Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

You’re not being a pessimist. You have to vent that shit out any way you can. We are our own worst critics most of the time.


I don’t know what the laws are like over there but here, when a schedule has been published, it’s set. If a boss wants to make changes, they need to ASK IF an employee is willing to alter their shift. If the employee is not willing, their shift stays as scheduled.

I know this wasn’t the point of your post. Such boss behaviour just makes me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I had another bad night of sleep and again had low energy. But it wasn’t a bad day. I spent time with a friend sitting outside and did some walking together. Usually after a few bad nights of sleep I feel pretty off especially after the nightmares so I was surprised about my good mood and low anxiety level today. Tomorrow I’m going to be really busy so am hoping to have a proper rest.


Congratulations on 4 months!!!


Morning friends! Loving the sequence of numbers today. All 2s!

Im feeling 100x better this morning. I guess all i needed was a really good sleep. I did chat with hubby last night and did apologize for being short with him. As for his smoking, i have to come from a place of compassion instead of being critical and judgmental. I also realized that I need to heighten my communication skills also and stop holding things in that are bothering me.

Today i work. Should be a good day! The weather is beautiful this morning and im grateful for another day clean and sober. Not much else to say except that i am grateful for u all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Have a great day everyone!


Glad you’re feeling better after venting here last night Dana :people_hugging:
Love those 2
I hope you have a wonderful day.


Day 194.
Grateful to be Sober!Hope everyone has a good day :heart_hands:


@Thirdmonkey Hes SUCH a cutie!!! Hope the day with your family is a special one!
@JonasE So glad u didnt buy beer yesterday. Great job on not acting on those thoughts. Hope the rest of ur weekend is a good one!
@Danwood85 way to go on 2 weeks sober!!!
@Wakikki wishing you a peaceful and calm day friend. Hope the anxiety eases for u.
@CATMANCAM great job on completely changing the trajectory of ur evening yesterday! I like how u completely changed the program so that it helped u to not binge. Great job! Also, fantastic work on the lake walk. Sounds like a successful day :slight_smile:
@james83 i actually did experience a huge sense of grief and loss when i quit using and drinking. And like u said, its not like i want to go back to it but that feeling is there. I think (for me anyway), its bcuz drugs was a huge part of my life for so long that removing it, sort of left that feeling of loss behind. Not quite sure but thats my guess lol Hopw ur family BBQ goes well and u have a good day!
@mno Hope u have a great day friend. Thank u for ur support as always :grin:
@acromouse thanks friend for ur support :heart: Youre absolutely right in that i need to find my centre and then think about how to react when things comes up again. I always admire how introspective u are. Just in that u are always examining ur feelings and thoughts and how everything works together. This is a skill that id love to have :slight_smile: U inspire me!
@soberwalker hope that week of work for u goes by quickly
@jazzyS thank u so much jasmine for ur support. I agree with ur comment so much. I think the reason why my hubby doesnt tend to do much on the weekends is bcuz its his days off from work. He works sooo hard during the week that i get it, he wants to rest. And my job is not nearly as labor intensive as his (i sit for most of my shift). Also… i tend to be the one that just does certain things. For example laundry or bathing our son etc. He does do dishes and vacuums and whatnot occasionally but its always sort of has been MY thing. I guess thats kind of the dynamic that we have bcuz hes at work for long hours every day sns i do those things on a regular basis. Idk. But communicating with him would be the best option. Even saying that i need help on the weekends taking care of the home bcuz im at work, would be a good start. I tend to “stuff” my needs alot and push thru, when in fact, if i communicated my needs, i know he would help me. Hes not a mind reader so how is he supposed to know i need help, unless i ask him for it :slight_smile: Anyway… hope u have a fantastic day friend! Hugs to u!


Awe Eric! Big hugs to u friend! Thank u for ur support :heart: i do feel so much better. And venting did help alot. Altho i felt bad for venting about my husband :frowning: but its where i was at yesterday. How are YOU?? Hope ur doing well :slight_smile:


Day 29

No Alcohol
No Tobaco

This is the longest duration of free from smoking , after i started smoking.
Going to gym and life is going better, No more problems


Wowza!! 500 days!!! Congratulatory hugs to you!!


298 days of freedom for me, and feeling good. Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday💖


Day 48, technically 49 as I usually check in on the day I’m conquering, but it’s also midnight.

50 days done once the long weekends over.


Thank you. I wish I had.


@Kareness lovely to see you Karen. Love getting my hair done - I feel fresh and new :smiling_face: hope you enjoy the woman’s meeting at the park. I tio go through lulls of needing more sleep. Glad you are able to give your body the rest it’s needing
@SoberWalker thank you dear Claudia. Yup pancakes are a great celebration food. Headache not gone but much better.
@acromouse thanks Aga. Hope you do find that energy my friend. Love how you work so diligently on finding and maintaining your center. Excited for you upcoming trip.
@Just_Laura triple 4’s! You are rocking it! Good Lord.
.I hate when I do that. Happens so easily on the phone for me. Oh man that’s rough at work. I’m sorry she is so unpredictable in her behavior and it’s always so chaotic. Hope it does get easier.
@james83 thanks James! I’m glad you got in your garden time this morning. Always makes me feel so connected to mother Earth. Have a wonderful bbq. Smart to request BYOB and that take it with them. Happy Sunday!
@wahtisnormal way to go Zoe…3 weeks strong :muscle:t4: oh I’m sorry to hear about your leg and that you are in pain. Please take it easy today … hopefully work won’t be so crazy :pray:t4::pray:t4:. May need to call off? I hope it heals quickly.
@chevy55 woohoo :tada: :tada: :confetti_ball: 4 months and experiencing all the amazing benefits of sobriety :muscle:t4:… keep it going my friend…you are doing great
@CATMANCAM thank you friend! Glad to hear you had a calmer Peaceful day. Glad to hear that you beat those binge urges…way to go Cam
@Seb those urges can be sneaky. Way to go with enjoying watching your game sober and keeping your sobriety in tact​:muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
@Danwood85 woot woot Dan… 2 weeks and you are crushing it. Sounds like a lovely day yesterday… hope you enjoy your Sunday :blush:


@Juli1 never apologize love…you gotta let out the feelings so they don’t sit with you. I’m sorry that mind of your can’t see the beautiful woman you are. the milestone coming up could be triggering these thoughts too. Hang tough you rockstar…you can push these lies aside and Rick on :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
@JonasE way to go on not acting on it. It’s the little choices we make that add up to the lovely collection of day ones. It took me a while to rewire my brain to start enjoying things that I associated with drinking/smoking with other things.
@Thirdmonkey he is so adorable Scott…glad you are close and can spend time with the little man (growing up so fast)
@Butterflymoonwoman so glad that you got rest and are feeling better. Glad you communicated with your husband. You do a have a good dynamic that works well for you but there are some days that either of you could use a little support (like yesterday when you hadn’t slept and come home from a shift to do more work at home). I know you hate venting about him - glad you did and now you know communication will help you both. Like you said we are not min readers and sometimes need a nudge to get out of our norm. Loving the 2’s :heavy_heart_exclamation:
@saratg_unrelqx way to go friend… beating your records and going strong :muscle:t4:
@Pattycake thanks love…see you are closing in on 300 … happy Sunday

Happy Sunday everyone
A quick check in as I need to get breakfast started. Slept relatively well and still battling the bee sting and a headache but all in all the day is gorgeous.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 42.

Just did some groceries and I’m going to look at the sunset tonight. Good 24 everyone!


Thank you bud🙏 Good job on 235 days. I read your post and reading that really helps. Hope your day goes well👍


@Butterflymoonwoman Thank you! Glad you’re having a positive day and getting on top of your sleep!

@JazzyS thanks :pray: always appreciated! Hope you feel better soon!

@Chevy55 congratulations on 4 months bud!

@Thirdmonkey …you’re grandson is very cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really do miss that stage. Enjoy every minute :heart:


Shocks me I’ve not had a drink today that’s how I never take this for granted.