Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

I’m ok with that

That’s my check in


Sorry about relapse. You came back here which is great. I relapsed after 5 months and felt bad for 3 before coming back to face all these wonderful people. I should have returned immediately. Now back working on day 74. I asked God to be with me this time. I listen to what is said to me in silence. Sober life this time is a big change from last sober path I was on. Stay strong and keep checking in.


No, you’re human. A little guilt is healthy. We see when we were wrong and we own it. But shame? That can just FRO. Course correction and full steam ahead. One day at a time.:pray::heart:


Thanks for the shout out! I’m amazed and humbled by this experience. I relapsed so so many times before. Thank God for TS and all the wonderful folks like you!


I was honestly interested in whether it was a good time and if he had regrets. Sometimes the event is fun and nothing stupid always has to happen. Perhaps he stayed hydrated well and the hangover wasn’t too severe.

My experience in this department is something doesn’t necessarily always go bad, and I’ve many times have had a good time…my biggest issue that I struggled with the most was the next day and hangovers…
Now I have had many many stupid nights also, and there have been many many arguments and or bad feelings afterwards…

I always play the thought forward though and always play it to the worst outcome, that has been enough to keep me away… that and the fact now the idea of a drink repulses me and I have zero, absolutely no interest of a hungover day in any way shape and form.

Life is too good to give it up for the potential of a shitty night of stupid conversation of slurred speech, trying to sound intelligent and losing all motivation… my discipline is preventing me from even wishing to entertain such a silly idea.


Glad you have been able to push through the pain without the meds. :muscle: I had back surgery a while back and refused them because of obvious reasons :wink: but it wasn’t a cake walk. Pain blows :smile:


Hi everybode, checking in on Day 41, longest AF period since i was last pregnant in 1988 so pretty good eh. Feeling a little flat, tired but sober and no desire not to be.


Lol …love a good farmers tan (sign of hard work :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). So glad that humanity showed up in it beautiful glory…I often find myself losing faith to then be reminded a) it’s all about how I perceive the person / situation and b) there is an abundance of beautiful souls all around me.

@Steve14 thanks Steve. You are right - pain blows :joy:. Hope you are recovered from your surgery. The side effects can last so damn long :astonished:. I am pushing forward and making it happen :wink:

I’d say very good! Super impressive in fact! Flat and sober feeling is ok. Someone just need to do nothing and recharge. 41 days is amazing work :muscle:t4:… keep stacking up the days :hugs:


@Laner hate to hear you’re having such a rough day. Better day are ahead, stay strong :muscle:t4:

@Whereswaldo congrats on 54 days! Beautiful picture might I add. Keep on keepin’ on! :muscle:t4:

@Timetochange congrats on 322 days! Have a great day! :muscle:t4::call_me_hand:t5:

@Nordique congrats on 1427 days, I hope you have a good day also!

@Chevy55 127 days! Keep on keepin’ on brother!
Have a great day too, my guy!

@Dustysprungfield congrats on Day2! Better days are ahead, progress not perfection! :muscle:t4::call_me_hand:t5:

@Rookie congrats on Day 2! Glad you’re feeling good today, have a great day!

@Aine congrats on 4 days! Have a great day today. Better and stronger.

@Pattycake on day 304 days, Patricia! Enjoy your day!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @Butterflymoonwoman congrats on another day sober, let’s have a great addiction free day! Your sobriety is inspiring!


@Lighter congrats on 71 days! :muscle:t4::people_hugging:

@CleanHeart congrats on 76 days!

:point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4::point_up_2:t4: @CleanHeart im starting to exercise again myself! Let’s goooo :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

Checking in Day 20. Thankful for another day sober! No matter what happens today, good or bad, I will not drink! Spending a little time outside with my 6 y/o who is actually really really good at basketball. We’re doing some drills…nothing beats your kids looking up to you as a role model and especially sports, me and Stephen Curry are favorite basketball players. (I don’t think he knows Stephen Curry will cook my ass on the basketball court hahahah).

Gonna get on the grill later this evening. Wifey has been asking me for a couple days now. The grill master is coming out! :call_me_hand:t5::joy:
#ODAAT :heart:

Have a great day everyone!
Happy 24!

Just for today, I know more about about how to live than I did yesterday, but not as much as I’ll know tomorrow. Today I will learn something new


Thank you. Yes I am recovered and pain free from that. Now it’s just normal day to day pains. Chronic old man syndrome :man_white_haired::smile:


Day 322 just a quick check in. At a dooo for my wife’s family and everyone is half cut and I’m sober. And Dear God I want to go home :slight_smile:


I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. :bouquet::purple_heart:

I lost my mom 3 months ago, rest in peace beautiful soul :pray:



I lost my mother during the pandemic. Miss her so much.


102 days Latenight checkin

My feelings and emotions are a thunderstorm.
I am sober.
I swam 3000 meters today.

Love you guys


Today is 229 af. Went for breakfast, then a meeting, and after a ballgame for a grandson. All in all a great day!
Hope you all have a great day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


That is an amazing swim. Hope you sleep well and have great dreams. :sleeping:


Checking in day 131 AF :blush:


@JazzyS @K_S thank you guys, I really appreciate your comments and always take them on board. Amazing how someone looking in from the outside can say a few words and it makes sense to the situation if you know what I mean.

It was the hottest day in Scotland today, it came with temptations. Local pub and beer garden were packed. I had a friend ask me to pick up cocaine and go round to his house, even though he knows I’m not drinking or taking anything. I said no, which to him is unusual. I’m proud I did.

Anyway, I was restless by about 7 so decided to take the we man for ice cream in town and a kick about with a ball. I’m liking this new Saturday routine and those little moments that I’m catching that I never would have if I was drinking or hungover.

Sitting in the garden at 10.56pm with a fire in the pit looking for the northern lights. I’m happy.

Sorry I haven’t had much time to go through the thread. I hope you’re all well and enjoying a sober weekend :pray:

Checking in 20 days :v:


Lots of love and support to everyone! I’m on day 49. I attend 4 meetings a week and I’m getting to know a lot of fellows everyday and it helps me to get better with socialising a lot! I’m never able to keep a conversation running for a while but I keep getting better and better. I’m just super anxious when i talk to people I don’t know and especially big groups, so this is great for me to learn to get better. Nice 24 everyone!