Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Congratulations on 30 days. It is a very big deal.


Checking in on day 70 alcohol free. Feeling accomplished. Thanking God for second chance to stay sober today and tomorrow. Life is presenting itself to be a blessing and worth living sober.


Checking in on day 300!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hello, I am new here. Not quite sure what I am doing - I would like to join the check in daily thread. I am on day 1. I would like to practice accountability with humans who are kind and know what it’s like. Wow, so many people here have months, years of sobriety. Truly inspiring.
Ok, will hit the blue button and I guess I am in :slight_smile:


@just_laura Oh man that’s rough. Hope you managed to get in a good nights rest and are having a marvelous start to your Tuesday.
@timetochange So glad the website is up and running well. Hoping for sunshine and tourists in your area so your business can pick up :crossed_fingers:
@danwood85 Man that would make my head swim too. This is when it’s important to focus on the “first things first” and the “one day at a time” motto’s. Smart move on just focusing on the present and keeping a optimistic attitude. Also glad you are planning a holiday (always good to have something relief to look forward to when you are in the thick of it). Sending you strength and energy my friend – keep going strong :muscle:
@wakikki Man that anxiety is a bitch. I see you wrote this 7 hours ago. How did it go for you? Were you able to get the passports? Are you feeling any better. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this – sending you hugs my friend :people_hugging:
@chevy55 like the sequence — 123 :muscle: Glad you were able to get a good deep sleep. You do have a lot you are juggling – hope it evens out for you so you can also enjoy the things that you enjoy :heart:
@mrsodh I did try the intuitive eating and took time to eat so that I gave my stomach enough time to let me my mind know when it was full. Eating only when you are hungry and eating all the nutrients you need so you do not fill up on empty calories is key. Loads of energy over there Sophia – I love it! Enjoy that yummy granola :yum:
@juli1 SO sorry love – I do hope that you are able to talk with someone and sort through these feelings. Here for you my friend :people_hugging:
@lighter Not a good way to start the day. Hope the allergy meds and coffee are working for you. :hugs: Glad to hear that you are feeling better already! :pray:
@whereswaldo WOOT WOOT 50 days is fantastic work – keep it going friend – you are doing awesome work! :muscle:
@noshame so glad that you were able to use your strength and not let your mind get the better of you yesterday. Great work on all your timers friend. Keep up all your efforts :muscle:


Glad you hit that button! Welcome aboard!!


@twizzlers It may take a bit of time for the body to recover. Remember to take care of your mind and surround yourself with irl support with your meetings and recovery groups. I know it sucks when our loved ones are unable to grasp what we are going through but that is what makes this community and other recovery groups so essential. We are surrounded by people going through the same struggles and that is why we can all relate so easily with each other. Day 2 my friend and kicking ass :muscle:
@mindofsobermike YEAH 3 months at the work place – time is flying by. Great work Mike. Keep stacking up the days too my friend. Sorry you are dealing with the nasty dreams. Remember that you are in charge of your reality.
@thumper1213 Oof sorry about the strep throat- hope you get plenty of rest and feel better soon.
@laner double 3’s – great work friend. Glad you were able to have such a lovely outing with your friend :heart:
@vanessa8 Yeah :tada: 30 days is awesome work Vanessa! Great to have you here with us and looking forward to celebrating more milestones with you!
@tailee17 Lovely to see you at your 70 days doing so well – keep up the great work Lam :muscle:
@pattycake There it is – 300 days Patricia! SO happy to have you here sharing your journey with us. Onwards and upwards my friend. :muscle:
@dakini Welcome to the community and the check in thread—a great place to share you journey and be around a wonderful supportive community. Great work on day 1 – keep strong and stacking up the days :muscle:

Checking in on Tuesday morning.
Luckily i have already started with my phone calls and got 2 out of the way. It is a lovely start already :laughing: on my second cup of coffee and am going to put in a new battery for my TENS unit and go for a walk before the rain starts. Have a bunch of stuff planned for today but not urgent so lets see how the day unfolds :hugs:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Im alive still, I got the passport. But my f’ing, I looked like shit!! I HAVE to get a new one after summer, I cant have that, its terrible! But anxiety, sick from the pneumonia… What a waste of money :see_no_evil:


I’m glad you survived the ordeal and got your passport. I do hope you rest up and let your body heal from the pneumonia. You shouldn’t be exerting yourself at the moment.
My pics for licenses and passports are the worst and i’m thankful that i only have to see them once in a blue moon :laughing:
Sending you healing vibes my friend - hope you start feeling better soon :pray: :hugs: :heart:


Thanks, friend. Feels good, feels RIGHT!!


If it wasnt for that its almost no appoinments to get for getting passports at this time of year(to have them in time for vacations) then I would postpone it. But no available before end of june again, and it takes weeks before its ready. And its my only ID, so I use it often :sweat_smile:

Thank you, its going the rigth way :heart:


I understand I look like I should be in an insane asylum, wild and crazy looking. Sober I look so much better


Yess, me to! And my eyebrows, I dont know what was up with that :sweat_smile::rofl: And I am sober on the pic :joy::joy:


300 days. Yahoo ! Yippee!


Thank you! Have a good walk and day. :blush:


Congratulations on your big 300 :sparkles::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::1st_place_medal:


Welcome. You have found the greatest community to help you stay sober. Keep checking in. Read all you can from those who are succeeding in sobriety. Even those who relapse and share their stories are valuable lessons to learn from to stay on your sober journey. :hugs::blush::eagle:


Thanks, @tailee17 and @Twizzlers !! Love to you both​:heart::heart:


44 days, its a lovely day today! Much love to everyone


Checking in Day16. Hi everyone, hope all is well. I plan to soon get active in the community again. I’ve been slacking :weary:

Today is good so far and the rest of the day will be even better. I’m coming to realization & Understanding that being sober is a way of life, understanding that the narcissistic behavior and way of thinking must GO, understanding that just because im not using doesn’t mean my relationship with others are just going to amazingly get better overnight. Being sober is more than just not using! I’m learning new things about my wife and children everyday, I’m learning new things about myself everyday. #ODAAT :heart:

Have a fantastic day every one
Happy 24

Just for today I will rise above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid. Today is a phenomenal day.