Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

:heart: to us, and sleep and chamomile :yellow_heart:
Hope you get a good rest :blush::pray:


You too, Twizz! See you in the morning :sunny:

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Congratulations over here too @JazzyS
No we’re Jammin
Keep up the great work! So proud of you my friend.


You are awesome…thanks friend…we are Jammin!

Love my Bob gif :heart_eyes::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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The day is winding down and im just sooo resentful right now. Things have happened this evening where im just annoyed as hell and super irritated. I hate being this way, especially since i am not a resentful person. My mood just sucks right now :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Sorry folks, this is going to be a bit of a vent session, but i need to get stuff off mt chest and process this.
I had a decent day at work. Ran an errand on the way home. Got home and my mood just shifted due to my husband. And honestly, he didnt do anything wrong per say. I wouldve liked some help around the apartment while i was at work tho. But instead i came home and did everything, including make supper and clean up afterwards. Now in hindsight it would have been best for me to communicate my needs. And of course i didnt do that. Instead i grumbled under my breath the entire time.
And then there is his bad habit of smoking. He smokes a pack a day and not only am i super concerned for his health (his coughing and breathing is horrendous) but its also very costly. He needed money for smokes today to get him thru till payday. He pays me back of course but it irritates me immensly. Im seriously worried about his health and it bothers me that he doesnt do more about it. And i get the addiction aspect of it… i was a smoker also but have been quit for almost 14 years, and i understand how incredibly difficult it is to quit but he doesn’t even really try. He does say he wants to quit so ive bought him the Allen Carr easy way to quit smoking book along with nicorette spray mists bcuz he asked for them. I do try my best to be supportive but lately i have this resentment towards him bcuz of his smoking. It really pisses me off. Like why am I allowing his behaviours effect me so much? I have been on such a judgemental kick today its unreal! Not just with my husband but with others aswell… people i dont even know. Whats going on with me today?!?
Anyway, im going to do my best to change my mood. Take some deep breaths. Have a nice shower. Unwind. Take things slow. Breathe some more lol Things will be okay. Have a good night everyone :sleeping:


First of all – :people_hugging: :people_hugging: Just a long tight virtual hug my friend.
I do hope your vent helped and you were able to unwind after that shower.

You had a long night / day with the overnight and your son being sick and then a full day at work. Of course it pissed you off to then come home and do everything. I would be surprised if it hadn’t. I am not sure why your hubby didn’t contribute and it sucks that he didn’t. Hopefully when you’ve rested you can communicate this frustration with him. It does help both sides if you talk it out rather than hold it in.

You are running on low (maybe even empty) – it is totally understandable. I know when i am on little sleep i have next to 0 patience for stupidity or ignorance and just about everything rubs me the wrong way.

Sending you love my friend - hope you are able to rest and take care of yourself. I do hope your son is feeling better too. :sleeping: :zzz: :hugs:


Congratulations @JazzyS 501 now!!! Amazing! Like you!!! Sooooooo happy for you!!!

@Deelzebub Congratulations to you! Eleven months! So happy for you and so happy you are here!

Congratulations to each person with days free from their behavior or substance of choice and congrats to all who are inside the TS door planning how they can also quit…



Thank you so much Alisa! I do appreciate you and your love / support on this journey :people_hugging:

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2698 days. I haven’t checked in here much lately. I’ve been busy with work and commute and sleeping a lot. Zzzzzz. It’s my favorite thing to do! Work and the commute are tiring and I don’t have the energy I once did so I sleep more these days.

I had my hair done today by an AA friend for the first time. I think she did a great job with the color and I’m pretty happy with it.

Tomorrow is my women’s meeting in the park. Then I’ll go for a walk and do some consulting work. Hope everyone has a happy and sober weekend!


Congratulations for the :five::zero::zero: days Jazzy!
Pancakes really go well with that too :yum::yum::yum:
Hope your headache is gone by now?

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Good morning Sunday on day 364


*Day 2055 :walking_woman:
8 days before holiday.
Yesterday work was boring and the day was long. I know that it’s all because of me, because my focus is on my holiday instead at work. I’m tired and in need for a break :sweat:
One week of work to go…

Picture of an typical old Dutch pub with the name “vaderloos” (fatherless) on it. I made the picture to send to my brother as a “joke” because we are fatherless.
Today? Chill and a walk.
Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober, and I’m happy.
Day 67

No sun out today, still double digits outside it’s only +10 C but that’s considered pretty warm here.

Need to do some laundry and prepare for the week. Luckily the boys have a short week, and is only in school Monday-Tuesday because it’s Ascension weekend.

And after that it’s not long until Sumner break. I’m so happy that I got to be at home this summer break as well.

It’s a very special feeling and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Besides that little note, nothing to report today.

Wishing y’all a wonderful Sunday. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 316. Really nice day yesterday, we spent the morning doing chores and then relaxed

Weather has dipped again. So frustrating. Today I’m making some rail for pj’s for the shop then I’m spending the day with my dog :slight_smile:

May pop out on my bike for a bit too. I’ve not heard from my daughter since January. I don’t know. It’s not improved over time. Maybe it will. I’m not sure.

Have a fab day folks


@Butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry you’re in such a bad mood. Moods are difficult to disengage from. But you are running on almost no fuel and that’s where everything is just too much. On the other hand your concerns about communicating your needs and your husband’s smoking are valid. I’d consider thinking how to act on them after you’ve slept and found a centre again :people_hugging:
@Seizetheday Congrats on your sober experience with your family. So nice to hear you’re being supported.
@residentevil Congrats on your sober night out. It’s good to know when we are strong enough.
@Juli1 Happy to hear you’ve found a new pool. Enjoy the long strokes :smiling_face:
@MrsOdh Enjoy your easy Sunday.
@Timetochange Enjoy your bike trip.
@Twizzlers Congrats on getting through a tumultuous day. Hope today gives you more peace.
@JazzyS 500. Wow! Incredible commitment :clap:t2::sunglasses::partying_face:
@GOKU2019 Enjoy your child free day. I love it when my daughter spends the night at my mother’s.
@Doreen1 Congrats on those great numbers 222 :sunglasses::partying_face::clap:t2:

165 sugar
29 UPF
36 gluten
15 dairy
2 overeating/binge

Hormones are still playing diving the deep and I’m already tired after waking up. But I had a good night and there are always times in the day when this tiredness lifts and I’ll be able to muster more energy. I just hope this phase will be over soon. I want to go on a trip on Wednesday and could use more energy.

Today it’s time for my weekly review as far as my brain fog permits. Didn’t get to watering the plants yesterday so hopefully today. I’d like to get to a yoga session in the afternoon. That’s it for plans.

However the day develops I’m going to invest in the things that help me hold my centre. I’m going to take my time. One day at a time.

Have a good day friends, in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:



Omg!!! :scream: I just accidentally deleted my entire post :woman_facepalming: Why?! Well, here’s the shorter version…

Unbeknownst to me, my boss sent everyone home before the work was done. Instead of it taking 10 people 10 minutes to close up, it took me and my trainee an hour. Idk what was going on but she sent this to the group chat. Just a little excerpt of how my new work life’s been going :roll_eyes:

Not sure I believe that last sentence. Some days she’s really great, but others, just brutal. We never know what we’re in for on any given day. I’ve always loved my job but that love’s begun to fade for the first time. If I hadn’t quit drinking before she started, idk that I would’ve been able to. :face_exhaling: One day at a time :pray:



Had a nice :bike: ride yesterday. I’ll take it easy today, recuperate for the coming week, and enjoy my cycling passively, with the Giro d’Italia for men just started and the Vuelta a España for women finishing today and both on TV. Will bring out my tablet to be able to watch both at the same time :eyes:

Otherwise not that much to say. There’s stuff on my mind but I’ll let that brew for a bit. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from the polder. The cows’ breed is called blaarkoppen, or blister heads, it’s an ancient Dutch breed.

@leroy It’s good to see you friend! Keep going.
@Seizetheday Excellent work Hannah.
@Butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry Dana. Smoking’s such a terrible addiction. Hoping he’ll see the light soon.
@Just_Laura Working conditions in the USA keep astonishing me Laura. Being dependent on a manager like that for them too. Just crazy. :people_hugging:


Day 52 check in. Spent all day outside doing the garden yesterday as it was finally sunny here. Also squeezed in a tennis lesson at lunch time. I was so tired at bed time that I cancelled my bike ride this morning. Glad I did - stiff as a board after all the work.

Couple hours more gardening work to do this morning then hosting extended family for a bbq. I’ve told everyone to bring their own booze if they want it and take it away with them. I wouldn’t drink it if it was in the house but I don’t feel it has any place in my life so why bother?

Feeling pretty chilled and the benefits of extended sobriety are really stacking up.

I do have this strange feeling of loss though. I have no desire to drink and every now and then I get this “oh, that’s a shame” thought in my head. I am NOT complaining, it is SO much better than the cravings I have always had otherwise when quitting. It’s just weird. Anyone else had that experience?


Huge (slightly late) congratulations on 500 days! You’re an inspiration :heart:


Day 65

The Storms decided I should wake up at 1:44am. It’s after 3 now and the thunder and light show is intense. I made some coffee. I have popcorn if it keeps going :roll_eyes: Shut Uppp. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: