush:


Wonderful achievement!! Woot woot :tada::tada::tada::tada:


67 days, checking in positive! my housemate has his birthday today. we went swimming and we went to get some street food in the city center. he is celebrating it sober for the first time in YEARS. i’m very proud of him! today i went to my first business meeting but unfortunately there were no service positions available which I could take with my 67 days clean. better luck next time, it was still a very nice experience to see how business meetings work. i hope everyone has an amazing day. cheers!


Day 341.drove to Liverpool, took seven hours. It’s so different than when I grew up here. The homelessness is worse.

I have such mixed feelings about it here.


Day 2260. Its a good day. Far from perfect, but when is life ever perfect. Are there things to complain about and vent? Always!. But, it will always pass.


Day 60, happy to have got there and happy to be here. Love to all xxx


Day 47

Noticing some random spurts of urges to drink. Thankfully they’re quick and fleeting, and I’m able to think about how I would feel after and how much I would regret it. Doing generally well otherwise, just always exhausted from work and what-not.

Going out of town tomorrow for a few days for a wedding/family reunion. Glad to have today off to get some rest/relax and prepare before then.

About to take a nap lol. Hope everyone is doing well :pray:t2:


Harder temptations started


@JazzyS wishing you a better sleep and no allergies :blue_heart::pray:t4::shamrock:

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Decent day except for a mild altercation that occured when picking up my son from the bus. The accessible bus was parked and this guy in a huge black truck got upset as he thought the bus was in the way. He tried to go around it and smashed his passenger side mirror off his truck. He was aggressive and rude to me and to the bus staff. Thankfully my son was okay and not on the bus when he hit it. I told him he has 2 options… he could patiently wait or turn around and drive another way as this was the bus pickup/dropoff spot. He was rude but chose to wait. I handled my anger okay. Didnt swear or was rude back. Just very firm and to the point. But boy did that get me riled up. I stewed over it for like an hour after it happened. Shouldve got his licence plate bcuz idk if the bus got damaged also. All i have to say is karma is a b!tch sometimes. His mirror got ripped off bcuz he was too rude and impatient to wait.

ANYWAY… other than this my day was good. Had an awesome leg workout, ate well, worked on some more cupcake toppers for my sons bday. Did some cleaning and laundry. It wasnt bad at all!

Now just waiting for supper and then relax abit before bed. Hope u all are doing well! :butterfly: