Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Goooood morrrrning TS! Todays been a good day so far. Did some prayer. Did a workout. Ran an errand in this beautiful weather! :sunny: Now home to clean, clean, clean. Hope everyone is enjoying their monday!


Sending u sooo much strength and healing as u continue on ur recovery journey. Im glad ur sticking around here and not letting alcohol take over. U are loved friend :slight_smile:


Every one thank you for being so understanding :pray:
I decided staying home in bed was best.
And I have face to face meetings to go tomorrow. And call the alcohol service for extra support.
I need help and I’m so sad that I know my son is feeling scared as he doesn’t know if this is the beginning of the shit show.
I know in my heart I’m done with this. The thought of him hurting is killing me. And I can’t make it better because I caused it.
How can I as his mum cause him to go through this. IV let him down and myself big time.
I don’t remember much of yesterday - he does and probably won’t ever forget.
I want to be better than this.
I’m scared too. Really scared actually.
I know the only way out of this is to go through it and only time will help.
Hurting the people around me. It hurts and I’m scared I don’t know who I am.
How did such a sensible young man end up with a mum like me. It’s sad. And I’m so selfish.



Checking in on day 299.

So beautifully written, thanks for this inspiration.
Love that feeling in the kitchen, cooking and baking deliciousness, @JazzyS !
Congrats @EFountains on 20 months! That’s incredible :confetti_ball:
@Twizzlers , wishing you strength and peace of mind. You are loved and supported here.

@Juli1 , this is on my mind often, I often don’t know how either, but I guess we just go on anyway, sending you encouragement, you’re closing in on 100 days, which is an amazing thing.


You’re not selfish, alcohol tricks your brain. Selfish people don’t have these regrets and shame the next day. Give yourself some peace, if you can!!! :pray::heart:


The serenity prayer :pray:
Thank you for posting this because for the first time in my life it actually makes sense. I understand it now and it really has just helped me see some sense and reminder to keep moving forward - that’s where I can change. I can’t change what has happened but I can make sure it doesn’t happen again.



This brought tears to my eyes :people_hugging: thank you for your support and kindness :pray:


Thank you Patricia!
Yeah we do.
Sun goes up.
We go on.
Best way sober.

I am better in the meantime. Finishing my class, I made crunchy granola this afternoon, was out in the rainy forest and now watching movie “embrace”. :white_flower::cherry_blossom::tulip:

Much love :heart:


The hardest part for me is when the pain of drinking fades. I can go back and look at my early posts if I start to wonder if a drink is a good idea.

I’m glad you’re safe in bed. I spent my first days in bed as well. I stayed on this site constantly if I wasn’t doing something essential. It’s good to hear you have some in-person support to go to tomorrow. Day 2 is almost here. You’ll feel better after a rest. I hope you can eat something and re-hydrate.

Your son will see that this was not the beginning of anything bad. He will get to see you get better each day. And we will, and you will. Together we do this. I would send a basket of goodies but it would be likely intercepted by wild turkeys :turkey: :grinning:

Please go easy on yourself :heart:. We got you.


Thats what I heard! Might try 4 corners on my next game. I chose forest because it seemed like the favorable option at the time lolol. Beach farm sounds fun, i heard you cant use sprinklers in the sand though, that’s gotta be rough :sob:


Thank you :blush:
Reading everyone’s support has really helped.
I haven’t eaten yet. I just managed to hang a load of clothes up to dry. I’m in bed so tired. Just holding out a bit longer so I dont wake In the night in a panick.
A good night’s sleep and wake up and back to reality a normal day.
I tried to make today normal but it wasn’t going to happen. My body needs rest.

Thank you for being so caring :sunflower::people_hugging:


Upgrade your watering can and beach farm will be a good even without sprinklers. There’s also a piece of forest land on the beach farm where you can use sprinklers if you wish.

I started out with the forest farm as well. It’s a classic one. But had to try the new options when they got Available if course. :blush:

I’m staying away from the scull cavern in any save, that place makes me nervous.
Love tha fact that you don’t need to follow a special game play, or is forced to do missions to proceed. Somedays I just walks around doing nothing. It’s so relaxing.


My first time at the skull cavern i died within 60 seconds :rofl::rofl: 2nd time i lasted a couple floors, the nice thing is you can always run to the ladder if you know things are gonna go south, i completely hear you on the anxiety part :joy:

I completely agree, theres no wrong way to play. Love it!


Hey all my first time writing in here finally admitting i have a problem, so here i am :blush:


I wanted to wait until I had a good amount of time back sober but I wanted to check in. I’m hitting ten days tomorrow. Not much but it’s something. Oddly I haven’t felt the desire to drink and this time has flown by. I think part of it has to do with my current unhealthy obsession with losing weight and not wanting extra calories from booze or the eating that comes with it. I know this is a safe space to share I have been purging food I eat the past week but then I read it can make your face puffy and I already hate how chubby my face is so I’m hoping I stop, but now I’m probably going to restrict myself and obsessively doing work outs. I’m in a dangerous spot now. Please send me strength.


Sendin you tons of positive strength and :purple_heart:


I have got some food sorted. Will be eating it soon.
Thank you again for mentioning to hydrate and eat. I kind of was punishing myself by not eating.
And I need my body and mind strong :muscle: so I have to take care of myself.
You are doing so well btw :hugs: I’m really proud of you :sunflower:


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
And I’m so happy your with us.
You are not alone in this struggle :people_hugging:


I’m glad you are checking in :hugs: and 10 days is good :muscle:
Sending you lots of healing energy :sparkles::hugs:


Glad you feel a little better.
Homemade granola is the best, and rainy forest walks can be so soothing for the soul!