Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

99 days AFmfA

Checking in :heart::tulip:


Day 1239,

Just checking in. Have a good day :pray:


Hey all just checking in, day 5 and im super proud of myself but i have to admit half of it is reading how you all have gotten through and its giving me a lot of hope, thankful for you guys :raised_hands::purple_heart:


Day 68

Another choppy night of sleep but good enough!
Too much going through my head all at once. I’m processing the past and worrying about the future.

Too much future anxiety. The thing about uncertainty is, when I think things are settled and secure, that I’m safe, the truth comes out that there is no such thing! Life is always uncertain. Accepting that will help assuage my fears. The present moment is certain. Chances are I’ll live through many future present moments. And they will be different. I’ve made it this far, it will be ok. It’s very complicated and will take a while to sort out. Not at 1:30am! Not today. Ready to relax a bit.

Electrician coming to empty my wallet today :laughing:. Sir, thanks for trying to help over the phone and save me money but this outlet and probably all surrounding wiring is completely jacked up! Ima hoping for the best…haha. But no working dishwasher is destroying my beautiful hands. I give up. Here’s my money. I’ll make beans to eat but I need this outlet fixed today!:grinning::person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

It is brutally hot today, but just one day. Rain tomorrow and back to spring. I’ll get all my indoor stuff wrapped up. I’ll be ready for the beautiful weekend.

No thoughts of drinking except very distant ones where I can’t really imagine myself drinking. I know I did but I don’t feel it. This is good, this is progress.

Enjoy your day


Hey all, checking in on day 1424. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 2. No problem. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.


Another beautiful day here! After my morning hike I helped my neighbor start digging to build a new toilet. I find digging holes somehow cathartic :joy: we got 2 meters dug…only 3 more to go! That was mostly my day and with good company. My neighbor made me a very nice dinner after and now I’m home feeling very tired and relaxed. I was wanting to do some translation work tonight but I’m too tired to focus on it so I’ll file it aside for tomorrow.


Checking in on day 301. Stay strong, everyone!
Thanks, @SoberWalker and @CATMANCAM for the shout outs.
@Mischa84 , wishing you some peace , with those rambunctious boys!!


@CATMANCAM appreciate you Cam. Glad you were able to get out for your walk. A huge congrats on your 1+ week of no binging. Hope you are having a wonderful day :people_hugging:
@JennyH so good to see you Jenny. Great work on starting your day 1 and YES - gotta take the choice out of it. Stay connected friend… together we can gain strength against this disease
@Mischa84 oh man …my heart would have sank if I came home to find my toddlers gone. Luckily everyone was ok… I’m not a parent so have no advice as I don’t know what is best. I can only imagine the hardships of it all and send you strength to get through it. Is your husband also enforcing the rules around the house? It would be good to have a united front when dealing with rebellious behavior :thinking:
@FalloutSign should be super proud :muscle:t4:. 5 days and kicking ass. Glad you are here with us fighting the good fight

Checking in…I’m up but just barely…been in zombie /Quasimodo mode for past 1.5 hrs. Gonna get some coffee with Mom and hope for the energy to kick in.
Happy Wednesday my lovely friends
Hoping you all have a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


45 Dayssss did some swimming on the beach at 8 AM. Good start of the day to increase my dopamine levels naturally by 250%. (Its cold af lol). Just went to the gym and now time to eat a ton of food :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice 24 everyone.


Checking in day 129

Lots of love friends :heart_hands::black_heart:


Moooorning friends! Its another cloudy but calm day out there and im all for it! Just about to put my son on the bus to school and then im off to the gym for leg day/cardio. Then home to attend a 3 hour team tmg via zoom for work. Always nice to get paid from home :slight_smile: Anyways enjoy ir day/evening everyone! Hugs :heart:


Omg this is hilarious :rofl: I’m not talking much with this construction worker, kitchen door is closed, I don’t bother him except asking if.he want coffee from time to time. So I didn’t even know his name. Today his boss came here and when I let him to the kitchen I heard him saying “hey Dennis”. So that guy working in our house name is Dennis, same as my son. And Dennis is the most misbehaving one so you can hear this name used by me all the time :sweat_smile: Dennis! Leave it! Dennis! Come here already! Dennis! Eat!.. Must be funny for him to hear it all the time :sweat_smile: I hope it’s not stressing him. What if hes dropping the tool every time he hears “Dennis! Leave it!” ? :wink::rofl:


That is too funny. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Didn’t mean to nag on you. Just give you options.
How about not letting him ride the bike at all intil he’s old enough to listen and understand instructions or the danger that might come with it?

Or practice small bits with the bike that’s not dangerous and when he eventually get the concept then it might be time to ride along the canal.

Once again those kids are small really small. Even the 5 y/o is. Eventually they learn but not without practicing, explanations and repetition.
That’s why most kids shows does things twice, and repeats the same concept/phrases in every episode.

I understand that it can be to much, that’s why I said that there might some help to get. Like parenting classes. I’ve been to several classes like that to learn how to deal with special needs kids. (Grown daughter with Adhd/ development disability, I’ve been put on the roof getting that kid in when she was on wrong medications for example. Then we have the 14 y/o with tourettes/autism, and the 12 y/o with dyslexia)

You get some ideas for when things feel put of hands, and you can go through some trial and errors with Backup from experts.

Not sure your country has that, but if they do. Check it out.


Day 51. Now closer to 100 days sober than to 0.
Huge day today doing a termite barrier install. The client told me had quit drinking for a few years (issues with his gut from drinking V) but was starting to get on it again only to have these gut issues arise. “I just love drinking too much to quit”
I really like not having alcohol have a stranglehold on me like that anymore.


Day 45 i am over it. I am going to quit NA. Every time i got to a meeting I leave hating myself more than when i got there. I am not at a good place mentally and being told i am not doing enough because i dont share just makes me feel like i cant do anything right. I am over it. I am almost to the point where i would rather be miserable high and drunk than being sober.


Checking in Day17. Hi everyone, hope all is well.
Not starting the day off as planned. Our 6 y/o woke up this morning ready for war, so that took some time getting him calm before school. Im now at the ER with my mother in law…COPD and her oxygen levels are low…she’s at 77 when even with COPD she should be around 93-95. Most times when this happens we know she’s gonna be in here for at least a week. It’s always something, but I’m glad I can be of service and keep busy. Have a fantastic day, everyone, Happy 24!

Just for Today: I will be grateful for the opportunity to be of service.


Oh I’m so sorry that your NA experience is causing you this much distress.
Do not give up my friend. Many other programs and groups to be a part of…just have to find one that fits. You deserve a happy addiction free life… please keep fighting the fight.

Have you looked at on line groups or recovery Dharma or possibly other NA groups (sometimes the group dynamic just doesn’t jive).
Stay connected with us here …you are doing so well. I want to see you keep succeeding :people_hugging::muscle:t4:


I have been to all the meetings i. This area amd they are all the same. I will do it wothout a group all i need is me