Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

I am glad to share with you my 20 months of sobriety. A path of freedom and recovery of my personal dignity.

We can do this!, one day at a time.


43 Days!

Today is going to be a beautiful day. Good 24 everyone.


22 Days Clean. I feel happier and optimistic with life


*Day 2056 :walking_woman:
1 week before holiday
Live is growing and recovery is pushing that into more speed. Like turning the volume up.
Yesterday I made a thread here about filling a void in me. Itā€™s about my need to be in control, about wanting to be a different me, a better more compleet person.
Growing is good, but I hope to learn how to be more satisfied with who I am today as well.
I am okay. Even as a perfectionist, I am ok.
I am ok in all my imperfections.
With ore without that void in me.
But some days I find it not easy being me. And I struggle being myself. Then I feel uncomfortable in my own skin and doubt everything I do ore say.
I hate that feeling.
That feeling used to make me drink.
I always think of myself as a tough lady, but maybe I have to learn to be less tough. Because Iā€™m hard for myself. I am ok, and I am allowed to feel discomfort and not knowing the answer ore solution right away. Venting helps. Walking helps, meditation helps.
So here I am and today is today.

I wished I could believe in a higher power ore a God, but I do believe in the serenity prayer.
Maybe I have to tattoo that one on my forehead so that I can read it every day into the mirror :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Thank you all for this place, it means a lot to me!


97 days AF
Not a lot to say.
Just donā€™t know how to go on in this life.



It was a pleasant day. Woke up easier than usual. Work was dull, but itā€™s okay. Today starts our first week open full time so Iā€™m gonna be there alot now. I worked with our newest busser, whoā€™s only 15. It was strange looking at her, realizing thatā€™ll be my daughter in 5 years. Crazy. While walking thru the basement, I bumped the back of my hand into the very pointy corner of a metal shelf. It wasnā€™t very hard, but how it connected did a lot of damage. It still hurts the same 12 hours later :grimacing: Definitely gonna bruise.

I forgot it was Cinco De Mayo until a woman ordered a margarita right as I was leaving. Then I stopped by a friends who lives on my way home, and they were drinking margaritas. When I left, saying I had 4 hours before Iā€™d have my kid back, their friend said ā€˜Go have a margarita!ā€™ But then remembered I donā€™t drink. Iā€™m grateful that none of that sounded appealing to me :pray: (and not for the fact that tequila tastes like garbage water :nauseated_face:) I went home and did some cleaning before picking up my daughter. Ended the night feeling at peace. Wish you all the same feeling :heart:Goodnight.


Great post! Enjoy your sobriety. I think it is positive who we are and where we come from.

It is a good way to enjoy the present.

Happy 24 hours!


That looks beautiful


Day 317. Relaxing day off yesterdayā€¦ Off today too :slight_smile:
On Sundays I practise Italian with a friend who lives near nice. I talk Italian badly for half an hour and they talk English perfectly for the other half hour. They sent me links to the matisse church in venceā€¦ So I need to add that to my list of places to go

I was reflecting how when I was drinking I thought at times it made me more fun or gregaripus and how dull I must be in comparisonā€¦ Whereas I think I am naturally just quiet and quite nice sober rather than a blo@@ liability drinking.

Blessed to be sober and this chance to be sober. Blessed for the support on here and existence of this app as I donā€™t think I would have done it or stuck with it without someone out there.


Day 932 AF

Sup, gang.

Didnā€™t do much on our night off without the kiddos. Watched a boxing match and then a show. We went to a shrimp spot today and picked up the kids. I canā€™t figure out what to do with the wifey on our free days. In the past, we would go out to the bar or club to hang out. Some nights were chill, and others ended up in arguments. Iā€™m just a boring sober guy now, I guess.

Survived another Cinco De Mayo without booze.

Well, thatā€™s it for me. Itā€™s back to the grind tomorrow.Gonna crash out. Feeling a lil tired.

Take care everyone. Goodnite. Stay safe.

ODAAT :muscle:


Day 22

My leg definitely hurts but its not as bad as i thought it would be today. Work went well.
Despite working 6 days a week lately, im doing pretty ok with managing the stress and lack of free time. Surprising how much easier I can handle things now that Im not drinking. My energy levels are way more stable. In the past if i was working 6 days a week while drinking every day, I would be completely spent, possibly even calling off work at a certain point because it would just be too much. Feels much more sustainable now (not that working 6 days is ideal - would still like for that to change soon).

