Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Oh I’m very sorry to hear that you don’t have good meetings in your area.
You do have us in your corner. We are all rooting for you and available for support. :pray:t4::people_hugging::muscle:t4:


Back to feeling bad again. Nauseous and off :face_exhaling::sleepy:


Day 2237. Training a new guy. It is a study in patience and the serenity prayer seems to be today’s mantra.


Day 131. My brain is not helping me with life. I say poor things to and about myself too often. It’s made entries rare and hard to do. I prefer to remove myself from organizations and representation I used to be good at. I am not doing well with all the things, except not drinking, which is easy because of why I am doing it this time. That’s humorous, as all my self-talk fights against that thought.


Day 935 AF

Good morning, everyone. I hope all is well.

Not a whole lot going on over here. Busy with work and the kids. Going for walks.

Drinking dreams won’t stop. I wake up feeling like I blacked out. It’s a trip. Shits disturbing.

Well, I better get back to work. Have a great sober day, gang!



Sending many positive thoughts your way. Pardon my assumption but you sound isolated. Expressing your feelings I find is so helpful.


Way to go with maintaining your sobriety. It is a huge accomplishment even if it feels like a easy task.

Negativity is such a killer and can find ways to infest your mind and body. When my mind starts to go into a negative spiral or a dark unfriendly space I try some of the following (maybe this can help you too)…

  • repeat positive affirmations to myself (especially as I’m looking in the mirror)
  • watch light hearted comedic shows to induce laughter
  • listen to upbeat music
    -listen / watch my favorite stand up comics
  • meditate in a calm surrounding
  • spend time in nature (sitting at a park or going for a walk…etc)
    Sending you loads of positive energy. Here if you need someone to talk with…vent to. We got your back :people_hugging:

I haven’t been to an AA meeting yet. :sunglasses: I am planning to go. I woke up this morning and I just got out in the garden and got on with the catio. I am so proud with what I got done.
I appreciate and am grateful that you keep mentioning it to me … I’m grateful you care so much.
I did think of you today when I was in the garden thinking I need to really plan to get to a meeting. :hugs:


I’m going to have to start finding new ones in Cali. I was all excited about it a few weeks ago. But now……… the time has almost come :grimacing: and I have to start over. With meetings. Al-Anon and AA. But I know once I get out there and go a few days without meetings my spiritual tank will empty. I cannot, will not let that happen. I’ll be miserable.

It’s amazing now; sometimes I go to a meeting and I can feel my spiritual tank fill. Especially if it’s been a few days. I’ve always been afraid to go to AA meetings. I got almost 4 years sober under my belt before I started going. I thought I was doing it ass backwards. Like I was doing it wrong. Someone told me after the meeting. It doesn’t matter how we got sober. As long as we have a desire to not drink today it’s where we belong. And where we will be accepted. I feel like I got the sober part down. Just don’t pick up. But I don’t know how to live sober. I have a lot of fears. I want to learn from others through their story how they deal with their fears.

I appreciate your honesty and getting back to me. I am glad you don’t mind me hassling you about going to AA meetings. Hell. Go to any kind of support group type of meeting. So You’re not alone in this. You’ve got a story to tell. Someone can benefit from your story. Hell, I’m benefiting from your story.

I’m happy you thought of me in the garden. I will be on the road tomorrow to my new home and catio and garden in Cali. I’ll plant a coleus or 2 in my sister’s name and you eventually, like I had in Flagstaff.

Now git yerself to that meeting :kissing_heart:


Day 3 :white_check_mark:

Going to have some food it’s 7pm I have been out in the garden since 11am and I am so hungry then I will be putting a movie on and catching up here I missed you all today :kissing_closed_eyes:


I literally forgot to share this with you. I’ve past 12 months :grin:


Wow…that’s super awesome friend :clap:t4::clap:t4:. Congratulations on your accomplishments… keep up the great work :muscle:t4:
200w (2)


I don’t go as you know.
But I remember one thing NA said to me years ago.
It doesn’t matter how long time you’ve been sober/clean. It doesn’t matter what city or even country you’re in.
If you feel like you belong,you belong.

Didn’t go back, but I felt that. And Still thinking about it many years later.


Awesome!!! Congrats on an amazing accomplishment!!! :clap: :tada::heart:


So happy to see you here on day 3!! :people_hugging:


Have you tried online meetings? SMART recovery meetings gave been wonderful for me. Just a thought 🫶🏻


Congratulations on your 1 year of freedom Wolf :boom:
You’re amazing :star_struck:


Huge congratulations :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::1st_place_medal:




Checking in day 128 AF :blush: