Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

wow - check you out. Its funny how the “can wait” items take over our task list and make us feel like we are not accomplishing as much as we are. I constantly need this reminder as i get lost in the long lists too. Glad we can be here reminding each other :wink:


Yes, we will do that! It’s one of my biggest relapse triggers. I struggle to pace myself. I’m just starting to emerge from my cocoon so I gotta take it slow! Decided to make chamomile instead of green. Breathing and letting the day close a bit early.


Off to bed check in. Was a tiresome day, no energy, nauseous. Cleaned out my freezers :woman_shrugging: Feeling okish now. Watching TWD. I should sleep, I am tired, but I cant sleep :woozy_face:


There you are :eye:
Been looking for this. I need to celebrate something.
Congratulations on you 300 days Patty.
You! My Friend :heart: Are Awesome.
I know your struggle.
Keep it up.
I’m glad you’re here.


To-do lists never get done, that’s their nature!

It’s hard but I try and tackle the time sensitive thing that I least want to do first. The other tactic is to give yourself a maximum number of things to achieve - 3, for example, and just do them. Then stop, no more tasks added to the list or taken away. I also like to just scrap stuff that hasn’t been done even I it has been on “the list” for a while.

There’s a fantastic book called 4000 weeks which has a chapter specifically on this


Been an alright day. Relaxed all morning, did a little cleaning, and then went off to a looong vision appt with my son. Then grabbed his formula and now we are heading home. Weather is brutal today. Lots of rain. Altho i really dont mind. Its sort of refreshing. Just gonna make some good old hamburger helper for supper when we get home and relax the rest of the night. Hope everyone is enjoying their day :smiley:


Happy birthday friend!!!


Thank you :pray:t2:
Now about that meeting :thinking:
Did you go?
How was it?

Ya I’m going to keep hassling you about going to a meeting.
You know why?
Cuz I care too much about you to let it go.




Congratulations on your 30 days Vanessa
I’m so happy you found us.
Keep up the great work.


Thank you!


Checking out day 123 AF

Well first full day on job ( I use the term loosely) working for the city. Oh my! I’ve never been part of such low expectations for work before.

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of motivation nor expectations for achieving any sort of goal or standard, that is for certain.

I think I’m going to find myself rocking a boat because I just can’t go that slow… so much so that after work today I went and did two clients lawns just so I felt I accomplished something, anything.
This is going to test me, of that I have no doubt. Just a very negative, toxic feeling to the gig… Hopefully it gets better but it sure looks like this is the pervasive attitude…

Wish me luck cause I was really hoping to get some exercise from this gig, at least a lot of steps in… I’m not sure how I can though. I had to book a large property tomorrow night as well again, just so as I was getting some work in.

Goodnight sober peeps


Thanks, I am so glad to have found TS!


You’re an inspiration, Eric! I appreciate you and your kind support!!:heart::heart:


Thanks, Billy!! And happy belated birthday!! :partying_face: much to celebrate, friend!


man that’s rough - sorry the new job is turning out to be such a drag. you were coming out of retirement to do this as something that you would enjoy. hopefully it gets better or maybe you decide this isn’t the right fit for you.

Really sorry your first day didn’t go as expected. Hope the after work gigs wore you out so you can get a nice restful sleep.


Day 24

Feeling the urge to drink.
Probably because Im feeling bored
Todays my day off which ive been looking forward to. Its been very decent. Now im just at the point in the night where im not even sure what I want to do, and feeling frustrated with certain things in my life atm.
Proud of myself for approaching 30 days, and worried if I’m going to be able to keep this up.


Way to go Zoe…you should be proud of your progress :muscle:t4:

Boredom can be the worst! Find something of interest to keep your mind and hands busy. Play games, for your art work, read and respond here on TS. Whatever it is to get past the urges. You will be grateful you did

Stay strong my friend :muscle:t4::people_hugging:


So RIDICULOUSLY satisfying, like a puzzle :slight_smile: Hope you have a great time in Berlin :slight_smile: Remember to take deep breaths & enjoy the adventure :sunglasses:


Ahhh so happy the taxes are done. One thing checked off.

Next onto the advocacy letters to the ministries for my nephew. Everything around him with CPS is very difficult. What are people to do, when they cannot physically care for a dependent child due to their disability? When you cannot afford the supports? The only answer my country has is you are forced to give up custody, to an overloaded foster system. We are pressurized now as my mother will be losing any support from CPS, and without these supports she cannot care for him. She is shattered, tormented is the word by the prospect of what is in front of us. I feel sometimes through this past few years I cannot afford to be tormented. I have to take deep breaths, one step at a time…but I am afraid for my nephew and his future.

This was a heavy thought i had to put down. All in all the day was a good one. I am brainstorming what kind of job to do; realizing I didnt go through any of this as a young person. I was a hard bottom at a young age, and built my life up by just doing what was infront of me and accepting opportunities as they came. Im in an interesting place, where the goal of working in my field (which was very serious and heavy) no longer holds for me…a new page, one day at a time and eventually the chapter is written.

The boys are over and at the table arguing the nature vs. Nuture debate. They can go on for hours. Im off to bed. Beautiful night with the kids & hubby, and happy to have our friends here. Sending everyonr love for the 24 hours ahead xo.