Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Gotta love those nights :roll_eyes: Hoping you get some solid sleep tonight and tomorrow is much better.



Second day of experiential expertise work coming up. Thereā€™s an unexpected side effect of having two days a week of that now, instead of just the one. I donā€™t feel so stressed when itā€™s so busy on the nursing side of work that I have to some nursing stuff too, as I have another day to sit and talk and do my experience work. And I also was glad I wasnā€™t a nurse full time yesterday -while still being able to help out a bit- , as it was such a frantic hectic chaotic day on that side of things.

Make it an easier day today I hope. I slept pretty well, thatā€™ll help. And Iā€™m off tomorrow. And the weather looks nice. And Iā€™m sober and clean. Letā€™s have as good a day as we all can friends. Clean and sober. Love.


Day 318. Lazy day yesterday which was v nice. Back at work today. Looks a full day. Tinnitus is just constant which is OK. Iā€™m use to it but itā€™s a bit annoying

Watched a Christmas movie last night! Not sure why.

Time for a coffee and another positive sober day.

The website I made for my wife works well. Itā€™s just so quiet here for small businesses. We need some sunshine!


@Just_Laura Completely forgot to put that sleep jinx on you :flushed:. May your sleep be terrible :woman_zombie:
@Mira_D Isnā€™t it odd how paperwork can be sometimes so satisfying?
@Butterflymoonwoman Wow! Youā€™re a force of nature, arenā€™t you? :muscle:t2: In my experience addiction will try every situation to suggest using. Itā€™s not a logical thing. It likes to pretend it is when it starts arguing. But itā€™s just a defective pathway in our brains. Good job on recognising it and moving on.
@JazzyS What a day :person_facepalming:t2: Congrats on not killing anyone after that :+1:t2::wink:
@Chevy55 Good Lord, that sounds absolutely exhausting :weary: I hope you get to the good parts of the job soon. Sitting for hours listening to endless talks, brrrrr
@CATMANCAM Good to see you tackling those routines in your life. Proud of you :clap:t2:
@Danwood85 Congrats on two weeks of sobriety. Great work :clap:t2::muscle:t2::sunglasses:
@Lainenicole96 Congrats on double digits freedom from alcohol :clap:t2: Your relationship to food, eating and your body does not sound good. Are you getting any help for these issues?
@FalloutSign Welcome to the community Dani. Congrats on four days. Keep at it. Keep sharing!
@Tragicfarinelli Sounds like you had a marvellous day yesterday even with all the work involved :smiling_face:

167 sugar
31 UPF
38 gluten
17 dairy
4 overeating/binge

My stomach stopped bothering me yesterday and Iā€™m ready to go.
I want to pack for my upcoming trip and finish all necessary preparations. I have a class with the older kids at about noon. Some of them should be done with their projects and Iā€™m curious. Groceries after that, need to prepare the cargo bike. Rowing in the afternoon.
Iā€™d like to attend a RD online meeting in the evening. Letā€™s see if I find the time.

Iā€™ll be leaving for five days tomorrow for Berlin. I think Iā€™m well prepared food wise. But also a bit anxious about the unknown food environment and different schedules there. Today I will practice my sobriety tools, prepare as good as I can and let tomorrow take care of itself. One day at a time.

Have a good day friends. Keep it in peace, in kindness, and in freedom. One day at a time :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Good morning sober friends!

Iā€™m looking at my diary just now wondering how the f**k am I going to get through this? I did 6 days last week and got in at half 5 last night. I had my tea in 30 minutes, took my little man to the park to play football for an hour(which was really fun, he loves training with his dad!) and then went to play football 8 to 9.45 last night. Couldnā€™t sleep from being in pain and Iā€™m now up at 6.30 to work under a floor all day cutting out cast waste pipework. Next week Iā€™m doing a big bathroom job and the following week a heating system amongst all the other jobs that I need to get done. Iā€™m trying to not overthink it and just do ODAAT.

Iā€™m booking two weeks off after this spell, hopefully with 5 weeks of sobriety and I can really work on my plan, self care and the business. Thatā€™s a positive thought and keeping me going. Iā€™m feeling optimistic writing this. This weekend will mark the longest stretch of sobriety in 20 years.

You guys have been so good for me and I will always appreciated it. I hope you all have great day! :heart::pray:

Day 16.


Thanks @acromouse! I hope you have a nice time in Berlinā€¦ ODAATšŸ™


*Day 2057 :walking_woman:
6 days before holiday

@JazzyS and @CATMANCAM thank you for always taking the time to respond to me and others :pray: I feel seen.

Iā€™m good, happy to have a few days off. Yesterday was a hectic day at work and a day to practice the serenity prayer a lot :blush:
Our storetablet couldnā€™t connect with the internet and our parcel handheld didnā€™t work anymore either :tired_face: Sometimes I think a big scream will do.

This sticker (the one below) I saw during one of my walks it says ā€œaltijd blijven dansenā€ ā€œkeep dancing foreverā€ I loved it and it reminds me to having influence on my day no matter the circumstances :hugs:
Have a good day ore night all, are you dancing with me? :dancer:


Day 53. 4 day week this week due to bank holiday weekend.

The sun is shining and the rail workers are on strike (as they often are) so no commuting today. Iā€™ll use the time to get an extra gym session in after dropping the kids at school.

Have a great day all


Omgā€¦ So Im going to get passports, have to go by car. My sister drives. And I feel so sick. Like throwing up, feel so nauseous. Anxiety. Cant do this. Cold sweating.


Day 123 AF

Up and at em at 4am. Slept well, and deep for 7 hours. Have two clients for mows after work. This week will be my litmus test on what this summer will be like.
One thing I know is the lawn care after work and weekends is interfering with gym time, one session in past week. Iā€™m not digging that really.

Iā€™ll revisit that after the week is finished out. Am already thinking of dropping two clients that are an hour away that take up a weekend dayā€¦

Be well TS team, Wishing you all a productive and sober day!


157 days
Good day at work. Had a chance to switch out of the ā€˜hotseatā€™ at work today, previously I probably would have and that would have been fine, could have justified it by saying my qualifications are needed elsewhere, Iā€™ve done my time etc But the reality would have been that hungover me just wanted an easier day.
But The last few times Iā€™ve been rostered for there Iā€™ve stayed put and really enjoyed putting in work. Was a busy day that saw us all over the city so the day flew by.
Home to one of the dinners I made the other day and then a bit of uno with the kids.
Another day shift tomorrow.

@Danwood85 man then imagine the struggle if you were pissed up or hungover. Keep at it bro youā€™re getting through the worst of it with the days youā€™re stacking up
@FalloutSign welcome. Keep checking in here. Read and pick up things from others here. This is my longest stint sober and this app was a huge part of it.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 69

Had to do an extra long walk today because they are building a new street besides my usual walk.
I took double the time than usual which was great for my exercise. So Iā€™ll probably keep walking that way from now on.

I love that I donā€™t have to go to a job and be gone for 8-10 hours at the moment. But Iā€™m getting crazy if I have to do like my husband does and just sit in front of the television set everyday doing nothing.

Iā€™ve also started a new strategy when it comes to my eating. Intuitive eating. Youā€™re supposed to eat whatever you want to eat when youā€™re hungry, and eat until youā€™re satisfied.
Not sure if it works, it still gives my anxiety to not count calories. It does seem to give me extra energy though. Yesterday I had the energy to give the boys a haircut after school (They still have long hair we just did a Dusting and cut split edges)
Make my own granola and play cowboys.

Canā€™t remember when I had that kind of energy last time.

Still have anxiety about the current weight gain. But hopefully thatā€™ll pass eventually.

Kids have the week off from tomorrow.
Have to go up even earlier tomorrow to get the boys to the dentist though. But after that weā€™re free until Monday :smiling_face:

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day. :heart:


Yer killing it Dan. Keeping the balls juggles in the air, and still enjoining that time with your son. Well done man!!
All I know is how crappy we tried to live hungover and how much better we do it all sober. Your son, family, business and clients are going to notice more and more as you go forward, but more importantly you are going to notice just how good it all feels to be living this amazing life well.

Enjoy your day man!!


Day 98
Tired of depression and bad, self destructive thoughts.
Love you guys


Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™re struggling Julia, and by no means am I educated or knowledgeable on this subject nor will I suggest to ā€œshake it offā€,

All I do know, is when I feel down or beaten up a bit I canā€™t give myself to much time to sit in my own head. I need to force myself busy, whether reading, gym, or a favorite on a nice long walk with earbuds in, listening to whatever makes me happy.

Again, Iā€™m not saying this will work for you, but I hope you can find distraction away from the mindset that pulls you down.

Best wishes to you today.


Day 67

Feeling under the weather with a sinus headache. Didnā€™t sleep well. Let me try some allergy meds and coffee. Have a good day.


50 days :white_check_mark:
Thank you everyone for your support. Incredible.


Happily and greatfully checking in on day
363 no alcohol
294 no vapes or ciggs
25.53 no form of marijuanna

I havnt had any loszenges and today is day 3 for that. I feel like stress was lifted off me thismorning. I woke up early and actually had energy for the 1st time in quite a while. Yesterday i woke up feeling so down. I felt like s failure to be hounest but i used all my will to get up and get my chores done. After my chores were done i felt much better.

Take care everyone
Today is a new day


Congrats to you my fellow Aussie


Better already. When you canā€™t tell if itā€™s a :microbe: or a :cherry_blossom:, take allergy meds! This time of year itā€™s usually :cherry_blossom: I hit it with nasal spray and an antihistamine and itā€™s helping.

Hope you feel better soon, @Juli1 :people_hugging: