Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Oh! Happy Birthday :birthday:

I was wondering where your sunset picture was taken :smirk: Enjoy your trip!


161 days
Busy night at work, but still got a bit of downtime in the middle of the shift. Went to the gym with the family. Bit of an early mothers day family day as the wife is working tomorrow on actual mothers day.
Went out for bubble tea and got some stuff for dinner. Went and did a bit of netball practice with the kids then home to have them help me cook lasagna for dinner.
Usually weā€™re too busy to have them help with dinner.
@JazzyS and @K_S didnā€™t take much convincing for me to skip o/t at work :joy: Youā€™re right time passes quickly with kids and its time you canā€™t get back. Im lucky with my shift pattern that i get a lot of time with the kids, but i do miss some things being on kights and weekends sometimes.
Today was a great day


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 73

Weather looks nice today, which means yard work.
I have counted out our former gardener who promised to come and help us weeks ago.
He has neither contacted us or come by to help.
So Iā€™ll do it myself.

Itā€™s sad that everyone turn to us and contacts us for help, but even when we ask for it no one cares to help us back.
Iā€™m som tired of it, our local mechanic guy who weā€™ve helped a lot this season was supposed to fix our car weeks ago as well. Nothing he Only calls when he needs help.
Iā€™ve fixed the major issues like the central loco myself (well I disconnected it because it kept locking and locking up constantly)

So when he called yesterday and wanted to borrow out bbq smoker I told him that he can rent it if he wants to. And that heā€™s welcome to buy the wood chips and lightning cubes that comes with it. I also told him that if he use lighter fluid he will wreck it and heā€™ll be required to but a new one.

He got a little mad but agreed, and will come and get it later today.

My husband thinks that Iā€™m too cranky about it. But I donā€™t care. Iā€™ve had enough of being a sweet people pleaser.

I also got full blown Karen on the Old western theme park yesterday. Theyā€™ve changed their price range since last year. Especially on the good Menys. A lot of things are gone, like the pancake buffet the gluten free fried fish, and the cheap chilli and nachos plate.
They now charging 100 sek for two thin Swedish pancakes. Nothing included. And have changed their prices so every item is between 20-50 sek more expensive. Drinks are raised by 15 sek.

The Menys from last year is still on download on their home page, with a ā€œdonā€™t use thisā€ tag. So I downloaded it all and call them out on it on social media.
And asked of theyā€™re planning to loose all their visitors since all they do is making it worse and more expensive for every year. I also encouraged people to bring their own food.

Hopefully they wonā€™t ban me from the park :smiling_face:

I got so many responses from people who where really disappointed on last year already. People who used to spend every summer the last 20 years in that park. And wonā€™t ever come back.

Seems to be a trend that when the founder dies and the kids takes over, they turn everything to a cash grab.

Well thatā€™s enough Karen for today Folkā€™s.

Have a nice Saturday :heart:


@MrFantastik Nice to hear you are having a good time with your kids. They will cherish all the times you spend with them when they grow up.
@Just_Laura Have fun at the tea party :cake:
@Tragicfarinelli Happy Birthday! I hope you are enjoying your time at the seaside :partying_face:
@SoberWalker I am so very sorry to hear about your friend :cry: I hope you have a good mix of distractions and comfort today. Thanks for the picture!
@GOKU2019 I hope the situation with your wife clears up soon. We tend to overthink these kinds of things.
@HoofHearted So many anniversaries at the same time. Thank you for sharing your feelings and those comforting words with us. :people_hugging:
@Lighter Wow, what an experience. Thanks for sharing. It can be very eye opening to spend time with people under the influence and see their distorted and unpleasant behaviours. I hope you get to spend a nice time with sober people again soon.
@K_S You do have your hands full with the kids, animals, and whatnot. Sounds like they are keeping you busy in a good way :hugs: Hope you have also time for self care here and there. Still sending prayers for your mom in law.
@Soberbilly May I ask what that challenge is you are currently doing? It sounds very interesting. And good luck with your job application.
@Chevy55 Thatā€˜s some serious work hours. Where do you get all the energy from? :battery:

171 sugar
35 UPF
42 gluten
21 dairy
8 overeating/binge

Last day of my festival here in Berlin. I hope I can go to the festival grounds for a short time today. I will definitely follow the talks on twitch. Iā€˜m still not well, headache, tummy ache, nausea, not up to doing anything besides being in bed.
I need to prepare for tomorrowā€˜s trip back home, check my food supplies, pack everything.
I am very glad I came here to Berlin if only to enjoy a bit of the festival atmosphere and this experience to be in between worlds. Added to that I am experiencing my own resilience in a situation of adversity. This is always good. I also am sad I could not attend most of the festival myself. But thatā€˜s life with all its ups and downs. Itā€˜s all good.
I want to do some game design studies and work on the design of my current game today as well.

I wish you all a day of peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


Iā€™m feeling rough today. I didnā€™t really sleep much and had a panic attack this morning after waking from a bad nightmare. My friend and I decided it is best if we relax on the mountain today and wait till tomorrow before coming down. I hate feeling this way. Although in a way am glad Iā€™m up here and not at home right now. Being in the mountains usually calms me and it has some today but I just feel wrecked.


Thatā€™s a nice thought. Lots going on in your life and heart. Always hard on the anniversaries ā€¦ and the firsts, and seconds, itā€™s hard. Thinking of you.
I remember when she passed ā€¦ ā€¦


54 days. Motherā€™s day tomorrow so after we we went to the zoo we stopped by the shops and got some presents for mum.


Good morning guys!
Its 9:44am here and im feeling so motivated, ive never got so much done in my life, feeling very positive!
Sending tons of :purple_heart: and support to all you :gem:


Day 322. Glorious sunshine outside. Been up since 6.30 washed both cars and watered the plants. Have a fab day folks. We have a family do in my wifeā€™s side todayā€¦ Which will be good but it just makes me feel very aware that Iā€™m still not seeing my kids.

Focus on whatā€™s good tho I guess


Hey all, checking in on day 1427. I hope everybody has a good one!


Sobriety my friend. Sobriety.

I can only imagine what I would have done had I lived the past 40 years sober.
I have so much energy, drive, interest, ambition itā€™s absolutely insane.

This life has improved so much (and it was pretty decent before) since I found this new way of living.

Day 127 AF,

Up at 6am (slept in a bit and it was amazing), but plans today to tackle some items, but mostly right now I just wanna hit the gym.

Have an amazing day sober brothers and sisters


Happy Birthday, @Tragicfarinelli !
Have a fabulous day and just as much the year to come! Best wishes to you!


We saw it here too. I donā€™t read the news, I didnā€™t photograph because weā€™ve got northern light here from time to time.
Never realized that this one was a special one because of the solar flare.Until this morning when my brother told me :smiling_face:
I think itā€™s cool that something we checked out and barley sent a though more than ā€œOh itā€™s pretty today as wellā€ amazed people all over the world.

A part of me also want to think it was a regard from my Father. He loved purple and wouldā€™ve turned 70 yesterday if he was still alive. For his 60 th birthday we filled the sky with purple fireworks (my husband used to be a pyrotechnician) and some friends to me and my sister had a fire shown for him. He never stopped talking about that.

This picture (from our village) made it to the local newspaper this morning.



Had nearly 200. Now back on day 2. I knew it was coming and honestly I planned it. Iā€™m pretty low today but as Iā€™ve unfortunately been in this place so often Iā€™m getting through it.
I remember being here over Christmas and being so happy and even a little smug I was sober, I feel sad now being here the one that is returning with my tail between my legs.
Iā€™ll come back from this.


Thatā€™s shit Dave! Sorry to hear.

Out of interest, was it worth it? Did you have a blast? Did you wake up next day and get right back up and at it, or did you have to drag yourself through the day?

I ask as I am interested in your answer truthfully, and would you do again? What do you enjoy more, letting go and falling back into old comfortable habits or putting in the work and focus on living a sober life?

Best wishes you can get back to what makes you happy.


Day 322. Second check in. Since my divorce I had to start again with my mortgage, so Iā€™ve got. It till Iā€™m 74 which if Iā€™m honest is really blo@y hard to swallow at times. I know itā€™s a privilege to house own and all that. But Iā€™ve worked full time for 30 years already with another 18 to go to pay for the mortgage

Not sure what Iā€™m saying. Just frustrated


I stumbled, I fell and I
am back up. Day 2. It was only a drink but that was one too many. Last night was a struggle with some friends over and one friend got really drunk. She wanted to hang out and I politely told her she needed to leave with her husband. Other than that it was a great day, lots of love from the pups. Woke sober and feeling good. Have a great day. praying :muscle:


Youā€™re doing so well :blush:

Congratulations on your 1yr alcohol free!! :tada:


Iā€™m checking in, 4 days down today. As each day goes by Iā€™m feeling better and stronger.

Have a great day :blush::sunny::national_park:


Iā€™ve been a wreck all day. Had 2 panic attacks and my anxiety has been real bad. I just canā€™t get these memories out of my head today. And am afraid I will start having flashbacks againā€¦that hasnā€™t happened in several years not since I moved here. Iā€™ve not done much todayā€¦went on a short hike with my friend and read for a while. But Iā€™m too distracted and tired. Iā€™ll see how I feel tomorrowā€¦might end up staying another day on the mountain before hiking home. My friend keeps saying there is no rush to go home and we can stay up here as long as I need. I hate feeling this way.