Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

@lighter How’s it going Marie? Hope you are enjoying your time with your guests.
@vanessa8 YES double 3’s :muscle: Keep at it – nothing beats hangover free days and guilt free living :heart:
@butterflymoonwoman so glad you went on the trip with your son so you could be there to advocate for him. Glad he was able to enjoy the virtual reality game. Sending you love and strength as you tackle the all nightery. Much love my friend :heart: I love the card Dana – so touched by reading “i can say I am living for him too”
@davina_davis Sending you hugs and love my friend. sorry for what you are going through – smart to let yourself rest and meditate (I do hope it helped). Here if you need to talk or vent!
@jonase oh so happy that your mom got her operation. Hope she has a quick and easy recovery.
@charlie_c Keep going strong friend – 2+ months is impressive work. Enjoy your sleep in :sleeping:
@juli1 glad you got out and got something for your milestone. Oof – smells, sounds and light bug the shit out of me too. So grateful that we don’t look for substances to dull ourselves. You are who you are and you are awesome my friend. Glad the situation with strangers got better. :muscle:
@falloutsign YES 1 week and going strong Dani – keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@catmancam appreciate you friend. Double digits of no binging!!! Sounds like a great diet program – wishing you success with the journey. Tomorrow sounds exciting – have a great weekend.
@danwood85 Oh man friend — I know many days are like this – our brains need an outlet and this is a great place to unleash so to speak. Glad to hear that you had moments of happiness today (I do love visiting my gratitude’s) and that you get your weekend off.


@twizzlers Way to go friend – 5 days AF and a full day of getting the shit done. You rock. Hope you feel more relaxed now that you have tackled so much. Sweet dreams friend.


Thanks so much Jasmine & I do hope you are able to get some rest. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just checking in before bed. Great day. Love my kids, husband, home and life. Tomorrow is anothrr day :slight_smile: Rest well everyone xo.


1799 Oostkapelle Beach, May 10 2019

I missed the chance to see the northern lights just now, but in the end getting a good rest before my workweek starts is more important. And I got that. So all is well. Coffee and breakfast, wrote my morning page, checking in here, and off I go into another week. Sober and clean and together with you all. Have a good one friends, or at least as good as you all can. Clean and sober. Love.


Sober Friday night here. Looking forward to a clear headed Saturday morning.


@Whereswaldo congrats on 53 days! That’s sounds like a nice bonding experience with your son. Enjoy! :muscle:t4:

@Lighter congrats on 70 days, Marie. We had some bad weather here last night as well. I wouldn’t have known how bad it was if my hadn’t woke up. (I snore light a fright train she says).

@MrsOdh congrats on day 72!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @MrsOdh love it! Keep on keepin’on.

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4:@MrsOdh I feel this way also!

@Chevy55 126 days my guy!! Keep on keepin’ on. To answer you question about the gym—I’m gonna start slow here, pushing myself to get in 100 push ups a day, and gradually work my way up,gotta start somewhere—I’m gonna start showing off the guns soon my guy! :joy::joy:

@MrFantastik congrats on 160 days!:muscle:t4:

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4:@MrFantastik knowing how to manage time for work and earning money while also spending time with the family is a biggie! You may not get a lot of rest but the memories made the family will always be thought of :muscle:t4:

@Pattycake congrats on 303 days! #ODAAT :heart:

@SelfLove_42 congrats on Day20! Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4:


@Laner congrats on 36 days!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @Laner I’m glad that you aren’t able to drink. I’m glad you’re aware of what makes you want to drink…keep on keepin’ on. We’re all here for you!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4:@Laner I just went through this maybe a week or two ago. I know the feeling, I talked to my sponsor a lot that week, it was emotionally draining me. You got this man, better days are ahead.

@Noshame WOW!!! 1 year AF. That’s awesome!!! :muscle:t4::people_hugging::call_me_hand:t5: so inspirational!!

@ForrestKump congrats on 327 days!!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @Whereswaldo :heart:

@Vanessa8 congrats on 33 days!!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4:@Vanessa8 yes fighting for staying sober is wayy better than the outcomes from drinking. :muscle:t4:

@Mindofsobermike congrats on 177 days!

@Davina_Davis congrats on 134 days!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @Davina_Davis im proud of you too! :muscle:t4::people_hugging:


@JonasE congrats on 42 days!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4:@JonasE I can relate. Please be kind to yourself! Hope your day was a good one. :muscle:t4:

@Kvee congrats on 62 days!

@Charlie_C congrats on 61 days.

@Seizetheday congrats on 130 days, Hannah. :muscle:t4:

@Danwood85 sober twin! 19 days brother. Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4::muscle:t4: I’m glad you were able to notice you were in overdrive and was able to think of others while being so worked up. That says a lot…you’re not acting based on emotions.

@Twizzlers congrats on day 5 :muscle:t4:

Hello everyone, Day 19! It’s been one busy day. Our 4 y/o had his May Day (a day of no school work, plenty of different games, lots of different activities with parents) today at recreation center. Today was ‘Grillin’ with dad while chillin’ with mom. We enjoyed ourselves, he was wore out and so was mom and I. I am beat, relaxing watching some NBA playoffs.

We have another puppy leaving us tomorrow. That’s 5 out of 7 puppies sold. We will have two girls left and they are a handful. Anyway y’all just checking in and checking out :joy::joy::joy:

Mother in law situation is still the same. No better no worse…just taking things day by day! Thanks for all the prayers and support!

Everyone keep on keepin’ on! #ODAAT :heart:


Day 71

Made it through sober, yay! My guests did drink and were annoying with the buzzed, loud chatter. Yes they were looking for alcohol right away so they went to the store immediately. ‘What kind of beer can we get you?’ ‘I’m not drinking, thanks’. ‘Is this non-alcoholic beer?’ ‘Yes’ ‘ haha, really, why???’ ‘A recent physical.’ They stopped. But asked 3 more times later.

Out at dinner, I had a few moments where I felt so out of place. I was glad they came and all, but the alcohol. Loud. I’m looking around feeling trapped. I was dying to talk to sober people. And then after dinner, back to my porch and it took everything I had to be gracious and pretend to be engaged in the conversation. 2 hours. Bla bla can you fucking believe she did that. Oh and get this… bla. Gossip. Not even interesting gossip. This is painfully boring. Then they finally left. I hugged them, thanked them, but realized I really don’t want to be in this situation again. It was very important to do it, though. I wasn’t tempted at all, quite the opposite. If they ever want to hang out again, it needs to be breakfast or lunch. I’ve changed.

So very happy to be sober tonight . Thank you for your support :heart:


Day 2,057

It’s my wife and I’s anniversary tonight but it’s also my Mom’s birthday. This is the first birthday and Mother’s day since she passed, so sort of got some feels tonight. I miss her, hard to believe it’s almost been a year already.

I try to remember what Albert Einstein once said; (paraphrased) time is not linear, so that means my Mom is still living her best life, everyday, all at once, we just cant see one another. That gives me comfort.

Miss you Mom, happy birthday. Thanks for believing in me :blush:


You are right. And now it’s all coming up and I’m not sure how to deal with it. I feel terrible today.


Thank you for the encouragement.

Day 937 AF

Hey, guys.

I hope everyone’s doing well.

The day started off well. We went to visit my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day. It’s Mother’s Day in Mexico, so we celebrated today. We got her flowers and small gifts.

We watched a movie after getting back home.

I’m not sure what happened with the wife, but her mood kinda changed. I kept trying to talk to her, but she kept ignoring me and just nodding her head. She was more focused on her phone than paying attention to what I was saying. Maybe she’s just having a bad day. Who knows. Last night, I read some pages from the AA book and tried talking to her about it, and she seemed annoyed. I’m always talking about sober this sober that, I think she’s honestly fed about it. I thought to myself…is sobriety too much? Like another addiction? Idk if I’m making sense.

Anyway, I think Ima take a break from TS, and my phone in general. Back when I was drinking, I would always be on my phone and drunk messaging people. Not sure if she’s trippin about that.

I hope everyone has a great Mother’s Day weekend.

Take care. Love yall.



That’s so beautiful Dana. As a mother, I know that feeling of inadequacy too well. Always thinking you’re not doing enough or you’re letting them down. Just going thru the motions to make it thru each day. Looking back, I really took motherhood for granted. It’s such a gift that I’m grateful to finally experience the way it’s meant to be. Never would have happened if I kept drinking. Proud of you :people_hugging: And every other mother here with us :heart: You’re doing amazing!


*Day 2061 :walking_woman:
2 days before holiday
Sad day.
Yesterday I went for a visit to a friend who I know for more then 20 years. She is very sick and felt half a year ago and can’t walk since. Her health declines because of that and the braindamage she already suffered because of a removed braintumor.
After my visit when I was at work I got an message from her husband. They where at the hospital. My friend had a stroke :sweat:
She is in safe hands but I’m so sad for her.

Today? Work and work very hard because it’s the day before Mothersday here in the Netherlands.
So my store will explode today with kids and dads going for a present and needed it wrapped.
But a busy day helps me to worry less about my friend I hope.
The picture above is not made by me. But my neighbour caught the northern light yesterday above the lake I live nearby. It’s so beautiful! :purple_heart:
Tonight we are going to try to see it by ourselves after we watched the Eurovision songcontest. I do not know what happened yet, but I hope the Netherlands (Joost Klein) is allowed to perform tonight :hugs:
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:


Well done, Marie! That was a weight lifting session for your sober muscles, indeed! I’m glad it sounds like the experience cemented your commitment and desire for a sober life. :heartpulse:


Just a shout out to our friend @Tragicfarinelli …HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! So glad you took a trip to the seaside and hope you’re having the best time. Glad you’re part of this community of kickass individuals!



Thank you Rosa! :smiling_face::smiling_face:


@GOKU2019 I know where you’re coming from, but our sobriety is #1 above all else. Period. It’s the only addiction I don’t want to overcome. I talk about my sobriety every single day. And I don’t just mean here, or other recovery based places. I mean anywhere I happen to be. I’m sure it does annoy certain people who hear it all the time, or don’t understand, or care, but I’m doing that for me. I can never forget why I’m here.

Did you ask your wife if something was wrong? It could have nothing to do with you :woman_shrugging: But if it does, give her a little space. A technology break could also be a good thing, just don’t slack on your recovery while you’re away :wink:


Another number that made me think ‘Dang, that’s kind of a lot :astonished: When’d that happen?!’

Finally had some energy early in the day. I ran some errands and cleaned before work. Again tho, my mind was foggy. I couldn’t focus (more than usual), but I made it thru work and went to a friends after. It’s later than I’d like, but I got everything ready for tomorrow so I don’t have to think too much. Every year I go with my mom to the Mother’s Day tea party, which is tomorrow afternoon. Everyone gets overdressed and drinks tea and eats delicious food. Should be a good time. Wish you all the best :heart: