Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Day 39. Boy did this one suck :sweat_smile:

Work has been and absolute nightmare and Iā€™ve been ghosted by a friend. Absolutely love it when that happens. No explaination, no goodbye just deleted and blocked. Real class act.

No time to mourn. Day isnā€™t over yet.

Hope you guys are doing better than me.


Welcome to the site. Post often and stay connected :smiling_face:


Iā€™m feeling overwhelmed. Taking a break. The list here is very long, but I want it all done today. I made a cup of tea. Will relax for an hour and read around here :v: if I feel less frantic I can resume. Iā€™m like a wind-up toy. :laughing:.


Congratulations! A fantastic milestone :blush:


Congratulations :tada: thatā€™s awesome.


MrFantastik thanks for this man! And youā€™re right, today would have been unmanageable if I was rough from the weekend. Actually turned out well. Glad your feeling positive with your work.

@Chevy55 It seems like weā€™re juggling similar balls at opposite ends of the pondšŸ˜‚ I appreciate your words bud. It really had a positive impact when I read it this morning. Things are getting easier and my suffering pessimistic mind is turning into one thatā€™s seeing opportunities. I hope you donā€™t take on too much and get that gym timešŸ™

@JazzyS your always so kind and wise and I hope you realise the positive impact your words have on people. Thank you :pray: I hope youā€™re phone calls werenā€™t as painful as the other day!

@Soberbilly happy birthday bud!:birthday:

@Whereswaldo congratulations on 50 days mate, thats an inspiring number!

Thanks everyone for your stories, likes and supportā€¦

Hope all is wellšŸ™



Evening checkinā€¦

Thanks for thinking of me @Chevy55 @JazzyS @Lighter @acromouse @happyfeet and everybody elseā€¦

It is a gift to me to just share without shame, how I feel! In the meantime, I feel better.

A wise friend :tulip:@Soberbilly reminded me very often, that itā€™s about acceptence. The good and the bad. And impermanence. He is right.

When I am deep down in this mood, itā€™s hard to find trust. Or not identify with my feelings. I will keep on learning :heart:

Mood is much better after Yoga with Horst :sunglasses: my new teacher. Physical therapy always is huge help to me. Hope I can bike there next week (donā€™t trust the tire pressure atm, and itā€™s raining a lot!).

Maybe the milestone is a trigger, but I am not that much about the amount of days right now. It gets easier. But itā€™s important to be sober at all. Even during hard days I didnā€™t crave.

Love you guys :kissing_heart:


59 days smoke free & sober


Congratulations @Pattycake what an achievement that isā™„ļø


Happy birthday :birthday: Wish you All the best :tada::tada::balloon::tada:


Checking in day 127 AF :blush:


Thanks, @Danwood85 , @james83 , and @MrsOdh ! Iā€™m grateful for this place and all of you :pray::peace_symbol::relieved:


I actually struggled today :sleepy: but im f@@king not going to give in , ive come to far attitude kicked in luckily

Sorry for outburst couldnā€™t be asked to post on other threads

Deep breath in sure it will pass


Congrats @Vanessa8 @Pattycake @tailee17
and Happy Birthday @Soberbilly
Sending strength to you @Twizzlers


Right on! Do not give in, it will pass. Youā€™ll be 100x stronger for not giving in. Lots of support to you :people_hugging:


@leroy Way to go with your double 4ā€™s :muscle:
@k_s love how we learn so much about ourselves and our environment as we trudge along the sober journey. Great work my friend. Keep it going strong :muscle:
@jonase that does suck when a friend ends a relationship in such a manner. You donā€™t need that in your life anyways. Deserve to be treated better so donā€™t let it bother you (I know that is much easier said than done). I do hope you have a better rest of your day
@lighter Oh man a long list can feel overwhelming. Are you able to look at it and put the tasks in piles (urgent, can wait ā€¦etc) ā€“ after youā€™ve had your tea and feel less frantic of course. I find that once I put my tasks into these piles I can attack them with less pressure and sometimes I even end up doing the entire list. Glad you are taking a break and hopefully that tea helped calm you down :hugs:
@danwood85 Awe thanks man ā€“ really appreciate your words. Todayā€™s phone calls did go a lot smoother gratefully. :pray: Hope you are enjoying your afternoon / evening.
@juli1 So glad that you are feeling better and great to hear that you did not crave during your rough patch. Keep pushing forward my rockstar friend ā€“ you are a total badass!
@kvee No need to ever apologize ā€“ Iā€™m glad you were able to come here and let it out. You canā€™t hold that shit in. Iā€™m sorry your day has been such a struggle. Grateful you are not letting it do you in ā€“ keep strong friend. Feel free to vent here if needed ā€“ we are here to help support you :hugs:

Afternoon check in ā€“
so the weather and i are not on the same page today LOL - i did get in a walk but the cool breezy day turned hot and muggy near the end of my walk and caused my body to break out in hives. Luckily i was able to come home and shower and cool off. I then dressed nicely to run some errands where i got soaked and the weather turned super cold. GOOD LORD :laughing: ā€¦ glad to be home in my sweats ready to make a lovely meal. I am good today - i feel alive and well mentally and that is awesome.
hope you all are enjoying this magnificent day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hope you feel better soon and get lots of rest :pray:t2:


So glad your feeling better. You are doing so well :gem:

@Soberbilly Happy birthday :birthday:

To you all, I am so grateful for all your kind messages today. Iā€™m very tired but wanted to make sure I came on and said thank you.
With out you all I would be doing this alone :people_hugging::sunflower:


@JazzyS thatā€™s a great idea. The ā€˜can waitā€™ items tend to have outsized importance if I donā€™t identify them as can-waits. Itā€™s weird, I get wound up and forget whatā€™s urgent and what isnā€™t sometimes. Good to take the highest priority thing and run with it. Thatā€™s done, plus a lot more. I did a lot today. Need a little exercise and reading time. Remembering how to live sober. Thank you :heart:


Should I make some green tea? :person_in_lotus_position: