Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Welcome aboard! TS has been a tremendous help to me, hope you find it helpful also!


Checking in day 126 AF :blush:


Day 16

Just checking in.


Thank you so much, nearly 4 days sober, feeling better by the day so glad i found this app :purple_heart:


Hey all, late check in tonight. Day 15. Been a long day. Off to bed​:sleeping: Hope you’re all well :pray: Goodnight!


Thank you.

You had food and water? Good to hear! I know you’ve suffered enough. Water, maybe some tea with honey and whatever food you can manage would be good. I’m sure it has already helped or will soon. Need your strength and it will help you sleep better. :heart:

Lots of love- Day 1 is almost :white_check_mark:


I tried to eat as much as I could. Wasn’t the whole meal but I got some nutrition.

I’m in bed think I will fall asleep listening to a recovery podcast.

Big hugs :hugs:


@JazzyS thank you :blush: 🩵
@CHASE.E.U sorry about your fiancé, but I like your attitude and I’m glad you’ve got your fellowship :people_hugging::blush:
@Mno that looks so peaceful :deciduous_tree:
@EFountains congrats on 20 months :tada:
@Mashjunior12 welcome :blush: congrats on 22 days :tada:
@SoberWalker :people_hugging:🩵
@Juli1 sending you strength :people_hugging:🩵
@acromouse congrats again on 30 days no UPFs :tada:
@Twizzlers welcome back :people_hugging: glad you came right back here, stay connected and have compassion for yourself 🩵
@MooseTracks congrats on 20 months :tada:


Welcome to the community. Dani. :v:


@Bunto congrats on 24hrs :tada:
@Noshame sending strength 🩵 could be your AF milestone malady or the nicotine quit, hang in there! :people_hugging:
@FalloutSign welcome :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Lainenicole96 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on double digits :tada: reach out to your GP if these behaviours continue 🩵

1365 days no alcohol.
830 days no cocaine.
345 days no vape.
6 days no binge-eating.

Didnt fall asleep until 2am, but then slept all the way through until 10am! This never happens! Had an awful nightmare that’s been hard to shake all day, and I woke up with a bad migraine and nausea that I couldn’t get rid of.

I managed to slowly read a chapter of the new book I’ve started, and do some meditations.

I didn’t think I’d be able to make it out for my walk, because being vertical made my migraine throb and the nausea even worse, and also, heavy rain was predicted around the time I’ve been going out. However, my migraine and nausea subsided around 4pm, and the rain prediction had changed from 4pm to 5:45pm, so I did get out for my walk and I’m very pleased about that. :raised_hands:t2:

I’ve also just managed to watch 1.5 episodes of the show I was previously avoiding.

I have been slacking on my morning routine recently, so I am going to focus on getting back on track with that.



End of day 122 AF

I’m beat. First day at new job was a day long classroom of HR and policy, blah blah blah’s
My arse is so sore sitting in that chair for 6+ hours

Tomorrow check in to my work group, but I think there’s uniform stuff and policy sign offs etc…

I just wanna get out moving, I’m exhausted from today. No gym, no exercise really, overate today and now 6pm and I think I need bed…

Good night all


@efountains WOW 20 months! That is awesome work. Keep going strong :muscle:
@Mashjunior12 Way to go with your 3+ weeks of sobriety. Grateful to see you feeling optimistic in life :smile:
@soberwalker Haven’t had a chance to check out the thread yet. You are a strong tough woman but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to have a soft side. Like anything in life, we can find that balance (the sweet spot) within us. Do give yourself some latitude and be more gentle with yourself. The serenity prayer is a beautiful place to start. I know it’s hard to turn off the perfectionist mode. I am finding that with reminding myself of how fragile and fleeting life can be that I am letting go of my perfection tendencies and trying to live in the moment (if that makes sense). Keep venting, walking and meditating my friend – you are doing amazingly well in finding yourself on this sober life journey :people_hugging:
@juli1 97 days — girl!!! Are you seeing this? Look at you stacking up the days. You stayed strong through all the apartment drama and pool issues and moving and your mind playing games with your body images – you have overcome this and so much more! I know sometimes we feel BLAH and its hard to find our way out. I do hope that by talking it out here, swimming outdoors in the openness and just embracing your bombself. You Will find the light within :people_hugging: We got your back Jules – keep fighting the good fight :muscle:
@goku2019 It is hard I imagine when you have kids and try to find time to connect with your spouse on your down time. Maybe you two can join a activity class together (cooking or pottery or???) or put ideas in a hat of things you want to do and pick when you get the days free – like go to a museum, a beach if that is available, a movie or picnic, a couples massage, a hike or … you get the idea. Finding things to enjoy while sober can be fun and exciting.
@mrsodh Lovely to learn about the New Year – I do hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating in whatever way you can.
@mischa84 OMG – that is a smack in the face Hello Monday if I ever saw one. Sorry love- gotta look at the bright side like you are (a new renovated kitchen and it will be done sooner then you had thought). I am sending you much strength and patience as you tackle this time. :hugs:
@thirdmonkey What a lovely way to start the day. I love that “c” is the letter of the day to start us off on this lovely Monday – Yeah to our community :hugs:
@twizzlers Alcohol already takes so much from us don’t allow it to make you feel shameful and wallow in self pity. You have done great in dusting yourself off and getting right back here – admitting you need a solid plan and to attack this disease from all angles is a great plan. I do hope that you are able to keep connected in every aspect (online, AA, Recovery Dharma) and fill your time with fun activities (some indoor ones for the rainy days…. We are here for you love – you are stronger than this addiction :people_hugging: :muscle: Look into online AA meetings too – I am not sure if you have some that go 24 hours a day (might be something to consider or atleast have in your pocket for emergencies).
@moosetracks Way to go with your 20 months! Thanks for checking in and sharing your amazing milestone with us :hugs:


@Bunto YES 1 day in the books :muscle: Keep up the amazing work
@noshame What’s going on friend… the cravings can be rough but do not let them overwhelm you… they get less intense the more you overcome them. Stay strong my friend – you can get past this struggle too :muscle:
@shel75 hope all goes well with your doctors appointment. I am glad to read about the puzzles – I’ve been meaning to start mine for weeks and this is the push I needed (will go get my table set up after I finish my check in).
@tragicfarinelli sounds like a wonderful yet very productive get away. Glad you were able to take your little panthers with you. I do love that cakes were involved in your celebration :yum:
@chuckie22 So lovely to see you friend – totally understand needing to take time for yourself. Just know you are thought of often and I wish you well – here whenever you need :hugs:
@falloutsign Welcome Dani to our community – great place to be surrounding by like minded people full of love and support who totally understand the struggles of addiction. Admittance is the first major step friend- grateful to have you here with us – sending you strength :muscle:
@lainenicole96 Oh friend you don’t ever have to wait to post here – community and support is what gives us strength. Well done on your 9 days of sobriety. I am sorry you are dealing with body image issues. You are beautiful and as you live a sober life you will continue to glow and heal. Working out is a smart and healthy way to train and gain strength. Maybe a trainer might help keep you from being too obsessive with it. Sending you love and strength :hugs: :heart: :muscle:
@catmancam so grateful your migraine and nausea subsided – what an awful way to start the day. Glad you were able to get a walk in too. I recently slept in till 10 too – may just be that our late nights are catching up to us. Sending you hugs and hope that we are both able to get back to our routines :hugs:
@chevy55 OOOHHH the office paperwork and the new employee bs and all that jazz can be so damn tiring – hope you do get out and about tomorrow. Funny how sometimes not doing any movement can be so darn exhausting. Hope you get some good rest in tonight.

Checking in on Monday evening
My goodness the days are just going so damn fast. I am glad i woke up rearing to go. I did not let my pain stop me and did manage to get in a 2 mile walk and my work out in too. Got some minor errands run and then spent so much time on the phone with one stupid thing after another. The one time i did ask to put on automated call back the damn people never called back. I am glad i called back and waited the 20 mintues. For another call i put it on speaker and it decided to disconnect on me when i had another call come in… really twisted my insides as i was waiting for 30 minutes. Had to call back and this time waited over an hour just to find out that i need to call a different number :rofl: Yeah it’s been that kind of a day. I am glad that i had a hearty lunch / dinner and now able to relax. May do some laundry and start on a puzzle – so lovely that the sun is still shining at 6:30. Grateful that all this bs did not tempt me to light up or drink. I did do a lot of pacing (grateful i didn’t wear a hole in the carpet) LOL.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hey, welcome aboard! Super proud of you for being here :blush: we’ve got your back, hope you’ll come to love this community as much as I have! Im also early in my journey. We’ve got this :muscle:t2:




Was there a story to this? I mean, I love Fresca, and hate unsweetened, carbonated garbage (Looking at you La Croix!).

Or maybe this was just a, “Where you at?” post. The answer: vacation. Went to London and Paris for a week. Quick trip. Also, been crazy at work. Stupid employees. I should post on the small business owner thread about it, really.


Monday evening check in. Busy day and definitely had that Monday feel :smile: Got through it so all is good. @Twizzlers I am sorry :disappointed: glad to see you’re right back though. We stumble and sometimes we fall and it takes us a while to get up but yours was just a stumble. You will learn from it and grow as you continue down the path. I’m rooting for you!!! Hoping you are getting some much needed rest and wake up feeling better. Hugs to you my friend :people_hugging::yellow_heart:


Today was such a busy day! Managed to accomplish everything i wanted to get done, which makes me feel sooo good! I had a great back workout with some cardio, ate well, ran an errand to pick up something for my sons bday gift in June, did dishes, swept and mopped floors, vacuumed, and folded laundry. All before 3pm! Spent the remainder of my evening relaxing with the family and then had a nice shower just now. I feel good today! Oddly enough i had a thought of wanting to use. Strange how these thoughts come at the weirdest times lol Absolutely nothing was going wrong today so why the urge? Anyway, i brushed it off as i always do. Super grateful for many things today :pray: Hope u all have a great night!!


Just checking in. :slight_smile:

Realizing part of what I appreciated about working all the time in such an active environment is less time for the brain to wander to the hard places. I have to feel this stuff and trying to embrace it best i can. The new Taylor Swift album reminds me of my sister, who didnt even listen to her at all. Ivs always appreciated a couple songs off each album, but this one is really reminding me of my sister so its been good to find those songs once again.

Working threw 3 years of taxes. My sister was killed right when all that stuff was cming in and it just sat…and got pushed back and pushed back. I have the time rn so Im plowing through it. Its oddly satisfying :relieved:

Hope everyone is doing okay and hanging in there. There will be rough days, but Im so grateful that i havent thought of a drink. So grateful to be sober today, just today. Xo. Good night all.



Horrible night of sleep. Probably 2:30/3 when I finally fell asleep and then was wide awake at 4. Just layed there for, who knows how long listening to the neighbors dog bark, and then it started getting light out :unamused: Didn’t accomplish much on my only day off, but I did do a little, sooo…not a total waste. Just feeling blah. Probably going to sleep soon :green_heart: