Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Thank you! Have a great day!


Youre words are beautifully written friend. I had no idea that that was what karma actually meant. I learned something new :slight_smile:

You absolutely didnt :smiley: i found it very interesting. Thank you for ur wisdom and for sharing that with me. Hope u have a great day today! Im grateful for you!


Day 91

Good morning!



Day 6 .Hope everyone has a good day.!


Day 324 check in. Sending everyone peaceful vibes!:peace_symbol::peace_symbol:


Thanks Dennis! :grinning:


Moooorrrrning TS! How are you all this fine friday?

Just enjoying my proffee this morning and waiting for my son to get picked up for school. Today is a cardio day at the gym so looking forward to that. Then home to clean and finish the last 6 fondant cupcake toppers for my sons bday treats. Ill take a pic later on :slight_smile:

I think i might even try to get a meditation in. I really miss when i used to do it daily. Meditation used to be a constant for me in early recovery and then life got busy and i sort of backed away from it. Hopefully i can give it a try today and not make excuses to why i cant do it.

Have a great addiction free day everyone! :butterfly:


Woo hoo, ding ding :partying_face:


@Lighter congratulations marie on 90 days! This is a BIG mielstone!!!
@Twizzlers im grateful that ur son is okay. Thankful for that. Hope u have a fantastic day friend!
@Mindofsobermike love ur post! All i hear is gratitude!!! Life is sooo good clean and sober eh? I agree. I can usually even find things to be grateful for even thru the rough times in sobriety
@catmancam i just want to send you hugs my friend. Sounds like ALOT is going on all at once.
@acromouse also sending you hugs and well wishes as u go thru ur day.


Way to go my friend.


90 days!!! Pure awesomeness :ok_hand::clap:


Yeah I think if I can make some good plans and have a friend there it will go better. I guess I donā€™t know till I give it a try. Today I made a call to see more about who I need to see and talk to there and I am happy to hear it is mostly woman I need to meet with so maybe thatā€™ll help.
Today I sat down and really worked on some ways to cope on certain situations that could come up. I just want to be prepared. The trauma work book has been going well it is difficult going through it but it has already given me more understanding of what is happening and ways to help cope. It has also made me see more that what I feel and how I react is normal on my situation which makes me feel better.

Hope you are doing well. You really do very good at responding to so many people in this group. Wanted to thank you for that


57 days
I worked more on this trauma workbook this morning. I have seen I am getting more into a routine these past days of having a time in the morning focused on working on this followed by some time after to help me unwind.
I also thought a lot more today about this work trip. Iā€™ve decided to do the Uzbekistan trip with a friend and to go with plans in place to try to help me cope. Iā€™ve done this Uzbekistan trip so many times with no problems and have always loved visiting there but Iā€™ve never gone while in this more stressful time like Iā€™m in now. It is strange to be uneasy about going to a place I love so much. Anywaysā€¦Iā€™ve written out some coping skills and am planning certain ways to get space or be able to step away if I need to. Honestly it is hard to plan these things hereā€¦it is a culture where there is no time line or schedule or set plans. So itā€™s more difficult somehow. The biggest change Iā€™ve made is making plans to stay in a guest house where I can have my own room to go away toā€¦usually I always stay with a local family. And will fly instead of hitch hiking like usual. I will go next week on the 5th. Iā€™m feeling a bit anxious about it but also ready with some plans in place. I even made sure to get internet access so I can use this group while away.


Thank you :pray: you too :smiling_face:

@Butterflymoonwoman @Soberbilly
I am going to spend my evening catching up here.
Had a busy few days!



Day 599.42

Tonight will be 600 days clean.
Today I am at the mechanic making sure everything is in working order before my trip, and then Iā€™ll be working for 8 hours.

Itā€™s crazy that this ā€œboringā€ kind of day is what is getting normal for me. I am happy that my days arenā€™t what they used to be.

Waking up feeling like crap, and going through the day waiting until the time I can go get high. Staying up all night, and being broke. Not even possibly thinking of taking a trip. Let alone a whole week in Florida on a vacation with the whole family! Itā€™s remarkable what has changed in 600 days (almost)

My life is busy, and not perfect, but I am grateful for my sobriety :heart:

Hereā€™s to one (more) day at a time


Day 1 Again, how many Day 1s can you have untill you just give up ? Day 1 again ā€¦ i dont want to give up .


I love you lady!!! Im so proud of you!!! Youve come such a looooong way. Im excited for u and ur trip! Hope u have fun :slight_smile:


As long as you keep trying, Youā€™re not failing. Day 1 is hard, but break it down further, an hour clean, a minute clean, a moment clean. You can do this! And weā€™re here to cheer you along :people_hugging::heart:


Thank you :slight_smile:


Donā€™t give up! You can do it