Hope I have some time to play some stardew valley before I go to sleep but itā€™s already 2am. Also looking forward to my bed, especially since im physically not feeling the best.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day/night :crescent_moon: :sunny:


@Timetochange Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo. The light is incredible. I think lot of us are naturally just quiet people and were trying to be someone else through addiction. Thatā€˜s true for me at least. Have a good day off.
@Just_Laura I hope your hand heals quickly :adhesive_bandage:. Sending healing vibes.
@GOKU2019 What about a shared hobby? A new shared hobby maybe?
@Juli1 Hey friend. Sounds like life is hard on your side of the pool. So Iā€˜m setting up one of those rubber inflated animals. Just wait a minute. I have to jump over to @Soberbilly. He always has some silly ones around judging from his memes. There it is. Now Iā€˜m putting some nice stuff there inside. Some treats I think, a blanket, maybe a stuffed animal, definitely a good book or show, probably both, and loooooots of hugs and love for you. Giving it a little pushā€¦ There it goes. On its way to you. It might take a moment to get to you depending on the waves. But it knows its way and it will arrive :wave:
@soberwalker I think we should all have that tattoo so when we walk around we can see it everywhere :laughing: Iā€˜m in a very silly mood right now. I hope you can forgive that. Itā€˜s me today who is a dissatisfied mess. I need that tattoo asap.
@Mashjunior12 Congrats on three weeks clean! :clap: Good work.
@EFountains Congrats on 20 months! Dude, that is some time. Wow :partying_face::sunglasses: What is your secret?
@Mno Iā€˜m planning to go to the Netherlands next month for a few days. I see I need to comb through your posts to find the really nice spots :wink:
@CHASE.E.U Iā€˜m sorry to hear about your fiancĆ©. That is a hard thing to go through. I also am very glad to hear you are so involved in sober life with NA, charity work and working on yourself. This all sounds so hopeful for the future to come. You are building something there. I can feel it in your words :people_hugging::muscle:

166 sugar
30 UPF
37 gluten
16 dairy
3 overeating/binge

30 days no UltraProcessedFoods. That is a great freedom for me. I hate that junk. It always makes me sick in one way or the other. And it is specifically designed to make you overeat.
My digestive upset is still on. I have my eyes on the culprit. If I am right all of this will be over by tomorrow the latest. Iā€˜m just very cranky today.

With my crankiness I still want to get a few things done before I set off to Berlin on Wednesday. But Iā€˜ll probably spend most of my day on the couch.

Wishing you sober people a good day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :dove:


Day 122 AF

Up at 4am, earlier than planned, lol.

Enjoy your day


It definitely does @Chevy55 :smiley:
Hope you can take time to enjoy it after a busy day.
Have a good start to the new week.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 68

Happy Ederlezi
Today itā€™s Romani (Gypsy) spring celebration.
We usually call it Gypsy New year.

We celebrates that the spring has arrived and the world is starting over with new life.

The entire house is getting cleaned (I did that yesterday) to get rid of old dust and potential bad luck.

We throw flowers in the water and take a bath or wash ourselves with flower infused water.

The kids get gifts and everyone gets and wears new clothes.

Traditionally thereā€™s usually a lamb being grilled and people dances.

Weā€™re not really celebrating this year since weā€™re saving up money for the opening of the Old West/Wild West theme park next week.

And itā€™s heavy raining here today, so no bbq.
But weā€™re making the celebration/day noticed on small ways anyway. Mainly because I think that that it can be good for my kids to know at least some parts of their heritage.

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day :heart:


I love Stardew valley.
Itā€™s a bitvdangerous to think that you only can play for a while, because thereā€™s always just "one more thing, or one more day"you need to play to save your progress.

Iā€™ve stopped playing at night just because if that :blush:

Have you got the new update?


There is no secret!, just think in 24 hours. Only one day at a time. In my case helps next:

  • Think in what will happen if I relapse. Fail myself and fail my family. I call this ā€œput the movie forwardā€.
  • Consider how I am today, how I face problems and how simply I do usually tasks that, when I was drunk, I did not do: wash myself, having breakfast, enjoy some aspects at work, being a more socialā€¦a long etc.

Thank you for your reply. Best luck!


156 days
Chilled day before im back to work. Dropped the kids at school then went to the supermarket for some stuff for dinners, pretty happy I got tonights plus the next 2 nights dinners cooked and basically ready to go.
Watched a bit of Netflix then walked the dogs before it was time to pick up the kids and head off to the gym for them.
Looking foward to work tomorrow


Thanks Anne, appreciate you.

Up bright and early ready for a new job and workweek, and content knowing the yard is all clean, and trim. Makes me happy not having items in the back of my mind that need doing.

Enjoy your day :heart:


Hmkay šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€ā¤ļøā€šŸ‘©šŸ» TY