Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Easy like Sunday morning! It’s a chill day planned just some yardwork and summer prep. Decided to not go to work yesterday which I haven’t done in about 5 years. My shop is open M-F but I go in weekends to catch up on paperwork or finish jobs. It’s a beautiful day here so will try to enjoy the fresh air. Happy Sunday people! :v:


She’s sounds like a real peach :peach:


Day 322. Miserable weather today. Good excuse to stay home and not do the things I probably wouldn’t have done anyway.


Fifty seven days sober & smoke free

Wonderful wk end :+1: and this sober life is good

Hope everyone’s else is well and happy


That’s really brutal indeed @Just_Laura That’s not how you motivate your stuff. I’m sorry.
Congratulations on your 444 days.
Hope summer is going to be fun for you anyway :sunglasses::people_hugging:


The sun came out for 3 consecutive hours! It was glorious. Met friends for coffee and everyone was happy. Then the clouds came rolling back and everyone went home :laughing:. That’s all right. Just a couple more days. I’m ready for a movie. Early night and hopefully a quieter one. Noisy weather during the day, yes.

Enjoy your sober day or night :heart:


Thank you, and congrats on 2 weeks! Youre doing amazing! :raised_hands:t2:


Thank you :pray:


Hi all & sundry, checking in at 35 AF days, whoop whoop. Thanks all for being here.


70 days. Heading strong. It funny that 70 is the longest I have gone in a long time but yet it still feels like I dont have that much time under my belt. Now that I have some good sobriety. I need to continue to try to implement things into my life that pursue true healling and freedom and peace.


Checking in day 125 AF :blush:


Good evening on day
361 no alcohol
292 no vapes or ciggs
24.01 no form of marijuana

Keep truckin through
The moments of relif are worth the struggle


@Mno In the 9 years I’ve been at my job, we’ve changed management a few times with minimal issues. Our current manager was hired and started the day she graduated college, at 21 years old. The fact of the matter is that studying something is not the same as experiencing it, and she ignores the experienced people who are just trying to help for the sake of the establishment as a whole. Very stubborn :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

@Seb There’s been a couple times I’ve had thoughts like that. Not actually wanting to drink, but remembering how I would in whatever situation I was in. Usually where it was commonplace for anyone to drink. It felt a little weird thinking about it, but I knew it wasn’t a craving. Just more of a reminiscing feeling. Glad you were able to acknowledge it and let it pass by :+1:

@Olivia Glad you can see it from my POV, bc I didn’t think I was over exaggerating. Honestly, I’m not too familiar with labor laws. One I believe, is that when someone’s schedule says ‘on call’, legally they must be notified one way or another at least 72 hours before said shift, but I’m sure there’s stipulations. Another law I know for sure is that if you show up to your shift and aren’t needed, they must pay you for 3 hours regardless. Before her, we all stayed until the work was done. Or the people who came in first, got to leave first. Now she just randomly chooses who stays and goes and it rarely makes sense. This hasn’t affected me too much, yet, but I think I will read up on some laws for the sake of my coworkers.


Check out Day 121 AF

Busy day, completed two acreage’s properties, in about 4 hours, home to mow, trim and fertilize my own acre, clean gear, put away, clear out truck, now ready for the start of the new 40 hour job tomorrow morning.
Still have 3 properties to do this week as well. Busy busy busy.
Wife just began a new job at local bar and grill, and only two days training in, they asked if she would take an extra shift tomorrow afternoon to close. So she’s a busy little gal as well!

All I know is the leaves/buds haven’t started full bloom yet, but my yard is looking spectacular :heart::heart_eyes::heart:

Enjoy your eve TS friends, and be well!


@Laner something that used to help quite a lot, was typing them out in my notes app on my phone as soon as I woke from them, to get them out of my head as quickly as possible, I need to start doing that again. I also practice grounding myself when I have my really bad ones, reminding myself what year it is, how old I am, and anything else that brings me back to the present. When my heart is beating too fast I also use breathing exercises to calm myself, where the out-breath needs to be slightly longer than the in-breath.
@Danwood85 thank you :blush: and congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman thank you :blush: I’m glad you’re feeling better 🩵
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I hope the sting and your head stop hurting asap :people_hugging:
@CleanHeart congrats on 70 days :tada:

1364 days no alcohol.
829 days no cocaine.
344 days no vape.
5 days no binge-eating.

Today I woke early, caught-up here, meditated, and read some poetry.

This afternoon I went for my walk.

This evening I watched last night’s episode of Britain’s Got Talent. I also managed to watch an episode of the program I’d been avoiding due to feeling like I couldn’t watch it without bingeing crisps.

I hope you’ve all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@chase.e.u How are you doing friend. Been a while since we’ve heard from you
@dolse71 Great number of days Paul :muscle:
@steve14 Glad you took the day off. Hope you enjoyed the fresh air today and got some rest.
@cleanheart Congrats on your 70 days. This is amazing work friend. Each day under your belt is a day won! :muscle: You are doing great friend. A great plan to continue implementing things that help keep you on track.
@catmancam Thanks Cam – bee sting is finally healing. Sounds like you had a wonderful day – glad you got a walk in and were able to meditate. Hope you get a wonderful nights rest :hugs:
@chuckie22 Whats up girl? Hope you are doing well

Checking in on Sunday evening
501 days free of alcohol and weed
916 days free of cigarettes
Its been a good day. I had a lot of fun in the kitchen baking and cooking. I did manage to get day 5 completed for the May challenge and added a few walks.
I now have a happy tummy but am super exhausted so may try to call it an early night.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hey thanks for checking on me thats awesome. I am at 42 days today. My fiance got sentenced last week on some charges from 2022 and has to be gone a year so that sucks. Other than that i am all in on NA wnet and volunteered at a charity event yesterday to raise money for the fellowship hall. Mext weekend we have my home groups bbq. I never thought i would have this much fun sober. It hurts to be away from my fiancee so bad but i am just going to take the time to better myself.


Lovely to hear from you Chase. So sorry about your fiance. Hope the time goes by quickly and a great idea to work on self betterment during this time.

Glad to hear that you are doing so well in your sobriety and working so diligently on your recovery. Keep up the great work :muscle:


Thanks for the hugs friend. I know you been burning the candle on both ends with your son and work and all and doin it clean and sober style. Proud of you :pray:t2:

Doing well on my end.
“Busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.” :scream_cat:

And boy could I write a book venting about my spouse. Thank god for Al-Anon meetings. And AA meetings. They keep me going.
Enjoying my granddaughter this weekend in Dallas.
Moving the fam to Cali Thursday.

Just trying to do First Things First ODAAT
As long as I don’t drink, it’s all great!!

Let’s keep on trucking friend :pray:t2::heart::people_hugging:



Back to work. I’ve got an easy and nice looking week ahead, two days of experiential expertise work, three days off, work the weekend after that. Weather looks nice too. Weather was so beautiful yesterday I couldn’t stay in so I did a little town walk and visited the Jewish cemetery that reached its capacity in 1914 and has been slowly decaying ever since. Some volunteers have been working on making it accessible again. Quite a magical piece of nature and history in my city, I never was there before.

I’m going to have as good a week as I can and I expect the same from you friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from Mokum.