Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Checking in on day 557 alcohol free. Been a busy couple of weeks so I’ve not been on here as much as I’d like.

I hope you’re all doing well and staying sober.


Day 125 AF

Good morning, up and at er at 4am. Been going pretty hard this week, but physically feeling pretty good for an old fella doing two jobs 12 hours a day from retirement for past 3 years.

Hope you’re all doing well. Apologies for lack of engagement lately, just been busy, after home, shower and eating it’s pretty much to bed and then get going in early morning before the sun rises…

Best wishes all


Hey chase my thoughts are with you today. 45 days is amazing and incredibly inspirational. Please don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not doing enough when you have the days to prove you are doing so good.


Cheking in, sober :smile: Dont know how Im feeling yet. Had a cup of coffee, and I really hope for a good day. I think I am hungry, but cant stand the touhgt of food yet. I have dropped some kg the last 2 weeks by feeling so shit.


Day 46 Thanks everyone that responded to my post yesterday. I went over to one of the guys from na last night and we had a good long talk. Tonight i am going to meet up with another guy from the program. I think i might just be being to hard on my self. It doesn’t help that I have been super depressed since my fiance has been gone. I feel so lonely without her. I know she will be home in 9 months or so but sometimes I dont know if I can make it. I have never been on this end of things and its killing me being away from her


@Juli1 This is so amazing :star_struck: I super proud of you. You have really come so far. Have an amazing day :pray::heart:

100 days :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::fireworks::fireworks::gem:


Day 122 AF
Day 220 Drug Free

Good morning TS family. Happy Thursday.
Been a while since I checked in. Doing well work is going ok. Nice to be in a routine again and earning a pay check. My ex has been served with the family court documents so my anxiety was high past few days yet I know it’s the right thing to do for my children. Working on getting back into the gym and. Yoga routine. This is one of my greatest recovery tools. Not feeling great physically so I must do something about it. Grateful I have the ability to move my body and settle my mind. Blessings all.:pray:t4:


Day 69

Feeling good this morning. Rested. It takes a long time to get better. But you do, for sure. I was beginning to wonder. I still wonder some nights. What’s different is how well I can function the next day. I really couldn’t function on no/bad sleep for the first 2 months. Now I can. Body is healthier, stronger.

I want to spend lots of time here today. Just a salon appointment today. (My hair has reached new heights and it’s summer now :laughing:. ) I swear, if this was the 80s, I would have the ultimate matching hair this morning. Can’t wait for the scissors :scissors:

Yeah, so I need to spend lots of time here because I have company coming tomorrow. I’m being taken out to dinner as well. I need a plan for this. Feeling good and strong right now isn’t a plan! I have taken that confidence too far in the past. This is a big step. I haven’t been out in the evening yet. I’m going to look at places that are not centered around margaritas. Pretty much every restaurant here serves alcohol, but some are more obnoxious than others. I will focus on the food. In fact, I will eat all day long. I never even want alcohol if I eat.

I’ll keep working on this. More coffee for the plan!



159 days
Busy nightshift so far


Day 19

Just checking in.


You nailed it! This is such an important message for everyone, not just those in early sobriety/recovery. In fact, sobriety is one thing but cultivating a recovery mindset and lifestyle is something else and takes intention and practice. That’s exactly what you’re modeling for all of us and I appreciate you sharing. One thing that has helped me and continues to help me is to come up with a couple sound bites, or mantras, if you will, that you can use to combat self talk and the nagging addiction voice that can break through saying things like “just one won’t hurt.” I’ve said to myself things like, “I’m worthy of a happy and healthy life without alcohol,” or, “I can do this, I am strong” or even simply, “I’m not drinking, I don’t drink.” Keeping it short and simple and using the same words over and over in my mind to stay focused. In moments where I have gotten caught off guard by urges to join in due to feeling like I’m missing out this has been a game changer for me.

Keep thinking about your plan and consider writing things down to solidify your thoughts. And big congrats on your 69 days sober!


I appreciate you sharing about your efforts to use wise words to yourself and others. This is something I want to work on for myself and you’ve reminded me, so thank you. I’m following your lead. I’ve done better in the past and can do so again.


Hey all, checking in on day 1425. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hey Billy, I’ve started reading a bit of Buddhist teachings. Trying to also channel this maitri. Invite discomfort and let it go. People don’t need to be compassionate for you to remain so. :heart::heart:


Hi Marie. Decide right now, no matter what, no drinking. Do not give away that 69 days of peace for anything. Nothing can take that from you if you stay strong. Nothing drinking will bring you will feel as good as the hardships of being sober. This struggle is the good shit, feel it all.

PS. Magnesium tablets are rocking my world, try them if you haven’t already. I’m sleeping deeper with them and only four days in taking them. My partner is really impressed also and getting kick ass sleep. Even with pocket panthers… :black_cat::black_cat::confounded::roll_eyes:


Thank you Rosa! I like the idea of having a mantra in case of emergency. It can hit you quickly. It is a lifestyle change, and developing a recovery mindset makes choices easier. But that takes time and practice. I’m ready to live, but with caution at first. I don’t want to go into this dreading it, or making it into a mental gauntlet. No, I want to go and enjoy life sober. But with the right attitude and an emergency plan. Food sure tastes better. I really want to think about the food! :blush:

Thank you friend! You really helped me out and I appreciate you.

  1. I’m aching before I’m aching :sweat_smile: weightlifting class got me right by the throat. Off for a four day break tomorrow at the seafront. Peace, joy, calm, walks, sunsets. No drinking, ever again. No one will take my progress. :clap:t2:

I second the magnesium supplements! For sleep, it’s important to get the right combo of magnesium. I use mag. glycinate. There are other kinds for other uses, and some induce bowel movement :scream: so folks need to do their research!


Yes I’m taking the Glycinate ones as well. Two, about one hour before bed. So thankful.


:black_circle: 7

Shape #001

“The strength of a person’s spirit would then be measured by how much ‘truth’ he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.” - F.N.