Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Hello friends. Tuesday morning check in from me. Have a lovely day everyone.


Day 2

Still feel so weird and weak physically. I havenā€™t tidied for 2 days and my goal for today is to get my environment normal.
Struggling with knowing this has hurt My son.
But I canā€™t change Sunday. But I can only make sure it was a one off.

All your support has been so kind and understanding and itā€™s sad that no one else gets how hard this (my family) and that the most support I have is from all of you. That means the world to me :pray::sunflower::people_hugging:


Day 174. All is going pretty good, super tired on my days off. The emergency department really drains me. Baught a portable a.c from someone for my room and it doesnt work. So now im gonna have to fork out more money for another one. Dreams have been wild lately, lots of relapse dreams or just idk they have been weird. Otherwise im doing good hit my 3 months at work so that was nice


Hey all, checking in on day 1423. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 196.
In bed with strep throat, ODAAT!


Hi there. Good to see you. It might take a few days to feel better. Take it slow, eat and hydrate. :heart:


Sending love and strength your way @Twizzlers.
Just read about your relapse and want to tell you how proud you should be of yourself for straight coming back here and not giving in. Youā€™re strong and youā€™re fighting and nobody can take that away from you.
Glad you looked for support and meetings and so on. Hope youā€™ll get the support you need.
About your son. It really says a lot about your son that he is there with you. Youā€™ll show him that last Sunday was not the beginning of something bad but the starting point of something really goodā€¦ Your recovery!
Weā€™re here for you :people_hugging:


Happy birthday :birthday::balloon:


Day 17,

Just checking in.


Happy birthday @Soberbilly! Lots of love :blue_heart:


Happy birthday! :birthday::gift::birthday::gift::birthday:


Day 2236ā€¦baby sitting day! Having fun with my best budy today. Drunk me would never have done this. Another sober blessing


What time is your meeting?
I hope to hear how it was?


Thanks mate!


You share Birthday with Tchaikovsky (He was a famous compositor, and have written a few symphonies and operas)



Was thinking of you earlier today. Hope that it is a better day for you.


Hi everyone I will reply in a bit.
I have a session with peer mentor im 5 mins.
I have gone crazy tidying - cobwebs and corners lol and changed bed sheets so next is a shower and meeting. I will be here later :heart: thank you all so so much


Today was wonderful! I had a great sleep after days of bad sleep then since today is a holiday here my friend and I went on a picnic. It was such a good time together just laughing and talking. It was really nice to have so much energy and feel refreshed. Went to the bonya afterwards and now am happily clean and ready to wind down for the evening. Was a relaxing day 33 of being sober.:blush:


Checking in. Doing well, but a little frustrated. Saw the rheumatologist yesterday. All my labs are good, so not changing anything, which is good. He suggested i get more exercise, especially walking and yoga to help with the pain and stiffness. I had an appointment this morning with the orthopedic doctor for a follow up after a steroid injection. He is now recommending surgery, which is the opposite of what he said the last time i saw him. I made an appointment for Monday to talk to the surgeon. I donā€™t think Iā€™m at that point yet, but ill see what he has to say. Other than all that, things are going well. The weather has warmed up again and i can be outside, which i love. Iā€™m going be bowling in a summer league. That starts next week. I do have to work weekends for the next several weeks. Iā€™m not happy about that, but thereā€™s not much i can do about it. Itā€™s temporary while a student im working with completes a program.
I hope everyone is having a great sober day.


30 days under my belt.

My next personal goal is 50 (Memorial Day, here in the States), and up from there.

Grateful to have found this community. I read your posts and realize Iā€™m in good company. Thank you so much for being there and sharing.