Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Proud of you being so strong! You should be so proud of yourself! Sending you lots of positive support :purple_heart:


1 hour away from day 42.
Iā€™m doing alright all things considered.

My mom finally got the operation after being sent home a second time so thatā€™s a big plus for me. :slight_smile:

I want to be as productive as possible rn. Which is good and motivating but Iā€™m scared of overdoing it.
Mainly because I judge myself hashly if something doesnā€™t go the way I planned it out. Thatā€™s ego working here.

Iā€™ll try to be kinder to myself while also not falling back into neglect. I think there can be a balance.

Just hard to be balanced when all you know are extremes.

I hope you dear people are staying strong and also enjoying your day.
Have a good one. :slight_smile:


:black_circle: 9



Hmm :roll_eyes: anyway :roll_eyes: on with the plot :roll_eyes:


Day 62 sober & smoke free

All is good :+1: wk end is here so probably spend most of it reading :books:



:muscle: @Mischa84


Seems to me things that happened in the past are reasons for you to drink. As it is for us all. Now we no longer drink we get the possibility to work on those things and resolve the inner and outer conflicts these past occurrences caused.

Drinking just made us forget the past for as long as we kept drinking. Now, sober, we can actually do the work needed to move on in life, past all the stuff that happened. Thatā€™s what Recovery is friend. Keep going. Youā€™re doing great.


Huge congrats on all your freedoms friend! Fantastic work!


101 days AF

Checking in.

Was shopping some cosmetics as little gift for my 100 days. Then I did grocery shopping. Exhausting. It was all very intense again (lights, people, smells, colors). Since I noticed this high sensitivity again (due to the lense/glass story) I sometimes think maybe this is one of the reasons why I started dimming the lights with weed when I was 14!

Today I was a bit insecure in a social situation. My mum had 2 people visiting us, mother and daughter in the same age. They were very funny and cool, after a few minutes it was more okayish. But I noticed I am just not that free with new people. I am what I am :man_cartwheeling:t2:

Here is a festival where the central thing is drinking (it is declerated as a tractor fan meeting lol) it is 500 meters from our house. When I came home there was a tractor with a trailer with 10 people on it, singing something like ā€œwe will party whole night, until the sun goes up againā€¦ Schalalaā€. Lol! I just thoughtā€¦ Your sunrise will be shitty anyway tomorrow!

Nice to be free :sunglasses:
Hope you had a good day!
Love you guys :heart:


Thanks Jazzy, it might turn into my new favourite threadā€¦the things that piss me offā€‹:joy: and I made it to the weekend! Hope youā€™re well and enjoying your Friday! :pray:


Thank you so much, this group is a HUGE help also :blush:


Ahhhhh my favourite tv show, i was actually looking through all my things and found my scrap book with all my photo ops with the actors from conventions :blush:


Yayyy :purple_heart::raised_hands:


I am a GRATEFUL recovering addict today. My son came home from school and gifted me with this for Mothers Day:

I cried seeing this, because there was a time in my life where i felt like i wasnt a good enough mother to my son. Even though he was well taken care of and had everything he needed, i wasnt a present mom. My mind was often distracted and I didnt give my son the attention he deserved. My son is one of the BIGGEST reasons for my recovery. He always has been. Id always say that I would die for my son, but now i can say i am living for him too :blue_heart:


Checking in day 130 AF :blush:


@Timetochange thank you :blush:
@Noshame congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: beaming love back šŸ©µ

1369 days no alcohol.
834 days no cocaine.
349 days no vape.
10 days no binge-eating.

-Drove to my hometown, to have a blood test and my shot first thing this morning.
-Caught-up here when I got home.
-Signed-up to a new diet program, that is rated excellent on Trust Pilot and has had high succes rates in NHS trials, itā€™s just a 9min soundtrack that you play once a day, and apparently it works on your mind in such a way that you start making healthier choices arouund food and exerciseā€¦we shall see, itā€™s worth s shot for me.
-Went out for my walk this evening.

Tomorrow morning I have a haircut booked first thing, then itā€™s the Survivors support group that Iā€™ll attend on Zoom. I think itā€™s time to break out the shorts this weekend, and I love shorts :smiley:



Hey everyone, I wrote a big post and deleted it. My brains in overdrive and I was thinking you didnā€™t need to hear that shit.

Feeling ok, worked up slightly from working but Iā€™ve got the weekend off, it will be good to get some recovery time. I forgot my doctor appointment this week which is a bit shit as a could do with getting the ball rolling for a mental health assessment.

I had moments of happiness today, mostly with dogs at work and my boys. The little man was overtired and crying because he misses our dog that died a year ago, we had a chat and he settled down and went to sleep. He so sensitive. The older one, also Dan came for a drive and was telling me his plans for the future, heā€™s doing well with work and I admire his ambition. Iā€™m proud of them both. Both thinkers with a loads of heart.

Day 19, hope all is well :v:


Day 5 :white_check_mark:

Today was a very busy day and productive and really nice actually.
Too many things that needed doing and were becoming overwhelming I had to just spend a day doing them. This makes staying sober so much easier.
Off to bed to wake up early and try to have a day relaxing in the nice weather tomorrow and have a chill day.



Congrats on your one year milestone!!! :star2::star2::star2::star2::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Day 199.
Finally feeling better, TGIF!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Checking out on Day 126 AF,
Friday night edition.

Survived my first work week with 4 am wake up, and 10 hours away. Then completed every clients lawns, lime and fertilizer, plus my own and two full days on clients gardens. And survived. First week down about 25 more weeks to go.
Even got a gym session in and another bigger one planned tomorrow.
All in all a great week of work that I enjoyed immensely and still dropped 1.7 lbs this week.

Iā€™ll start the entire process over again probably on Sunday and spend tomorrow doing maintenance on all the machines after gym session.

Well, early to bed on a Friday night (I still remember dreading these early on as to being a normal drunk night), and early awake to catch another sober sunrise.

Sleep and be well TS peeps. This life of sobriety is so amazing. Iā€™m absolutely floored I havenā€™t seen it this way before!!