Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in on day 197.Hope everyone is well!


Evening check inā€¦ day was super good! I had a killer leg workout. Came home, ate well, and went on my zoom mtg for work. Increased my water intake today and ate a well portioned supper. I also got everything planned out for my sons field trip tmrw. I am attending as a volunteer to help out with the class but will also be there to assist his school nurse in anything medical related. Im super excited to go with him :smiley: I also did a health review today and sort of planned what my goals are moving forward and how i will achieve them. I think i needed to refocus myself. I feel like i sort of got side tracked for awhile. But im back on track now! Ya thats about it for today. Just gonna put my son to bed, shower, and relax until the nurse arrives for her shift. Have a great evening everyone :butterfly:


Impressive number friend!


Day 25

Not doing great today, but not terrible.
Everythings pissing me off today. Been feeling very spent, socially, and my threshold for interacting with people has been way lower than normal the past few days. Just want to be left alone. Have had a headache all day for whatever reason, and it wonā€™t go away. Feeling guilty for not working out on a consistent basis, but have no motivation to do anything about it today, which is just making me feel even more guilty. But i feel so stressed out and burnt out, i just want to be allowed to have some time for myself and to just do nothing.

Still grateful for a lot of things today. Was supposed to work today, but I got the day off, and the same goes for tomorrow. Grateful for that time to have to do what I want to, and what I need to. Also spent a lot of time outside today which was nice. Was kind of hoping being outside and having a couple extra days off work would help me feel better mentally, but for some reason my mood just isnt budging.

Stocked up on more n/a drinks because some of my family drank a lot of them which was also a source of irritation. Realistically i cant be mad at them, im glad I was able to share with them, and we do live in the same household afterall. Just frustrating because it was a small thing I did for myself to treat myself, and to help me get through not drinking, so it kind of struck a nerve that I spent money on these drinks and didnt even get to try all of them. But it is what it is, and I bought more. Also ordered a mini fridge for my room, so im looking forward to using that, and being able to organize it exactly how I want, without anyone else touching it or making a mess of it. Still have to make space for it though, which is another task that needs to be done. Thereā€™s always something. But ODAAT I guess.


Hitting the pillow sober on a crappy day and with a headache is a HUGE victory Zoe!!
There were many days in my early sobriety I had zero motivation. None! As long as I didnā€™t drink. I was winning.
Keep up the great work. Very inspiring share.
I hope tomorrow is better. At least you wonā€™t be starting off with a hangover.


day 798 of no self harm.

gonna try to check in more. still no luck with jobs and i have a month of school so lots of time fir my brain to go Bad paths. been craving relapse a lot lately.



Another tired day. Work was pretty good, but later than Iā€™d expected. Eh. Not much else going on. Just work work work, then tired tired tired. I do have tomorrow off so Iā€™m hoping to enjoy it, however it goes. Have a great 24 everyone :heart:


Thank you :blush::pray:t2:


169 sugar
33 UPF
40 gluten
19 dairy
6 overeating/binge

Woke up not feeling well. I have no idea how much of the festival Iā€™ll manage to attend. At least itā€™s just a short walk away and Iā€™m staying in a comfy place.



This sentence under it from TS fits.
I like it.
I like being sober.
After all my trials the last 2 years and times of sobriety, I realy choose this life for me!
Now itā€™s about working on recovery, odaat.

My mood is good :pray::sunny:
Started my writing routine of perspectives how I want to c me and the world again.
It is a bank holiday, I will just get myself dressed after meditation and then try my bike about the tire pressure for a short round, breakfast and head to the outdoor pool for a longer session. In the afternoon mum and I will have a Spanish siesta lunch (papas arugadas, mojo, squid and salad!).

Sun is ON :sweat_smile::sunny:

Love you guys :heart:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 71

It went well on the dentist, didnā€™t expect anything else either the boys never had dental problems. 14 y/o wonā€™t need braces after all Iā€™m happy for him. And he is even more happy. (I had one for years)

Both the 12 y/o and the 14 y/o still have some baby teeth left so the dentist booked another appointment after the summer vacation to check on that.

Today weā€™re going to another Folk Dance event around lunch.

Weather forecast says itā€™s going to rain. But I donā€™t mind as long as itā€™s accurate for next weekend (Sunny and + 18 C) which will give us amazing weather for the season Opening day of the Old Western/Wild West theme park.

Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day :heart:



it was a really nice ride yesterday, even when the first half was a bit boring with too many big roads, ugly commercial areas and traffic. Once I got into the Rhine/Meuse delta area and beyond it was beautiful. Also learned that taking ferries gives me a nice natural break from riding, where my natural tendency is to keep going until I canā€™t no more. Maybe a good lesson.

Today itā€™s sunnier, but Iā€™m not going to do much. Itā€™s a holiday so itā€™s going to be crowded out there, in town with tourists, and on the country roads with elderly couples on their e-bikes. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. I will. Love from the ferry across the Lek.

@AyBee Huge congrats friend. Iā€™m still following you.
@TheWolf A full year is one of the true huge milestones. Enormous congrats!
@HolySquid 14 months already! Yay you!
@Juli1 Julia!!! 100!!! Hurrah!!! Excellent work lady. Keep building yourself a life you donā€™t want to run from Big congrats.
@JennyH ODAAT for all of us Jenny. Glad youā€™re here.
@EarnIt Recognizing all the negativity anjd why we do it is already a big step. Iā€™d say itā€™s 50% of my therapy time in the last months, identifying and talking about negative self talk and where it comes from. It helps. Hugs.
@CHASE.E.U I used to think that all I needed was me for 50+ years. But now I know I need connection. I didnā€™t find it in na either. I did find it here, I do find it in my work, I do find it in totally unexpected places. indeed smart recovery might be an option, or dharma. Or find something totally different. Life is change and in flux. Just donā€™t go it alone. Isolation means death. And youā€™re not alone friend. Hugs.
@SadMemeQueen Itā€™s always good to see you Megan. And damn it lady, youā€™ve come a long way! Beautiful numbers there.


Day 56. 8 weeks. Had dinner with a friend last night which was good (and sober).


Day 320. Off till next week. Wife in alot of pain. Been to a and e. Nothing showing up in her bliss etc. Waiting for rheumatology in June. Could be muscular? Is just causing her immense pain.

I remember a trapped nerve in my back at one point and I was hobbling around like an old man. I couldnā€™t put my socks on. But it passed.

Horrible to see someone in pain.

Waiting to hear back from the doctors and then the rheumatologist in June. Which all seems way off


Yeah Iā€™ve not been around so much lately but when I came on here the other day and saw your sober days I was amazed, where does the time go.


Thursday morning check in. About 2:30am and trying to wakeup after about 3 hours of sleep. Pretty much a week filled with just working have mentioned needing to hire help but let someone go on Monday instead :man_shrugging: Not what I wanted to do but Iā€™ve dealt with his bs for almost a year and couldnā€™t do it anymore. It has gotten to the point where I donā€™t trust his work and double check everything he does so itā€™s a huge waste of time and money. We will get by and move forward so all is good :+1: Glad the week is almost over though and looking forward to a couple shorter days. Hope everyone is doing well.


Hi everyone. Iā€™m doing the checking in thing, today is my day 2. Alcohol is my demon, itā€™s been a 20yr on/off relationship with it (mostly on). I was off alcohol for almost 18 months, but fell into the Iā€™m cured trap.

I spent yesterday reading very useful posts, and Iā€™m so grateful they are there for new people. I read about having a plan, and Iā€™m creating my own. Iā€™m not really a meetings kind of person, so Iā€™m glad I can come here. Because Iā€™m still very early days, Iā€™m trying to focus on my whyā€™s, and things I want to achieve. My health and my family are my top priorities to begin with.

Anyway, just want to say hello and get my first check in done. I hope you all have a great, sober day :pray:t2:


Hello back to you Aine! Iā€™m glad you joined us. To me this place has been the difference between failures in the past and success this time. Hoping it will be for you too. A warm welcome to you. Thereā€™s strength in numbers, weā€™re in this together and the opposite of addiction is connection. So here we are. Together. Wishing you all success in your journey and see you around. Hugs.


Congratulations for the :one: year milestone @TheWolf and @AyBee for that awesome :five: years! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

Hope you do have had some sleep @Twizzlers , that is scary stuff but glad you had those alarm installed at your sonā€™s room. My brother almost died when he was a student because of a crappy gasboiler. No alarms in his studenthouse and all the students became sick. Someone putted the dots together and so nothing bad happened.

Glad you are here @SadMemeQueen , missed you presence here :heavy_heart_exclamation:

:one::zero::zero: days in the box for @Juli1 :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
Congratulations :dancer::dancer::dancer:

Welcome here @Aine if you have any questions just ask! There is always someone awake to answer them. Nice to meet you! :raising_hand_woman:

*Day 2059 :walking_woman:
Had a great day yesterday! Really great! :hugs:
Had a meet up with my new friend and did a coffee with cheesecake. Went for some shopping for my upcoming holiday and in the evening we played bordgames with our kids who came to visit. We laughed a lot!

The kids and hubby drank beer and I had water and that felt completely normal.
I am a non drinker and thatā€™s it.
It was hard work to get there and I know I have to always be aware that my addiction is still lurking in her hole. But for now it became easy to sustain my sobriaty :sweat_smile:
Have a good day ore night all!


Thank you very much Mno, itā€™s lovely to have such a wonderful support network here! Iā€™m feeling positive and enthusiastic. Iā€™ve a feeling this site is going to be a real lifeline for me!

I wanted to give you a like, but Iā€™ve apparently met my quota for the day :grin: I appreciate your lovely post, thank you :hugs: